Houston Daily

News from February 2022

'It gives them another opportunity': Mystros Barbering Academy trains Westfield High School students to be fully licensed barbers

A new barbering program at a north Houston high school is giving students the opportunity to become fully licensed professional barbers.

'I can’t tell you how excited I am': UH's Holgorsen awarded multi-year contract extension

University of Houston football head coach Dana Holgorsen was awarded a multi-year contract extension.

Abbott’s ‘2022 Report to the People of Texas’ touts the state’s lead in the nation

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott promoted Texas’ leading of the nation in the economy, jobs, industry, infrastructure, people and education in his “2022 Report to the People of Texas” released on Feb. 8.

COVID-19 hospitalizations at Texas Medical Center down 24% over past week

A total of 1,122 COVID-19 patients were hospitalized at Texas Medical Center facilities over the past week, a 24% decrease from the previous week, according to TMC affiliates in the nine-county Houston area.

NFL running back, Texas-native Peterson arrested at LAX

NFL running back Adrian Peterson was arrested following what officials have described as a verbal and physical altercation with his wife on a plane headed for Houston from Los Angeles.

Randy Joe Key

Randy Joe Key (July 5, 1964 - February 12, 2022)

Betty Lou Herrington

Betty Lou Herrington (September 2, 1930 - February 15, 2022)

Lora Dell Belle

Lora Dell Belle (July 4, 1936 - February 10, 2022)

Gulf Coast Rail District Board of Directors met Feb. 8

Gulf Coast Rail District Board of Directors met Tuesday, Feb. 8.

Houston First Corporation Board of Directors met Feb. 3

Houston First Corporation Board of Directors met Thursday, Feb. 3.

Viola Gay Clemons

Viola Gay Clemons (July 6, 1960 - February 13, 2022)

Henry Castellanos

Henry Castellanos (November 29, 1956 - February 11, 2022)

'A global leader in innovation': City of Houston enters partnership with CenterPoint Energy

In an effort to craft a regional master energy plan to increase sustainability and efficiency, the City of Houston and CenterPoint Energy have formed a partnership, as announced by The Greater Houston Partnership on Feb. 9.

'It's about looking to the future': Houston, Harris County create Special Events Task Force

In the aftermath of the Astroworld Festival tragedy, Houston and Harris County have joined forces to form a Special Events Task Force that will aim to prevent a repeat of that deadly event.

Mayor launches One Safe Houston

In 2022, there have been more than 40 homicides in Houston already and with all things indicating it will get worse, Mayor Sylvester Turner announced the “One Safe Houston” program, a $44 million investment aimed at crime reduction.

City of Houston Planning Commission met Feb. 3

City of Houston Planning Commission met Thursday, Feb. 3.

Terry Partch Schmidt

Terry Partch Schmidt (August 14, 1951 - February 12, 2022)

Linda Marie Dull

Linda Marie Dull (November 28, 1956 - February 10, 2022)

Barbara (Rogers) Still

Barbara (Rogers) Still (October 22, 1941 - February 9, 2022)

Olga McDonald

Olga McDonald (July 4, 1936 - February 14, 2022)