City of Houston Transportation, Technology, and Infrastructure Committee met Dec. 1

City of Houston Transportation, Technology, and Infrastructure Committee met Dec. 1.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order and Welcome

• Council Member David W. Robinson, Chair

2. Electronic Discovery Software (eDiscovery) – Software Purchase and Implementation

• Deidra Penny, First Assistant City Attorney, City of Houston Legal Department

• Raphael Louvrier, Enterprise Data Officer, Houston Information Technology Services (HITS)

3. Houston Fire Department Emergency Alerting System (EAS) Replacement

• Rodney West, Executive Assistant Chief, Houston Fire Department (HFD)

• Bert Quarfordt, Deputy Chief Information Officer, Infrastructure, HITS

4. E-Signature Contract Amendment

• Summer Xiao, Deputy Chief Information Officer, Enterprise Applications – Project Management Office, HITS

• Mai Fung, Assistant Director, Enterprise Applications, HITS

5. GTE Mobilnet (Verizon Wireless) Amendment

• Bert Quarfordt, Deputy Chief information Officer, Infrastructure, HITS

• Anthony Evegan, Assistant Director, Infrastructure, HITS

6. Public Comments