Houston Daily

News from February 2022

Increased crime in Houston strikes a chord with Urban Reform president Charles Blain

The spike in violent crimes across Houston isn't sitting well with community leaders, who want to see more action from local governments.

'A prepared and proved leader': Ramabhadran takes over as METRO board chair

For seven years, Professional Engineer Sanjay Ramabhadran served as one of the nine members who comprise the Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County, or METRO Board of Directors.

'Baby, you will be missed': Arlene Alvarez's family, friends lay De Zavala student to rest

Grace Church Houston, on the city's southeast side, served as host on Feb. 25 to the celebration of a life that belonged to a girl who mourners remember loved her family more than anything.

'Buc Nation is proud of you': Galveston O'Connell boys basketball advances to state

The Galveston O’Connell Buccaneers boys basketball team throttled San Antonio St. Gerard 80-63 on Feb. 26 in the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools 2A Regional Championship at Victoria West High School to advance to the league’s state tournament.

Study: Disasters adversely affect Houston's lower-income neighborhoods the most

The Harris County Community Services Department and Rice University's Kinder Institute for Urban Research have published a study that says disasters like Hurricane Harvey in 2017, Winter Storm Uri last year and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic adversely affect Houston's lower-income neighborhoods the most.

Five Corners Improvement District Environmental & Urban Design Committee met Feb. 15

Five Corners Improvement District Environmental & Urban Design Committee met Tuesday, Feb. 15.

Five Corners Improvement District Board of Directors met Feb. 11

Five Corners Improvement District Board of Directors met Friday, Feb. 11.

Houston Forensic Science Center, Inc., Board of Directors met Nov. 12

Houston Forensic Science Center, Inc., Board of Directors met Friday, Nov. 12.

Harris-Galveston Subsidence District Board of Directors met Nov. 10

Harris-Galveston Subsidence District Board of Directors met Wednesday, Nov. 10.

Gulf Coast Rail District Board of Directors met Nov. 9

Gulf Coast Rail District Board of Directors met Tuesday, Nov. 9.

Sammie Seales

Sammie Seales (July 6, 1941 - February 20, 2022)

Jerry Lee Jones

Jerry Lee Jones (May 9, 1936 - February 19, 2022)

'The root cause appears to be a technical issue': Houston Health Department alerts patients to data breach

The Houston Health Department alerted patients on Feb. 24 to a breach of health information that officials said exposed COVID-19 test results and personal information.

Stevenson Middle School teacher Teela Murphy 'encourages students to be inquisitive, use their voice, take challenges head-on'

As the daughter of a military family, Teela Murphy changed schools often, giving her a unique perspective on education.

'That bus driver totally avoided an unimaginable tragedy': Employee's actions save Dickinson students

The actions of a Dickinson Independent School District bus driver during the afternoon of Feb. 23 saved the lives of the students aboard.

Kit Yee Chiu

Kit Yee Chiu (March 19, 1969 - February 18, 2022)

Pei-Ling Annie Lu

Pei-Ling Annie Lu (March 1, 1921 - February 20, 2022)

Michael Ridley

Michael Ridley (May 1, 1960 - February 18, 2022)

Harris County-Houston Sports Authority Board of Directors met Nov. 9

Harris County-Houston Sports Authority Board of Directors met Tuesday, Nov. 9.

'It's a shame': Fallen deputy constable had quit mall job at time of death, authorities identify gunman

The late San Jacinto County Precinct 1 Deputy Constable Neil Adams had quit his off-duty job as a security guard at the PlazAmericas Mall at the time of his passing on Feb. 23 at the age of 62, according to Houston ABC affiliate KTRK.