Brays Oaks Management District Business & Economic Development Committee met Aug. 2

Brays Oaks Management District Business & Economic Development Committee met Aug. 2.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Brays Oaks Management District Business and Economic Development Committee held a meeting via Zoom video conference on August 02, 2023, at 10:00 am.

District Board and Committee members present: Sheri Cortez, Ralph Rieger, Sylvia Rivas, Ronald Plotkin, Marsha Fisk

Staff members present: Xavier Herrera, Cosme Garcia, Alan Bernstein

Public present: Sylvester Reeder III – Houston One Voice, Karen Rogers – M2L, Michael Mauer – M2L, Avery Schulz – Solugen, Inc.

Committee Chair Sheri Cortez called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM, and the committee meeting adjourned at 10:48 AM.


1. Call to Order

2. Public Comment

a. Director Rivas thanked the district and the committee chair for coordinating the distribution of gun safes at the August Brays Oaks Super Neighborhood meeting.

3. Minutes of 07/05/23 B&ED Committee Meeting

a. Committee meeting minutes submitted for reference.

4. District Updates & Recommendations

a. Development Properties

i. Committee Chair Cortez advised that the Brays Oaks Crossing sign at the W. Airport development was approved.

ii. Committee Chair Cortez advised that a retail center at the corner of W. Bellfort and Ruffino is being built.

b. METRO projects update by Wilfredo Santamaria

i. Executive Director Herrera expects to have an update in September.

c. Ruffino Redevelopment

i. Mr. Reeder gave an update on the Ruffino redevelopment environmental justice grant application. Houston Voice Once should be advised of EPA’s decision in September.

d. Branding – SNR Creative

i. Executive Director Herrera advised that SNR is working on a task order which should be ready to present at the September committee meeting.

e. Permits & Platting

1. Permits

a. Executive Director Herrera reported the number of residential and commercial permits for the month of July.

i. Detailed report available in committee packet.

2. Platting

a. Executive Director Herrera reported the platting activity for the month of July.

f. Business PIP

i. Committee Chair Cortez advised that the district may work to create its own meeting to provide a place where business owners in the district can discuss their concerns.

g. Business Incentives Program

i. Executive Director Herrera advised that staff is working to identify a business. 

5. Receive presentation from M2L Associates

a. Ms. Rogers gave an update on the Bissonet project which is part of a US DOT grant to help achieve the city’s vision zero plan. Mr. Mauer reviewed parts of the Master Streetscape Plan that were pertinent to the upcoming project.

b. Regarding the METRO park and ride at W. Bellfort; Ms. Rogers advised that several rounds of value engineering are ongoing and is the cause of the delay.

6. Receive presentation from Solugen, Inc.

a. Ms. Schulz introduced the company and discussed their manufacturing process with the committee. Committee Chair Cortez inquired as to the safety of their process. Ms. Schulz advised that the nature of their process makes the their work safe. Mr. Bernstein advised that the district is interested in doing an article on the company and advised that staff will reach out with further information.

7. Adjourn


• The committee did not have any recommendations.