Spring Branch Management District Public Safety Committee met Feb. 8

Spring Branch Management District Public Safety Committee met Feb. 8.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

Committee Members: Rino Cassinelli, Victor Alvarez, Pat Maddox, Stephanie Bryson, and Tina DeFiore.

Public Safety Officials: Erica Rocha, Ben Hatfield, Amaris Reyes, Michael Laster, Chief Dareing, Cmdr. Nguyen, Lt. Holloway, Sgt. Hermann, and Officer Engelhardt.

1. Call to order.

2. Receive presentation on the C.A.R.E. Unit from METRO PD.

3. Consider the public safety progress report regarding the district.

a. Report from S.E.A.L.

b. Report from H.P.D.

c. Report from S.B.I.S.D.P.D.

d. Report from Harris County Nuisance Abatement

4. Discuss Camera Requests from Property Owners.

5. Public Comment.

6. Adjourn
