Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners met Sept. 19

Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners met Sept. 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A Meeting of the Board of Commissioners (“Board”) of the Houston Housing Authority (“HHA”) was held at the Houston Housing Authority Central Office, 2640 Fountain View Drive, Houston, Texas 77057.

Chair Snowden called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Secretary Northern called the roll and declared a quorum present. Chair Snowden offered the use of an interpreter to be available to Spanish speakers who may be need assistance for public comments only. Ms. Angelica Salazar was asked to introduce herself in Spanish and let the attendees know of her service.

Present: LaRence Snowden, Chair

Kris Thomas, Commissioner

Stephanie A.G. Ballard, Commissioner

Dr. Max A. Miller, Jr., Commissioner

David A. Northern, Sr., Secretary

Absent: Kristy Kirkendoll, Vice Chair

Andrea Hilliard Cooksey, Commissioner

Guillermo “Will” Hernandez, Commissioner


Director Snowden stated the Board has had an opportunity to review the September 7, 2022 Board of Directors meeting minutes. He asked for a motion to adopt the September 7, 2022 meeting minutes.

Director Thomas moved to adopt the meeting minutes and Director Ballard seconded the motion.

Director Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to the September 7, 2022 Board of Directors meeting minutes. Having none, the minutes are adopted.

Director Snowden said we will now move into our new business.


Secretary Northern stated that he spent time with our HUD officials and some good news relating to the Housing Authority. There is an increase in Fair market rents throughout the US and the projected increase is about 12%. Just to make a note, Congress has not passed full appropriations bill on time since 1996. We have been conducting community engagement activities and building relationships with numerous organizations. The Jobs Plus 2022 Summit, The HBREA, delegations from LA and Colorado, the NFBPA. Departmental updates are in the packet included in your Board book.


Chair Snowden stated speakers will be allowed three (3) minutes for public comments. Speakers will only be allowed to speak once. I will inform you when your three minutes have expired. The Board will generally not provide responses to the comments or answer any questions. However, HHA residents making comments are encouraged to clearly state their name and the property where you reside. We will have someone from the property management team or from our staff, to reach out to you directly regarding any issue or concern you may have

Chair Snowden asked if there are any individuals that would like to make public comments at this time.

Council Member Mary Nan Huffman: Representing residents on the West side of Houston where there are 2 PFC’s located within a mile of each other. That area was hit hard by Hurricane Harvey and residents are concerned. TDHCA has a one-mile 3-year rule. If new construction is located within 1 linear mile or less, from another development that serves the same target population and has received tax benefits then the development is considered ineligible. We are asking that you follow their lead and use best practices. Also, please keep the residents informed and her office informed. Be careful with their neighborhoods. Spread the projects out. Do what’s best for the City of Houston.

Chris C.: Expressed concerns regarding funding on Richcrest.

Greg S.: Referenced an article Chairman LaRence Snowden published recently.

Sheila H.: Expressed concerns because the neighborhood is being refurbished and all of the voucher holders are required to move. She thanked Ms. Cheryl Rivers, Interim VP for HCVP, for all of the help she has provided her.


Chair Snowden stated the Public Hearing for the Acquisition, Lease, and Operation of Amli Uptown is now open for comments. If there is an individual of the public who wishes to comment on this hearing, please raise your hand for any questions or comments.

Chair Snowden stated hearing none, the Public Hearing will close with no public comments being made.


Chair Snowden stated the Public Hearing for the Acquisition, Lease, and Operation of Amli River Oaks is now open for comments. If there is an individual of the public who wishes to comment on this hearing, please raise your hand for any questions or comments.

Chair Snowden stated hearing none, the Public Hearing will close with no public comments being made.


Chair Snowden stated the Public Hearing for the Acquisition, Lease, and Operation of Estates at Bellaire is now open for comments. If there is an individual of the public who wishes to comment on this hearing, please raise your hand for any questions or comments.

Chair Snowden stated hearing none, the Public Hearing will close with no public comments being made.


Chair Snowden stated the Public Hearing for the Acquisition, Lease, and Operation of Providence Uptown is now open for comments. If there is an individual of the public who wishes to comment on this hearing, please raise your hand for any questions or comments.

Chair Snowden stated hearing none, the Public Hearing will close with no public comments being made.


Chair Snowden stated the Public Hearing for the Acquisition, Lease, and Operation of The Carlton is now open for comments. If there is an individual of the public who wishes to comment on this hearing, please raise your hand for any questions or comments.

Chair Snowden stated hearing none, the Public Hearing will close with no public comments being made.


Chair Snowden stated the Public Hearing for the Acquisition, Lease, and Operation of Alta Med Main is now open for comments. If there is an individual of the public who wishes to comment on this hearing, please raise your hand for any questions or comments.

Chair Snowden stated hearing none, the Public Hearing will close with no public comments being made.


Chair Snowden stated the Public Hearing for the Acquisition, Lease, and Operation of Ariza Gosling is now open for comments. If there is an individual of the public who wishes to comment on this hearing, please raise your hand for any questions or comments.

Chair Snowden stated hearing none, the Public Hearing will close with no public comments being made. Chair Snowden stated he will now move forth with the New Business.


Resolution No. 3513: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a contract with Nan-McKay and Associates, INC., to provide staff and management level training and overviews of ongoing HUD regulations, requirements, and best practices for the administration of tenant-and voucher-based programs.

Secretary Northern stated that Resolution No. 3513 will be presented by Khadija Darr, Sr. VP of Administration.

Ms. Darr stated Resolution No. 3513 reads That the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners authorizes the President & CEO or designee to negotiate, execute and make necessary changes and corrections to a contract with Nan McKay and Associates, Inc., to provide training and development services for the tenant and voucher-based programs, financial, and procurement program deliverables across the Houston Housing Authority’s portfolio for three (3) years with two (2) one-year options in one (1) year increments at $210,000.00 per year, pursuant to the memorandum from Cupid Alexander, Senior Vice President dated August 30, 2022, to David A. Northern, Sr., President & CEO. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board adopt this Resolution.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the reading of the resolution and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3513.

Commissioner Miller moved to adopt Resolution No. 3513. Commissioner Ballard seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to adopting this resolution. Having none, Resolution No. 3513 is adopted.

Resolution No. 3514: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to approve revisions to the Section 3 Policy to comply with modified Final Rules issued by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Secretary Northern stated that Resolution No. 3514 will be presented by Gilda Jackson, Director of Client Services.

Ms. Jackson stated Resolution No. 3514 reads That the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners authorizes the President & CEO or designee to approve revisions to the Section 3 Policies to comply with modified Final Rules issued by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD), pursuant to the memorandum from Gilda Jackson, Director of Client Services, September 8, 2022 to David A. Northern, Sr., President & CEO. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board adopt this Resolution.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the reading of the resolution and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3514.

Commissioner Ballard moved to adopt Resolution No. 3514. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to adopting this resolution. Having none, Resolution No. 3514 is adopted.

Resolution No. 3515: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to submit a Demolition Application to HUD for ten (10) vacant units (Building 127) at Irvinton Village located at 2901 Fulton Street, Houston, Texas 77009.

Secretary Northern stated that Resolution No. 3515 will be presented by Jay Mason, Director of REID.

Mr. Mason stated Resolution No. 3515 reads That the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners authorizes the President & CEO or designee to submit a Demolition Application for Irvinton Village Apartments to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to demolish ten (10) existing vacant units (Building 127) pursuant to the memorandum from Jay Mason, Director of REID dated September 9, 2022, to David A. Northern, Sr., President & CEO. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board adopt this Resolution.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the reading of the resolution and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3515.

Commissioner Miller moved to adopt Resolution No. 3515. Commissioner Ballard seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to adopting this resolution. Having none, Resolution No. 3515 is adopted.

Resolution No. 3516: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Zimmerman Investments LLC, for the development of Continental Park Apartments, an apartment community that will be located at or about the SW corner of FM 1960 Rd. East and Continental Pkwy., Humble, TX 77205.

Resolution No. 3517: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with AMTEX for the development of Barely Court, an apartment community that will be located at or about the Barely Lane, Houston, TX 77070.

Resolution No. 3518: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with AmCal for the development of Virtou Med Center, an apartment community that will be located at or about 7110 Ardmore Street, Houston, TX 77054.

Resolution No. 3519: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Bluebonnet Investments LLC for the development of La Mariposa, an apartment community that will be located at or about the 2930 Plum Creek Lane, Houston, TX 77087.

Resolution No. 3520: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Balvia Properties for the development of Premier at Katy, an apartment community that will be located at or about 24117 Bella Dolce Ln, Katy, TX 77494.

Resolution No. 3521: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Rockport Equity for the development of Delray Apartments, an apartment community located at 1715 Enclave Parkway, Houston, Texas 77077.

Resolution No. 3522: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Vesta Corporation for the acquisition of Allora Northwest Crossing, an apartment community located at or about 5550 Bingle Road, Houston, TX 77092.

Chair Snowden asked for a motion to adopt vote Resolution Nos 3516, 3517, 3518, 3519, 3520, 3521, and 3522.

Commissioner Ballard moved to adopt vote Resolution Nos 3516, 3517, 3518, 3519, 3520, 3521, and 3522. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to these resolutions. Having none, Resolution Nos 3516, 3517, 3518, 3519, 3520, 3521, and 3522 are adopted.

Resolution No. 3523: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Olive Tree Property Holdings LLC for the acquisition of The Life at Timber Ridge, an apartment community located at or about 5350 Aeropark Dr., Houston, Texas 77060.

Resolution No. 3524: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Olive Tree Property Holdings LLC for the acquisition of The Life at Clearwood, an apartment community located at or about 9465 Clearwood Dr., Houston, Texas 77075.

Resolution No. 3525: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Olive Tree Property Holdings LLC for the acquisition of The Life at Brighton Estates, an apartment community located at or about 130 Aldine Bender Rd, Houston, TX 77060.

Resolution No. 3526: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Olive Tree Property Holdings LLC for the acquisition of The Life at Sterling Woods, an apartment community located at or about 8625 Winkler Dr., Houston, TX 77017.

Chair Snowden asked for a motion to TABLE Resolution Nos. 3523, 3524, 3525, and 3526.

Commissioner Thomas moved to TABLE Resolution Nos. 3523, 3524, 3525, and 3526. Commissioner Ballard seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to Resolution Nos. 3523, 3524, 3525, and 3526. Having none, the resolutions are TABLED.

Resolution No. 3527: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate the acquisition of, and the placement of "affordable" units within, the Estates at Bellaire located at 4807 Pin Oak Park, Houston, Texas 77081, and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Resolution No. 3528: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate the acquisition of, and the placement of "affordable" units within, AMLI Uptown to be known as Post Oak located at 2525 McCue Rd., Houston, Texas 77056, and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Resolution No. 3529: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate the acquisition of, and the placement of "affordable" units within, AMLI River Oaks to be known as West Gray located at 1340 W. Gray St., Houston, Texas 77019, and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Resolution No. 3530: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate the acquisition of, and the placement of "affordable" units within, The Carlton located at 3805 W. Alabama Street, Houston, Texas 77027, and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Resolution No. 3531: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate of the acquisition and the placement of "affordable" units within Providence Uptown, located at 3323 McCue Rd., Houston, Texas 77056, and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Resolution No. 3532: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate the acquisition of and the placement of "affordable" units within Alta Med Main located at 9330 S. Main, Houston, Texas 77025, and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Resolution No. 3533: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate the acquisition of, and the placement of "affordable" units within, Ariza Gosling located at 23217 Gosling Road, Spring, Texas 77389, and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Chair Snowden asked for a motion to adopt vote Resolution Nos 3516, 3517, 3518, 3519, 3520, 3521, and 3522.

Commissioner Ballard moved to adopt vote Resolution Nos 3516, 3517, 3518, 3519, 3520, 3521, and 3522. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to these resolutions. Having none, Resolution Nos 3527, 3528, 3529, 3530, 3531, 3532, and 3532 are adopted.


Chair Snowden suspended the Public Session on Tuesday, September 19, 2022, at 3:34 p.m. to convene into Executive Session to discuss personnel, legal, and real estate issues in accordance with Sections 551.074, 551.071 and 551.072 respectively, of the Texas Government Code.


Chair Snowden reconvened Public Session at 4:15 p.m.

Secretary Northern called the roll and declared a quorum present.

Resolution No. 3516: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Zimmerman Investments LLC, for the development of Continental Park Apartments, an apartment community that will be located at or about the SW corner of FM 1960 Rd. East and Continental Pkwy., Humble, TX 77205.

Resolution No. 3517: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with AMTEX for the development of Barely Court, an apartment community that will be located at or about the Barely Lane, Houston, TX 77070.

Resolution No. 3518: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with AmCal for the development of Virtou Med Center, an apartment community that will be located at or about 7110 Ardmore Street, Houston, TX 77054.

Resolution No. 3519: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Bluebonnet Investments LLC for the development of La Mariposa, an apartment community that will be located at or about the 2930 Plum Creek Lane, Houston, TX 77087.

Resolution No. 3520: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Balvia Properties for the development of Premier at Katy, an apartment community that will be located at or about 24117 Bella Dolce Ln, Katy, TX 77494.

Resolution No. 3521: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Rockport Equity for the development of Delray Apartments, an apartment community located at 1715 Enclave Parkway, Houston, Texas 77077.

Resolution No. 3522: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Vesta Corporation for the acquisition of Allora Northwest Crossing, an apartment community located at or about 5550 Bingle Road, Houston, TX 77092.

Chair Snowden asked for a motion to adopt vote Resolution Nos 3516, 3517, 3518, 3519, 3520, 3521, and 3522.

Commissioner Ballard moved to adopt vote Resolution Nos 3516, 3517, 3518, 3519, 3520, 3521, and 3522. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to these resolutions. Having none, Resolution Nos 3516, 3517, 3518, 3519, 3520, 3521, and 3522 are adopted.

Resolution No. 3523: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Olive Tree Property Holdings LLC for the acquisition of The Life at Timber Ridge, an apartment community located at or about 5350 Aeropark Dr., Houston, Texas 77060.

Resolution No. 3524: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Olive Tree Property Holdings LLC for the acquisition of The Life at Clearwood, an apartment community located at or about 9465 Clearwood Dr., Houston, Texas 77075.

Resolution No. 3525: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Olive Tree Property Holdings LLC for the acquisition of The Life at Brighton Estates, an apartment community located at or about 130 Aldine Bender Rd, Houston, TX 77060.

Resolution No. 3526: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Olive Tree Property Holdings LLC for the acquisition of The Life at Sterling Woods, an apartment community located at or about 8625 Winkler Dr., Houston, TX 77017.

Chair Snowden asked for a motion to TABLE Resolution Nos. 3523, 3524, 3525, and 3526.

Commissioner Thomas moved to TABLE Resolution Nos. 3523, 3524, 3525, and 3526. Commissioner Ballard seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to Resolution Nos. 3523, 3524, 3525, and 3526. Having none, the resolutions are TABLED.

Resolution No. 3527: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate the acquisition of, and the placement of "affordable" units within, the Estates at Bellaire located at 4807 Pin Oak Park, Houston, Texas 77081, and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Resolution No. 3528: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate the acquisition of, and the placement of "affordable" units within, AMLI Uptown to be known as Post Oak located at 2525 McCue Rd., Houston, Texas 77056, and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Resolution No. 3529: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate the acquisition of, and the placement of "affordable" units within, AMLI River Oaks to be known as West Gray located at 1340 W. Gray St., Houston, Texas 77019, and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Resolution No. 3530: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate the acquisition of, and the placement of "affordable" units within, The Carlton located at 3805 W. Alabama Street, Houston, Texas 77027, and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Resolution No. 3531: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate of the acquisition and the placement of "affordable" units within Providence Uptown, located at 3323 McCue Rd., Houston, Texas 77056, and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Resolution No. 3532: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate the acquisition of and the placement of "affordable" units within Alta Med Main located at 9330 S. Main, Houston, Texas 77025, and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Resolution No. 3533: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate the acquisition of, and the placement of "affordable" units within, Ariza Gosling located at 23217 Gosling Road, Spring, Texas 77389, and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Chair Snowden asked for a motion to adopt vote Resolution Nos 3527, 3528, 3529, 3530, 3531, 3532, and 3533.

Commissioner Thomas moved to adopt vote Resolution Nos 3527, 3528, 3529, 3530, 3531, 3532, and 3533. Commissioner Ballard seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to these resolutions. Having none, Resolution Nos 3527, 3528, 3529, 3530, 3531, 3532, and 3533 are adopted.


Chair Snowden remarked this concludes the items on today’s agenda and declared the meeting adjourned at 4:19 p.m.
