Constable on refiling of dismissed cases: 'Criminals are now emboldened and continue to victimize our citizens'

A Harris County constable attributed rising crime to an influx of dismissed cases. | Pixabay

A Harris County constable announced on Thursday that his office has refiled hundreds of dismissed criminal cases, according to reports from Houston-based media outlets.

Harris County Precinct 4 Constable Mark Herman, along with the Harris County District Attorney’s (DA) Office and the Houston Police Officers Union (HPOU), said the cases in question were dismissed for lacking “probable cause.” 

“Harris County has become a county of little of no consequence when it comes to breaking our laws,” Herman said, Houston NBC affiliate KPRC reported. “Criminals are now emboldened and continue to victimize our citizens. These judges’ and magistrates’ actions are a direct result of the new type of criminals we have now in Harris County.”

KPRC reported that the cases the constable’s office refiled stem from a mix of violent and non-violent offenses.

Herman illustrated his point by displaying an image of several peace officers who were killed in the line of duty.

“We’re basically telling these criminals, ‘Hey, y’all can go break the law. We’ll just say there’s no probable cause and dismiss your case,’” he said, the station reported.

According to Houston CBS affiliate KHOU, Herman said judges in his precincts junked 434 cases.

He asserted that the dismissed cases may have something to do with Harris County’s increasing crime rate.

"This emboldens the criminals," the constable said, KHOU reported.

Herman further claimed that that most offenders are released without completing paperwork.

HPOU Executive Director Ray Hunt commended the DA’s office for accepting the refiled cases, KPRC reported.

“We have finally given a voice to the complainants,” Hunt said, per the station.

Crime has been an issue most GOP aspirants for public office campaigned on.

Houston Daily reported last month that Alexandra del Moral Mealer, the Republican nominee for Harris County Judge, unveiled a plan to address rising crime, which she blames on Lina Hidalgo’s administration.

“We will fund 1,000 additional law enforcement. That’s how you make our community safe and that’s what are [committed] of doing,” the Army veteran said, the publication reported citing KPRC.