Houston Daily

Charles Blain News

Op-ed: Houston controller sounds alarm

Houston Controller Chris Brown sounded an alarm saying that the city’s structural imbalance in its budget is getting “much bigger, rather than smaller” and he was concerned about what could happen once federal relief dollars run out.

Op-ed: Council member wants to cap appraisals and reform pensions

Houston Council Member Dave Martin, this week, reignited an old debate as well as issued a challenge to the state legislature to address the cost of living.

Houston still facing financial hurdles

Houston finances have long been bad, but the city’s elected officials often try to brush over claims by saying that they pass balanced budgets.

Op-ed: Harris County corruption culture runs deep

Lincoln Steffens wrote "The Shame of the Cities" in 1904. The book, a collection of articles, is about the inner workings of America’s corrupt big-city political machines and the efforts to push back.

Harris County elections administrator resigns as pressure builds

It took nearly 30 hours for the Harris County Elections Administrator Isabel Longoria to report full primary results after polls closed on Tuesday.

Mayor launches One Safe Houston

In 2022, there have been more than 40 homicides in Houston already and with all things indicating it will get worse, Mayor Sylvester Turner announced the “One Safe Houston” program, a $44 million investment aimed at crime reduction.

Op-ed: Absence of local 'leaders'

There's one thing you can count on in Houston when a horrendous act of violence occurs, our elected officials will find the nearest camera and microphone, dressed in shirts and jackets emblazoned with the city seal and their respective offices, and express their outrage.

We get the government we deserve

Our two largest local institutions, Harris County and the City of Houston, are under investigation because of actions taken by the county judge and the mayor.

Op-ed: Harris County Commissioners Court vaccine outreach

When the Harris County Commissioners Court awarded a contract for vaccine outreach it initially flew under the radar.

Houston needs to restore faith after housing showdown

Former Houston Housing Director Tom McCasland’s public criticism of Mayor Turner’s housing directives was a tactic not often seen in Houston City Hall.

Emergency policies have to come to an end

The adage “never let a good crisis go to waste” is one that has been embraced by officials in Texas and across the country over the last 18 months.

Houstonians may choose to restructure government this fall

Houston’s structure of governance could change this November if a coalition aimed at winnowing down the mayor’s power is successful.