Houston First Corporation Benefits, Compensation and Finance Committee met Aug. 1.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
I. Call to Order
II. Public Comments
III. Minutes - June 22, 2023
IV. Presentations, Reports, and Updates
A. Year-To-Date Financial Report
V. Committee Business
A. Consideration and possible recommendation of a Framework Agreement for the 2028 Republican National Convention in Houston, Texas, between Houston National Convention Host Committee 2028, Republican National Committee, City of Houston and Houston First Corporation.
B. Consideration and possible recommendation of the designation of a geographic area within the City of Houston to be known as "Project Financing Zone Number One, City of Houston, Texas" ("Zone") and providing an expiration date for the Zone; making certain findings related thereto; directing the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts be notified of the Zone's creation within thirty days of its designation; requesting the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts deposit incremental hotel-associated tax revenues collected by or forwarded to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts into a separate suspense account held in trust for Houston First Corporation; providing for notification to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts in the event that qualified project activities are abandoned or not commenced within five years of the initial deposit to the suspense account; and containing other related matters; providing a severability clause; and providing an effective date.
VI. Adjourn