Brays Oaks Management District Infrastructure Committee met Jan. 13

Brays Oaks Management District Infrastructure Committee met Jan. 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Brays Oaks Management District Infrastructure Committee held a meeting via Zoom video conference on January 12, 2023, at 3:30 PM.

District Board and Committee members present: Etan Mirwis, Ronald Plotkin, Ralph Rieger, Sylvia Rivas, Cindy Chapman

Staff members present: Xavier Herrera, Cosme Garcia

Public present: Muhammad Ali – Gauge Engineering, Karen Rogers – M2L, Michael Mauer – M2L, Stephen Polnaszek, Bill Burhans – Willow Waterhole Conservancy, Bill King – Willow Waterhole Conservancy, Mike Bercu, Aimee Mobley Turney – Office of Gene Wu, Naomi Ostfeld, Russell Schexnayder, Tommy Artz – CobbFendley, Taylor Risien – Gauge Engineering.

Committee Chair Etan Mirwis, called the meeting to order at 3:34 PM, and the committee meeting adjourned at 4:53 PM.


1. Call to order

2. Public Comment

a. No comments were made.

3. Minutes of 12/08/2022 Infrastructure Committee Meeting

a. Committee meeting minutes submitted for reference and review.

4. Updates & Recommendations

a. Fondren Rd. Project update

i. Ms. Rodgers gave an update on the CDA process. Cheryl Harris will be the district’s contact and she will provide a timeline / milestones for the project.

ii. Ms. Ostfeld advised that CoH has engaged two separate engineering firms and the district may want to reach out to them.

b. Discuss the impact of recent flood mitigation projects on the community’s floodplain risk.

i. Committee Chair Mirwis advised that he hopes flood mitigation becomes more of a focus of the committee and district.

c. Discuss traffic study at W. Bellfort and Pembridge

i. No update.

d. Discuss neighborhood connectivity opportunities

i. Committee Chair Mirwis advised that the management district should be involved in discussion with developments / subdivisions to make the area a more desirable place to live.

ii. Chairman Rieger noted that TxDOT has caused some development to stall on Riceville School Rd. Ms. Ostfeld gave some history on Riceville School Rd.

Chairman Rieger advised that Riceville School Rd. should have City of Houston CIP funds allocated to widen the street.

e. Willow Waterhole Greenway

i. Mr. Burhans gave an update on Willow Waterhole trails.

ii. Mr. Risien gave an update on the trail construction design documents.

iii. Mr. King gave an update on the status of the recreational pier.

f. Discuss budget amendment; amend budget to include line item for Gasmer Dr. property expenses.

i. Chairman Rieger inquired if inspections of the roof and HVAC have occurred at the admin building. Executive Director Herrera advised that staff is coordinating with Jeffer Peters on the issue.

ii. Executive Director Herrera recommended the board amend the budget to include $250,000 for HVAC repairs.

iii. Director Chapman reminded the committee that BOMD has spent money on a master plan for the property and the admin building is key asset to protect.

iv. Committee Chair Mirwis suggested to have a proposal to evaluate the building to determine what all is involved.

v. Mr. Burhans gave some history of the admin building on the property.

vi. Mr. Schexnayder commented on the importance of the property as it relates to its incorporation into Willow Waterhole Park.

vii. Executive Director Herrera clarified with the committee that there was a consensus to amend the budget to include a line item for Gasmer. Director

Chapman agreed and Chairman Rieger did not object.

5. Adjourn


Consider budget amendment for Gasmer expenses. Amount to be determined during board meeting.