Brays Oaks Management District Business & Economic Development Committee met April 5

Brays Oaks Management District Business & Economic Development Committee met April 5.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Brays Oaks Management District Business and Economic Development Committee held a meeting via Zoom video conference on April 05, 2023, at 10:00 am.

District Board and Committee members present: Sheri Cortez, Ronald Plotkin Staff members present: Xavier Herrera, Cosme Garcia

Public present: Sylvester Reeder III – Houston One Voice, Marcy Williams, Carolyn Riley – Office of Texas Rep. Gene Wu, Charmaine LeBlanc, Joe Gatson – District K, Brenda Jackson

Committee Chair Sheri Cortez called the meeting to order at 10:02 AM, and the committee meeting adjourned at 10:24 AM.


1. Call to Order

2. Public Comment

a. No comments made.

3. Minutes of 03/01/23 B&ED Committee Meeting

a. Committee meeting minutes submitted for reference.

4. District Updates & Recommendations

a. Development Properties

i. Ruffino Hills Redevelopment

1. Mr. Reeder gave an update on Houston One Voice’s grant application status. 

2. Committee Chair Cortez advised the committee of a UH article on Ruffino Hills that she found concerning and advised that Ruffino Hills is not an economic development project, but a flood detention project only. Further, this item should be removed from the agenda going forward. Additionally, Committee Chair Cortez advised that she may ask BOMD and other organizations to rescind their letters of support.

ii. Committee Chair Cortez advised that Starbucks will have a ground breaking in July at the W. Airport development.

b. Branding – SNR Creative

i. Executive director Cortez advised the committee that the community pocket guide was sent out for review and feedback.

c. Permits & Platting

1. Permits

a. Executive Director Herrera reported the number of residential and commercial permits for the month of March. Detailed report available in committee packet.

2. Platting

a. Executive Director Herrera reported the platting activity for the month of March. Detailed report available in committee packet.

b. Ms. Jackson inquired about the property at 7600 W. Airport. Committee Chair Cortez advised she will investigate further.

d. Business PIP

i. Committee Chair Cortez advised the PIP will be placed on hold while Sgt. Juarez is out. Additionally, Committee Chair Cortez asked for feedback on the time of the PIP. Consensus was that noon is probably the best time to conduct the PIP. Committee Chair Cortez advised she will look into conducting a quarterly breakfast as part of the PIP.

e. Business Incentives Program

i. Executive Director Herrera advised D-BAT Softball & Baseball Academy will receive recognition.

5. Adjourn


• The committee did not have any recommendations.