North Houston District Board of Directors met Aug. 30

North Houston District Board of Directors met Aug. 30.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Directors (the "Board") of the North Houston District (the “District”) met in official regular session, open to the public, at 12190 Greenspoint Dr, Houston, Texas, at 8:30 a.m.

Directors Present for all or a portion of the meeting: Troy Cummins, Kaitlin Bellon, Mozell Darthard, Melody Douglas, Margaret Eyster, Abel Garza, Michael Kasmiersky, Charles Lopez, George Lunnon, Karen Marshall, Al Mikolas, Steve Moore, Richard Slutter, Dr. Quentin Wright, Michelle Wogan, and Tom Wussow thus constituting a quorum.

Directors Absent: Terry Alexander, Cory Driskill

Staff Present: Bart Baker, Amy Craig, Karen Davis, Robert Fiederlein, Asdrubal Gutierrez, Tracy Harrison, Colleen Martin, Greg Simpson

Guests: Laura Davis, District Legal Counsel, Mike Laster, Harris County Assistant County Attorney, and Ron McMillan

1. General Business

a. Call to Order - Chair Wogan called the meeting to order at 8:37 am.

b. Determination of a Quorum - Mr. Simpson confirmed a quorum of the board based on the members present as shown above.

c. Welcome and introductions - Mr. Simpson and Chair Wogan welcomed everyone to the meeting. Mr. Simpson introduced Mr. Fiederlein, the new North Houston District Vice President of Planning & Infrastructure, Mr. Laster with Harris County Attorney's Office, and Mr. McMillan.

d. Public Comments -No comments from the public were made.

2. Consent Agenda - Chair Wogan presented the Consent Agenda for approval, consisting of the following items:

a. Adoption of Agenda

b. Approval of Minutes of June 28, 2022 Meeting

c. Financial Activity Reports

i. Deposit Account Activity Report: through JUNE 2022

ii. Compiled Financial Statement(s): MAY/JUNE 2022

iii. Assessment Collection Report: JUNE/JULY 2022

iv. Delinquent Assessment Collection Report as of JULY 31, 2022

v. Investment Report: 3RD Quarter

vi. Conflicts Disclosure Statement

vii. Check Registers: MAY/JUNE 2022

viii. Treasurer's Report

d. Victor Insurance Managers, Inc. Bond Renewal Aug. 26, 2022 – Aug. 26, 2023

No director asked for an item to be taken from the consent agenda for separate consideration. Mr. Cummins made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Mr. Slutter seconded the motion, and the motion passed.

3. Reappointment of Directors - Mr. Simpson reviewed the Director Attendance Chart and the Positions of the Board of Directors. No action was taken.

4. Supplemental Assessment Roll to Determine Any Value Added by Annexation, New Construction, or Land Development, Appointing Hearing Examiners, and Calling a Public Hearing - Mr. Simpson requested the board authorize a supplemental assessment roll, call a public hearing and authorize the mailing of invoices. The Board authorized the President be given authority to appoint hearing examiners and set a date for the Public Hearing. Ms. Eyster made a motion to approve. Ms. Douglas seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

5. Task Order with Asakura Robinson Company LLC for Parks Master Planning Services - Mr. Baker requested the Board authorize staff to approve Task Order No. 1 with Asakura Robinson, for Parks Master Planning Services. Mr. Baker reviewed the scope of work and reported the fee for Task Order No. 1 would be $133,500. Mr. Wussow made a motion to approve. Mr. Lunnon seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

6. Interlocal Agreement with Harris County Attorney's Office regarding Community Support Program - Ms. Harrison gave an overview of the Interlocal agreement with the Harris County Attorney's office and answered questions as needed. Mr. Simpson requested the board authorize staff to execute an interlocal agreement with Harris County Attorney's Office and several participating Management Districts for the provision of enhanced nuisance abatement civil enforcement activities. Mr. Darthard made a motion to approve. Mr. Wussow seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

7. Interlocal Agreement with Harris County for Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Ms. Harrison requested the board authorize staff to execute an interlocal agreement with Harris County for supplemental law enforcement services provided by the Harris County Sheriff's Office. She indicated the total amount of the contract would be $620,900 beginning October 1, 2022 to coincide with the County's fiscal year and would provide six Deputies and one Sergeant. Mr. Cummins made a motion to approve. Mr. Garza seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

8. President's Report – District Overview

a. Public Safety update - Ms. Harrison reported on recent outreach activities including movie night at Wussow Park and a Back-to-School event with HPD. Ms. Harrison also reported on the upcoming National Night Out event at Wussow Park on October 4th.

b. Planning and Infrastructure update - Mr. Baker gave an update on the construction plans for the Benmar curb repairs and reported working with the Greenspoint Property Owners Association on supplemental funding of the project. He also gave an overview of the Metro Boost Project along 59 Airline/ Montrose Route.

c. Field Services update - Mr. Gutierrez reported on various field services maintenance items including landscape improvements and fence repair at Buckboard Park and lighting upgrades at Wussow Park. He also gave an update on the recent extension of Fallbrook Drive, traffic signal upgrades at intersections along the Beltway corridor, and showed pictures of updated destination signage along Hardy Toll Road.

d. Marketing and Public Affairs update - Ms. Martin provided an update on recent marketing campaigns and provided data on social media activity. She reported that the distribution of the Spring issue of Quadrants, featuring Sally Bradford, had been increased to over 7,000 addresses.

9. Next Meeting Date - October 25, 2022 @ 8:30 am.

10. Adjourn - Chair Wogan adjourned the meeting at 9:40 am.