City of Houston Housing and Community Affairs Committee met Aug. 22.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
This meeting will also be broadcast on HTV, the City of Houston’s Municipal Channel.
Presentation handouts will also be available at
I. Call to Order/Welcome/Attendance
II. Compliance & Grant Administration
The Housing and Community Development Department (HCD) recommends Council approval of an Ordinance authorizing a Substantial Amendment to the 2023 Annual Action Plan, changing the target area for HCDD-funded code enforcement activities. No additional Funding will be provided. (All Districts)
Keith W. Bynam, Director
Kennisha London, Assistant Director
III. Public Services
a. HCD recommends Council approval of an Ordinance authorizing a Subrecipient Agreement between the City of Houston (City) and Avenue Community Development Corporation (Avenue), providing up to $200,000.00 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to provide housing education and counseling services for approximately 475 low-to-moderate income households. (District H)
b. HCD recommends Council approval of an Ordinance authorizing a Subrecipient Agreement between the City of Houston (City) and Healthcare for the Homeless-Houston (HHH), providing up to $250,000.00 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to operate the Project Access homeless transportation program, benefiting a minimum of 3,000 riders who are experiencing homelessness. (All Districts)
c. HCD recommends Council approval of an Ordinance authorizing a First Amendment to the Subrecipient Agreement between the City of Houston (City) and Northwest Assistance Ministries (NAM), extending the term of the Agreement and providing up to an additional $100,000.00 in Community Development Block Grant – CARES Act (CDBG-CV) funds to provide diversion services to a minimum of 125 households. (All Districts)
d. HCD recommends Council approval of an Ordinance authorizing a First Amendment to the Subrecipient Agreement between the City of Houston (City) and The Salvation Army (TSA), extending the term of the Agreement and providing up to an additional $290,000.00 in Community Development Block Grant – CARES Act (CDBG-CV) funds and $336,058.00 in HOME Investment Partnership – American Rescue Plan (HOME – ARP) funds to provide diversion services to a minimum of 350 households who are at risk for immediate homelessness. (All Districts)
e. HCD recommends Council approval of an Ordinance authorizing a Second Amendment to the Subrecipient Agreement between the City of Houston (City) and Allies in Hope (Allies) formerly known as AIDS Foundation Houston Inc. extending the term of the agreement and providing up to an additional $1,070,514.00 in HOME Investment Partnership American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) funds to provide housing and supportive services to a minimum of 30 unduplicated households experiencing homelessness. (All Districts)
Keith W. Bynam, Director
Melody Barr, Deputy Assistant Director
IV. Single Family
HCD recommends approval of an Ordinance authorizing revisions to the guidelines for the Harvey Homebuyer Assistance Program (HbAP) for the Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) Hurricane Harvey funding from the Texas General Land Office (GLO). (All Districts)
Keith W. Bynam, Director
Cedrick LaSane, Deputy Assistant Director
V. Director’s Comments
Keith W. Bynam, Director
VI. Public Comments