Brays Oaks Management District Infrastructure Committee met July 6

Brays Oaks Management District Infrastructure Committee met July 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Brays Oaks Management District Infrastructure Committee held a meeting via Zoom video conference on July 06, 2023, at 3:30 PM.

District Board and Committee members present: Etan Mirwis, Ralph Rieger, Cindy Chapman, Ronald Plotkin

Staff members present: Xavier Herrera, Dave Hawes, Cosme Garcia, Don Huml Public present: Karen Rogers – M2L, Michael Mauer, Stephen Polnaszek - NTT, Taylor Risien – Gauge Engineering, Perdita Chavis – VMPT Castex-Tatum, Prakash Luetel – CoH, Gerda Gomez, Naomi Ostfeld, Brenda Jackson, Bill Burhans – WWGC, Lauren Nemeth, Jesus Zamora – Office of Lesley Briones Commissioner Pct. 4, Matt Lopez – Office of Lesley Briones Commissioner Pct 4

Director Etan Mirwis called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM, and the committee meeting adjourned at 4:21 PM.


1. Call to order

2. Public Comment

a. No public comments were made.

3. Minutes of 06/08/2023 Infrastructure Committee Meeting

a. Committee meeting minutes submitted for reference and review.

4. Updates & Recommendations

a. Presentation by TIRZ 20

i. Mr. Hawes gave a presentation on TRIZ 20 budget and projects. Advised the committee that parts of BOMD were annexed into TIRZ 20.

1. Gasmer Site

a. $250,000 budgeted for additional planning

b. $500,000 for rehab of admin building to be shared between WWGC and TIRZ 20.

c. $4,000,000 for land acquisition.

2. Brays Oaks Area Drainage and Mobility Study

a. $800,000 is budgeted for drainage and pedestrian mobility.

ii. Committee Chair Mirwis advised that it would be beneficial to have a direct method of communication with TIRZ 20.

iii. Mr. Lopez introduced himself and other Precinct 4 staff and stated that they look forward to partnering with the TIRZ.

b. Ruffino Detention Project

i. Mr. Reeder gave an update on Houston One Voice’s EPA Environment Justice Problem Solving grant application.

c. Spellman Detention Basin

i. Mr. Luetel gave an update on the Spellman detention basin. Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is required. HPW and Houston Housing and Community Development are reviewing the ESA report. Additionally, HPW is coordinating with Harris County’s construction west of the construction site. Feedback should be shared via the Engage Houston site. (

1. Milestones

a. Advertisement: by end of July 2023

b. Construction Award: December 2023

c. Substantial Construction Completion: November 2024

ii. Committee Chair Mirwis advised that the committee may want to investigate what safety measures Harris County would be incorporating into the cross walk at the end of the newly constructed path across W. Bellfort.

iii. Mr. Luetel advised that future updates will come from a public works support services liaison.

d. Fondren Rd. Project

i. Ms. Rodgers provided an update to the committee and shared a tentative project schedule that is under review with TxDOT. Dates are expected to change once TxDOT makes revisions. The delay in the schedule will probably shift everything by 2 months.

1. Brays Oaks Coordination meeting (dates subject to change)

a. 30% update anticipated 1st part of August

b. 60% update anticipated in December

5. Update on Willow Waterhole Greenway trail project

a. Mr. King gave an update on the new trails being constructed around Westbury Lake.

b. Mr. Risien gave an update of the design phase to the committee. Gauge has received comments from CoH and HCFC, anticipates submitting final plans in August.

6. Adjourn


• The committee had no recommendations.