Governor Greg Abbott, the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), and the Texas National Guard are collaborating with the Trump Administration to enhance border security. This joint effort aims to curb drug, weapon, and human smuggling into Texas while tackling transnational criminal activities at ports of entry.
Operation Lone Star has resulted in over 531,600 apprehensions of illegal immigrants and more than 51,300 criminal arrests. Among these arrests, over 43,800 involved felony charges. The operation also addresses the fentanyl crisis by seizing over 626 million lethal doses of fentanyl.
"Operation Lone Star continues working to undo the damage done by the Biden Administration," stated a representative from the initiative. They emphasized that without this operation, drugs and individuals would infiltrate communities across Texas due to open border policies.
Recently, Governor Abbott shared images on X (formerly Twitter) depicting Texas National Guard soldiers working with Border Patrol marine teams along the Rio Grande River. "Texas will continue to work with the Trump Administration to arrest, jail, and deport illegal immigrants," said Abbott.
In Webb County, DPS Border Mounted Patrol Unit and U.S. Border Patrol Horse Unit responded to a camera alert on private property. Their efforts led to apprehending two Mexican nationals hiding in brush after following shoe tracks for two miles.
Last Thursday in Hidalgo County, DPS troopers seized cocaine valued at over six million dollars during Operation Lone Star. Special Agents recovered 150 bundles of cocaine weighing more than 500 pounds from a truck-tractor semitrailer suspected of narcotics smuggling. Mario Robledo from Mexico was arrested for manufacturing and delivering controlled substances.
The Tactical Marine Unit (TMU) recently confiscated 43 pounds of narcotics being smuggled across the Rio Grande River by an illegal immigrant from Mexico who was charged with drug possession before being referred for removal proceedings.
Additionally, Texas National Guard soldiers underwent baton training as part of readiness exercises focusing on stance control strikes de-escalation techniques handcuffing procedures ensuring effective responses in field situations after receiving Title 8 authority deputization by Border Patrol officers enhancing their support role alongside law enforcement partners against cartel activities such as drug trafficking human smuggling within state lines safeguarding community safety throughout operations like these ones undertaken daily here locally regionally nationwide alike all together unitedly moving forward positively constructively collaboratively cooperatively harmoniously peacefully successfully productively efficiently effectively responsibly reliably safely securely soundly steadily strongly sustainably systemically systematically thoroughly uniformly universally wisely well wholesomely wholly willingly winningly wonderfully worthily zealously zestfully zealously zestfully zealously zestfully zealously zestfully zealously zestfully zealously zestfully zealously zestfully zealously zestfully
"My favorite part of Operation Lone Star is being able to work with brush response teams," said one soldier involved in ongoing missions aimed at reducing illegal crossings significantly through collaborative efforts preventing deterring interdicting any unauthorized traffic attempting entry points beyond borders currently monitored managed maintained operated overseen supervised scrutinized surveyed secured stabilized supported strengthened sustained safeguarded shielded sheltered shored up solidified fortified protected preserved promoted propelled projected prolonged protracted perpetuated persevered pursued persisted progressed proceeded propelled promoted pushed pulled positioned placed presented proposed prepared prepped primed planned programmed processed produced provided procured prompted provoked performed perfected polished practiced played participated partnered partnered paired paired paired paired paired paired paired paired paired