De La Cruz introduces act for transparency in South Texas water negotiations

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U.S. Rep. Monica De La Cruz representing Texas' 15th Congressional District | Official U.S. House headshot

Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz has introduced the Water Delivery Transparency Act, a legislative proposal aimed at addressing water challenges in South Texas. The bill seeks to ensure that agricultural producers and local stakeholders have a say in negotiations under the 1944 Water Treaty with Mexico. This comes as Mexico continues to fall short on its water delivery obligations.

The proposed legislation requires the U.S. International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC) to hold public forums, establish an online portal for stakeholder input, and issue reports detailing how this input will influence future treaty updates.

“South Texas’s farmers and communities have been carrying the weight of these water shortages for too long,” stated De La Cruz. “It’s time for a new approach that prioritizes transparency, stakeholder engagement, and accountability from our neighbors to the south. The Water Delivery Transparency Act will give our agricultural community and local leaders a real voice in the process, ensuring that their concerns are heard and that the IBWC is held accountable to the needs of our region.”

The bill is co-sponsored by House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington and Congresswoman Kay Granger.

Support from agricultural groups in Texas has been strong. Organizations such as the Texas Farm Bureau, Texas International Produce Association, Texas Vegetable Association, and Texas Citrus Mutual have expressed their backing.

Dante Galeazzi, President and CEO of the Texas International Produce Association, emphasized the importance of stakeholder input: “Having a process to record stakeholder comments and suggestions has become necessary as the Rio Grande Valley approaches a critical state in this water shortage.” He added appreciation for De La Cruz's efforts: “We thank Congresswoman De La Cruz for her steadfast commitment to supporting the South Texas agriculture community.”

Texas Farm Bureau President Russell Boening also praised the initiative: “Texas Farm Bureau (TFB) thanks Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz for introducing commonsense legislation to provide farmers more input and more transparency during the minute drafting process related to the 1944 Water Treaty.” He highlighted concerns over current communication gaps and expressed hope for future compliance from Mexico.