City of Houston City Council met Sept. 14.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
A regular meeting of the Houston City Council was held at 2:00 p.m., with Mayor Pro Tem Dave Martin presiding with Council Members Amy Peck, Tarsha Jackson, Abbie Kamin, Carolyn Evans-Shabazz, Tiffany Thomas, Greg Travis, Karla Cisneros, Robert Gallegos, Edward Pollard, Martha Castex-Tatum,
Mike Knox, David W. Robinson, Michael Kubosh, Letitia Plummer and Sallie Alcorn; Randy Zamora, Legal Department, and Marta Crinejo, Agenda Director, present. Mayor Turner absent.
At 1:30 p.m., Mayor Pro Tem Martin called the meeting to order and recognized Council Member Gallegos for a proclamation and stated that Mayor Turner will be joining the meeting shortly.
Council Member Gallegos presented a proclamation for El Zõcalo, the NEA Big Read at Alley Theatre in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month. Accepting the proclamation was Baldemar Rodriguez, Manager of Community Partnerships, and Mary Sutton, Director of Education & Community Engagement.
Council Member Alcorn presented a proclamation to the Prison Entrepreneurship Program in honor of their program and all the good work it does. Accepting the proclamation was Bryan Kelly, Chief Executive Officer.
Mayor Pro Tem Martin (on behalf of Mayor Turner) presented a proclamation to Director Stephen Williams and Chief Medical Officer Dr. David Persse to recognize the Houston Health Department’s reaccreditation. Accepting the proclamation was Stephen Williams and Dr. David Persse.
Mayor Pro Tem Martin recognized Council Member Peck for the Invocation and after which she led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Turner came into the meeting at 2:16 p.m.
Council Member Castex-Tatum moved to adopt the minutes of August 10-11, 2021 and August 24-25, 2021 and Seconded by Council Member Robinson, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION ADOPTED
Due to health and safety concerns related to COVID-19, this meeting will offer the options to participate by videoconference or in-person. The meeting will be open to the public but restrictions regarding masks, allowable room capacity, and seating arrangements may be in place.
The public meeting location will be City Hall Council Chamber, 901 Bagby, 2nd Floor, Houston, Texas 77002. The Mayor, as presiding officer of City Council, and some Council Members will be physically present. Other Council Members will be participating by videoconference in accordance with the provisions of Section 551.127 of the Texas Government Code applicable to a governmental body that extends into three or more counties. The meeting will also be streamed as usual on the City’s website (, Facebook site ( and the municipal channel on public television.
Members of the public may also provide public comment during the public session portion of the meeting at (936) 755-1521; Conference ID# 766 239 667#. Details for signing up to speak in person or virtually are posted at Members of the public may attend the Wednesday Council session in-person, or via Teams at (936) 755- 1521; Conference ID# 925 001 29#. No public comment will be allowed.
Mayor Pro Tem Martin stated that he wanted to review some of the procedures for conducting the Virtual Public Session. He is requesting for Council Members to speak slowly and clearly because this will help the City Secretary, the Closed Captioner and the General Public. After roll call, they established there was a quorum. If by chance, for example, they have to leave, just let them know on the chat screen if they are leaving temporarily or if they are leaving for the duration because otherwise, they will assume that Council Members are present. If they are making the motion or seconding a motion, they will need to state their name and their action clearly so they can have it down for the record. The Agenda Director will be monitoring the chat and will provide him their names. Please don’t use the chat room just for chatting. Please mute themselves when they are not speaking and unmute themselves when they are recognized to speak. For the general public, in order to be recognized as a public speaker, they have to sign up for the meeting on Monday by 3:00 p.m. in the Office of the City Secretary and then they will call the speakers name in the order that they have signed up. When their name is called, press *6 to unmute themselves. They may only speak when recognized and to please note that if they speak during the meeting and he hasn’t recognized them, he will have to mute and/or remove them off the call.
Mayor Pro Martin requested the City Secretary to call the list of speakers
MIKE FLEIFEL – 1308 W. Webster St. – 77019 – 832-706-0273 – Item No. 6 – Residential Parking Permit – (Teleconference). NOT PRESENT
MARSHA FLEIFEL - 1308 W. Webster St. – 77019 – 832-272-7424 – Item No. 6 – Residential Parking Permit – (Teleconference). NOT PRESENT
WILLIAM GEORGE – 4601 Langley Rd. - 77093 – 816-550-6000 – Item No. 11 - Changes to Chapter 46 – (Virtual) – NOT PRESENT
#1 - HOUSTON DANIEL – 2506 Sutherland St. – 77023 – 580-938-0427 – United Airlines – (Virtual) –
Mayor Turner stated to Mr. Daniel that United has spoken to him and they are not opposed to workers entering into a union. They have also indicated that they plan to extend offers through this new contractor and extend offers to the existing employees, as well. They will work to keep all of the existing employees and they will adhere to the agreement that they had worked out with the City of Houston, in the terms, of the wages. If there is something different, then someone needs to let him know. Based on the newest numbers that he has received, United has made offers to 98% of the caterers from their previous employees and 90% of them have accepted to go with the new contract.
#2 - MELBA MATHIS – 8619 Haynes St. – 77088 – 281-536-6819 – Deed restrictions in the subdivision – (Teleconference).
Mayor Turner stated to Ms. Mathis that he wanted to understand that she is stating that someone came in saying that they were going to construct a single family home in Montgomery Terrace. They subsequently came in and modified their plan and are now seeking to build a duplex in Montgomery Terrace. Ms. Mathis said yes and that they have started. Ms. Mathis stated the deed restriction states that they have to be single dwelling homes. Mayor Turner stated that he will visit with the Legal Department on this issue.
Council Member Pollard wanted to thank Ms. Mathis for bringing those comments to their attendion. He gets calls and e-mails about getting clarification on how there is a deed restricted community and it‘s only for a single family residence, how are permits somehow being authorized for the development or construction of a duplex. He thinks they need to clarify, for our constituents, the parameters and the policies around that, to give clear direction and answers to them on how the city has approved the construction of a duplex in a deed restricted community.
Council Member Peck stated that her office has worked with the Legal Department on this issue and according to them, Montgomery Terrace would need to consult private counsel on this because Chapter 42 definition treats the duplex as a single family residence.
Mayor Turner stated before they call the next speaker, he wanted to thank Mayor Pro Tem Martin for conducting this meeting while he was out.
#3 - GALEN LYTLE – 206 Gray St. – 77002 – 281-881-3529 - I-45 Expansion – (Virtual)
Mayor Turner stated to Mr. Lytle that Chairman Bugg misrepresented his position totally. If Chiarman Bugg signed the memorandum of understanding that he put forth, it would address housing, connectivity, mass transit, and flood mitigation. If he signed memorandum of understanding, then he could have said that but he didn’t sign it. To make a statement before him or anybody else or to the general public that he was in support without signing the memorandum of understanding was a total mistatement. Mayor Turner wanted to make that very clear.
Members of Council commented on the Mayor’s comments from Mr. Lytle‘s statement.
#4 - ALEXANDRA SMITHER – 1201 West Gray St., Apt. #3 - 77019 – I-45 Expansion – (Virtual) –
#5 - ERIN ERIKSEN – 1000 Heights Blvd., Apt. #6 – 77008 – 713-202-8795 - I-45 Expansion – (Teleconference).
#6 - MARY CLAIRE NEAL – 3616 Garrett St. – 77006 – 903-330-6349 – Economic Development Agreement with Rice Management Company – (Virtual) –
Council Member Evans-Shabazz stated to Ms. Neal that she publicly supports the Community Benefits Agreement. They have been very diligent and the 3rd Ward community is going to be the most impacted by the ION. She certainly wants to ask the Mayor if he would look into this and that there is no harm in creating an agreement, eventhough there is an agreement that covers the whole city. The area that is most impacted should be represented as well. As administration change, communities will still need to be protected and she still supports their efforts.
PAULA CURRY – 24107 Noble Darcy Ln. – Katy, TX – 77493 – 832-392-5472 - Policing – (In Person). NOT PRESENT
BLAKE MOSES – 9475 W. Sam Houston Parkway, Apt. #216 – 77090 – No Phone – Life situations - (In Person). NOT PRESENT
JARRED BAZILLE – 15335 Park Row, Apt. #1802 – 77084 – No Phone - Immigration Deportation/Tax Fraud – (In Person). NOT PRESENT
BONITA PITTMAN-SINGH – 14014 Samsarah Circle – 77084 – 346-333-5084 – Vaccination Shots/Payments – (In Person). NOT PRESENT
ANNIE WILLIAMS – 4014 RV Macio Dr. – 77088 – 713-657-5193 – Discrimination with Metro/Metro Lift – (Teleconference). NOT PRESENT
SHAY ROBINSON – 8602 Shady Vista Ln. – 77028 – 832-256-0303 – City property causing damage to home – (Teleconference). NOT PRESENT
ROSA VALLEY – 3803 Lavender St. – 77026 – 832-904-0530 – Need screen door and fence fixed – (Teleconference). NOT PRESENT
#7 - BEN GALYN – No Address – 818-486-6262 – Corruption/Homelessness in Houston – (In Person).
#8 - MICHAEL MORITZ – 307 Mission Ln. – 77011 – 210-391-8468 – North Houston Highway Improvement Project – (Teleconference).
Mayor Turner stated to Mr. Moritz that the MOU has a great amount of detail from housing, to flood mitigation, mass transit, parks & green space, the footprint and it would run co-terminus with the record of decision and the FEIS.
SEAN MURPHY – 1111 Rusk – 77002 – 713-447-9179 – North Houston Highway Improvement Project - (Teleconference). NOT PRESENT
#9 - BENJAMIN PETERS – 1026 Fugate St. – 77009 – 713-775-7451 – I-45 Expansion/North Houston Highway Improvement Project – (Virtual) –
#10 - FABIAN RAMIREZ – 2607 Cochran St. – 77009 – 346-399-6896 - I-45 Expansion/North Houston Highway Improvement Project – (Virtual) -
#11 - MATT TETLOW – 1129 Patterson St. – 77007 – 206-755-9354 - I-45 Expansion/North Houston Highway Improvement Project – (Virtual) –
Mayor Turner stated to Mr. Tetlow that he agrees with him 100%. If it’s a take it or leave it, we will leave it. But if they sign the MOU that has been put forth to them, in it’s final form, then he can move forward with it. It will then represent much of the community engagement and it becomes a project they will be/can be transformational in nature. But a take it or leave it position doesn’t work for the City.
#12 - ANNA WILLIS – 1930 Windy Hill Way – 77058 – 832-425-8420 – I-45 Expansion - (Virtual) -
#13 - JOHN JOHNSON – 7102 Windemere St. – 77088 – 832-453-1900 – HPD – (Teleconference).
Mayor Turner stated to Mr. Johnson that he wanted to visit with Council Member Jackson and he wants to look at his situation because there is a whole lot there and the information needs to be unpacked.
Council Member Jackson stated to Mr. Johnson that her office did try to reach out to him, and he did speak with one of her office staff. They are referring him over to Ms. Carvana Cloud with HPD, so she can look more into his case. Just know that her office will follow up with him to make sure he gets his complaint in and get his side of the story.
#14 - DEAN LISCUM – 3116 Tuam – 77004 – 281-630-9893 – Economic Development Agreement – (Virtual).
#15 - STEVE BANK – 2814 Orion St. – 77088 – 832-287-4093 – Enforcement of Deed Restrictions – Virtual – (
LEROY FLOWERS – 8618 Easter St. – 77088 – Deed restrictions/Violations – (Teleconference). NOT PRESENT
REGINALD ROSS SR. - 2818 Orion St. - 77088 – 281-203-1372 – Deed restrictions - (Teleconference). NOT PRESENT
#16 - RENEE JEFFERSON SMITH – 2830 Blue Sky St. – 77088 – 832-292-6009 – Duplex in the community/Deed restrictions – (Teleconference).
Mayor Turner stated that he does agree with her and he regrets that it didn’t come to him earlier. He does agree that the duplex is out of character with Montgomery Terrace and they don’t want to see the proliferation to continue construction of duplexes in that community.
#17 - BABA KWAME CHOKWE – 2208 ½ Nagle – 77003 – (281) 515-7362 – Midtown TIRZ – (Virtual) –
CAROLYN MILLER – 5716 Hirsch Rd. - 77026 – 713-562-4929 – Water bills - (Virtual) NOT PRESENT
STEVEN WILLIAMS – No Address – No Phone – HPD – (Teleconference). NOT PRESENT
#18 - RHONDA JONES – 8403 Bird Meadow Ln. – Missouri City, TX – 77489 – 281-438-0291 – Super Neighborhood 41 – (Teleconference).
Mayor Turner stated to Ms. Jones that the Centerpoint project was approved by the Railroad Commission, not by the City of Houston. With respect to the Edison Lofts, that is a big plus for the community. That property was an eyesore out there. The redevelopment of that property is a plus for the Fort Bend community.
Ms. Jones stated that she was told that all of those were low income housing. Which Mayor Turner stated that is not the case and he doesn’t know where all of this misinformation is coming from. Edison Lofts is not a housing or projects deal. At the Edison Lofts, you have teachers, first responders and technicians in there. Edison Lofts is a very nice development.
Council Member Castex-Tatum stated to Ms. Jones that she had wanted to address her concerns about Edge Haven Street. They have reached out to Steve Costello about this project. This was a construction project that Missouri City is building and they are in our ETJ. What has happened is as they have built up that community, they have opened up Edge Haven Street, which used to be a dead end. So now, they have trucks going through Quail Glenn neighborhood and that neighborhood sits up a little higher than Quail Glenn. They’ve noticed in the last couple rain events that the water is flowing into the neighborhood. Steve Costello did request the drainage plans and all of the plans from Missouri City so that they can make sure that they are maintaining the water on their side of the street. They also requested that the street be closed again. They had no idea that the street was going to be opened again from Missouri City into Fort Bend/Houston.
#19 - JOHN GEISS – 1836 Lexington St. – 77098 – 713-828-5240 – Fairmont Museum District high-rise apartments – (Teleconference).
Council Member Robinson stated to Mayor Turner that this issue was what he was talking about earlier. He knows with all that they are doing on cleaning up after Tropical Storm Nicholas, that the community is more likely to speak on this issue next week. Hopefully, they can get some answers because he would like to get some answers to some of the questions that have been asked.
Mayor Turner stated that he does know that Houston Public Works is in constant conversation with this development. Especially, as it relates to increasing the amount of detention that’s out there.
Mayor Turner wanted to thank all the Council Members that were there in person and for those that participated remotely allowing us to conduct this meeting. Lastly, due to the impact of Tropical Storm Nicholas and power outages in several neighborhoods, the City of Houston has opened several Multiservice Centers, Community Centers and Parks. The centers have restrooms and air conditioning but are not overnight or long term shelters. The following locations have opened
up today (Sunnyside Multiservice Center, Acres Homes Multiservice Center, Southwest Multiservice Center, West End Multiservice Center, Freed Community Center, Edgewood Community Center, Marian Park Community Center and Tuffley Community Center). The Health Department anticipates resuming normal operations including COVID-19 testing and vaccinations on Wednesday. For more updates, go to For those who didn’t get their garbage picked up today, those services will resume tomorrow. Municipal Courts resumes tomorrow. All City employees are expected back to their particular workspaces on normal operations tomorrow. Centerpoint Energy is still working to reduce the number of power outages. Earlier today it was 150,000 in the City of Houston and last count he got was down to 106,000 without power in the City of Houston. And they are still working to bring that number down. He wanted to thank the people of the City of Houston for adhering to their instruction in staying off the road and as result of that no injuries or no loss of life because of that.
For more information and details from the speakers list, please click here:
Note: During the public session motions may be offered to extend time for questions of various speakers, and votes taken, which were not prepared in written form and may be viewed on HTV Houston or on disc.
At 3:45 p.m., the City Council was recessed until 9:00 a.m., Wednesday, September 15, 2021. Pat J. Daniel, City Secretary, read the description or captions of the Items on the Agenda.
The Houston City Council reconvened at 9:00 a.m., Wednesday, September 15, 2021 with Mayor Sylvester Turner presiding with Council Members Amy Peck, Tarsha Jackson, Carolyn Evans-Shabazz, Dave Martin, Tiffany Thomas, Greg Travis, Karla Cisneros, Robert Gallegos, Edward Pollard, Martha Castex-Tatum, Mike Knox, David W. Robinson, Michael Kubosh, Letitia Plummer and Sallie Alcorn; Arturo Michel, City Attorney Legal Department, and Marta Crinejo, Agenda Director, present. Council Member Abbie Kamin absent on personal business.
At 9:10 a.m., Mayor Turner called the meeting of the Houston City Council to order and requested the City Secretary to call the roll.
Council Member Abbie Kamin absent on personal business.
Mayor Turner stated that he would like to remind everyone that Item 1 is a live online auction that will happen this morning. Once the auction is closed and the winning bid is picked, we will be notified and will take up the item at that time. The results will be e-mailed to them. They anticipate that to happen around 10:30 a.m.
Mayor Turner stated that he wanted to start off by thanking police, fire, municipal workers throughout the city for their work during Tropical Storm Nicholas. They were exceptional. So he wants to thank them and thank Chief Buenik and his team at the HEC Center, the Office of Emergency Management and all of the call takers. He wanted to thank Houston Public Works.
He wanted to highlight them because they were the ones putting up the barricades at the 43 locations that are more susceptible to flooding. He wanted to thank the people in the City of Houston. We asked people to stay off the road and they did just that. They stayed off the roads and as a result we didn’t have one fatality or one injury. Every weather storm is different. We saw it developing in the Gulf and these storms can develop very quickly. The preparation for these storms remain the same. In this case he thinks that we couldn’t have been more prepared for this particular storm. He wants to thank everyone for stepping up and being ready. The season is not over and he is grateful because he thinks that the city needed a break and we got one. Continue to be weather aware and weather alert because these storms can develop. He wanted to acknowledge Centerpoint Energy for responding. They were with us from the very beginning and prior too. Yesterday morning, there were 150,000 City of Houston customers that were without power. As of the report that he received this morning, they are down to 29,000 people without power. They are continuing to work. Even as of this morning, depending on what their need is, they were prepared to bring an additional 2,000 more linemen. For those without power, depending where you are, there are centers where you can go to charge your phone, laptops, or cool off. Those stations will be opened until 5:00 p.m. today.
In terms of our services, Municipal Courts are open. Solid Waste will be picking up today. BARC resumes it services. Parks and Recreation, Library, the Health Department resumes their testing and vaccination distributions. The objective on yesterday morning was to kind of get us back to normal today. He wanted to thank the Council Members for their work in their respective districts and throughout the City. He thinks that there are 4 18-wheelers on their way to Louisiana with supplies from the relief effort here. He wanted to acknowledge A-Rocket Moving and DeAndre Sams for assisting in that effort. Please remember that the first vaccination shot is still giving away the $100.00 gift card and for the second shot is $50.00. In terms of the hospital numbers, as it relates to TMC, at one point the number was close to 2,800 people in the hospital with COVID and when he looked at it this morning it was 2,300. The numbers are going down.
Mayor Turner stated that this Saturday, we will celebrate another Love Our Parks Fest. This one will be at Our Park. Our Park which is located at 2604 Alabama. Together with Complete Communities and the Houston Parks Department, we are upgrading neighborhood parks and there is a lot of focus on our signature parks like Hermann and Memorial. This program targets
5 parks in under resourced communities with the goal of enhancing neighborhood pride. We are scheduled to also unveil improvements to Woodruff Park in the Magnolia Manchester neighborhood, Earl Henderson Park on the Near Northside and Catherine Delch Park in Kashmere Gardens later this year. Today is the first day of National Hispanic Heritage Month. It’s a time when we recognize the contributions and influence of Hispanic Americans to the history, culture and achievements in Houston and around the country. Stay tuned for an announcement from the Mayor’s Hispanic Advisory Council about some outstanding local honorees, which we will celebrate. Yom Kippur begins this evening and it is the holiest day of the year for Judaism. He wants to acknowledge all who observe this holy day with a day long fast and intensive prayer, often spending most of the day in synagogue services. This will be Wednesday, September 15th through Thursday, September 16th.
Members of Council commented and questioned Mayor Turner on the Mayor’s Report.
4. RECOMMENDATION from Director Houston Public Works for establishment of a connection charge in the amount of $8,895.02 per acre for properties connecting to the 15-inch wastewater line along Synott Road and West Bellfort Avenue constructed by NPV MANAGEMENT LLC - DISTRICT F – THOMAS – Was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and Seconded by Council Member Robinson, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2021-0518 ADOPTED
September 14 – September 15, 2021 Page 9
5. RECOMMENDATION from Director General Services Department for approval to issue Job Order Contract Work Order in an amount not to exceed $950,000.00 to HORIZON INTERNATIONAL GROUP, LLC for Construction Services in connection with City Hall Exterior Waterproofing – Was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and Seconded by Council Member Robinson, all voting aye, nays none.
6. RECOMMENDATION from Director Administration & Regulatory Affairs Department for the designation of a residential parking permit area in the MONTROSE/NEARTOWN SUPER NEIGHBOROOD and the GREATER THIRD WARD SUPER NEIGHBORHOOD DISTRICTS C - KAMIN and D - EVANS-SHABAZZ - Was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and Seconded by Council Member Robinson, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2021-0520 ADOPTED
7. CHASTANG ENTERPRISES-HOUSTON LLC dba CHASTANG FORD for purchase of Medium and Heavy-Duty Cab & Chassis and Truck Bodies through the Interlocal Agreement for Cooperative Purchasing with the Houston-Galveston Area Council for the Fleet Management Department on behalf of Various Departments - $537,045.00 - Equipment Acquisition Consolidated and Other Funds - Was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and Seconded by Council Member Robinson, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2021-0521 ADOPTED
8. AFMA, INC dba CORE OFFICE INTERIORS for the purchase of Furniture, Installation, and Related Services through OMNIA Partners Purchasing Cooperative for the Legal Department - $149,504.16 Property and Casualty Fund - Was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and Seconded by Council Member Robinson, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2021-0522 ADOPTED
9. FARREST ENVIRONMENTAL SUPPLY for the purchase of Hazmat Response Vehicle through the Interlocal Agreement for Cooperative Purchasing with the Houston-Galveston Area Council for the Fleet Management Department on behalf of the Houston Fire Department - $91,812.50 - Grant Fund - Was presented, moved by Council Member Castex
Tatum and Seconded by Council Member Robinson, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2021-0523 ADOPTED
ORDINANCES - NUMBERS 12 through 33
12. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing first amendment to Subrecipient Grant Agreement between City of Houston and LOCAL INITIATIVES SUPPORT CORPORATION to provide Hurricane Harvey Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery Funds for the continuing administration and operation of a program to provide Employment Services to low to moderate-income persons – Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0788 ADOPTED
13. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing first amendment to Subrecipient Agreement between City of Houston (“City”) and HOUSTON AREA URBAN LEAGUE, INC to provide additional Hurricane Harvey Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (“CDBG-DR17”) Funds for the continuing administration and operation of a program to provide Housing Counseling Services and Disaster Case Management to approximately 350 low-to-moderate income households directly or indirectly affected by Hurricane Harvey Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0789 ADOPTED
14. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing Amendment No. 2 to Grant Contract under the Texas Epidemiology Capacity Expansion Grant Program between City and the TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF STATE HEALTH SERVICES; approving the acceptance and disbursement of Grant Funds thereunder - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0790 ADOPTED
15. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing Interlocal Agreement between City of Houston and HARRIS COUNTY for use of Public Safety Communications Systems Services and Maintenance for the Houston Airport System; providing a maximum contract amount - 5 Years with two five-year options - DISTRICTS B - JACKSON; E - MARTIN and I – GALLEGOS - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0791 ADOPTED
16. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing Master Services Agreement and a CLIENTTRACK™ Software License & Software as a Service (SAAS) Subscription Agreement between City of Houston and ECCOVIA, INC for the Houston Health Department; providing a maximum contract amount - 1 Year with four one-year options - $448,204.00 - Essential Public Health Services Fund - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0792 ADOPTED
18. ORDINANCE appropriating $3,939,000.00 out of Fire Consolidated Construction Fund; approving and authorizing a Construction Manager At Risk Contract between City of Houston and ANSLOW BRYANT CONSTRUCTION, LTD for Pre-Construction and Construction Phase Services for the Houston Fire Department Fire Station 16 Renovation Project; providing funding for materials testing services, abatement services, Civic Art Program and contingency - DISTRICT C – KAMIN - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0793 ADOPTED
19. ORDINANCE de-appropriating $1,646,224.89 out of Fire Consolidated Construction Fund and appropriating $3,960,224.89 out of Fire Consolidated Construction Fund; approving and authorizing Construction Manager At Risk Contract between City of Houston and ANSLOW BRYANT CONSTRUCTION, LTD for Pre-Construction and Construction Phase Services for the Houston Fire Department Fire Station 17 Renovation Project; providing funding for materials testing services, abatement services, Civic Art Program and contingency - DISTRICT H – CISNEROS - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0794 ADOPTED
20. ORDINANCE de-appropriating $1,505,268.00 out of Fire Consolidated Construction Fund and appropriating $3,790,267.38 out of Fire Consolidated Construction Fund; approving and authorizing a Construction Manager At Risk Contract between City of Houston and CHRISTENSEN BUILDING GROUP, LLC for Pre-Construction and Construction Phase Services for the Houston Fire Department Fire Station 19 Renovation Project; providing funding for materials testing services, abatement services, Civic Art Program and contingency - DISTRICT B – JACKSON - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0795 ADOPTED
21. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing Interlocal Agreement between City of Houston and HARRIS COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT to coordinate efforts between City of Houston and Harris County Flood Control District to remove silt and sediment from channels at the entrance to Lake Houston and areas within the lake south of the FM 1960 bridge crossing - DISTRICT E – MARTIN - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0796 ADOPTED
23. ORDINANCE relating to the Fiscal Affairs of MEMORIAL-HEIGHTS REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ON BEHALF OF REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER FIVE, CITY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS (MEMORIAL-HEIGHTS ZONE); approving Fiscal Year 2022 Operating Budget for the Authority and Fiscal Years 2022 - 2026 Capital Improvement Projects Budget for the Zone - DISTRICTS C - KAMIN and H – CISNEROS - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0797 ADOPTED
24. ORDINANCE relating to the Fiscal Affairs of HARRISBURG REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ON BEHALF OF REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER TWENTY-THREE, CITY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS (HARRISBURG ZONE); approving Fiscal Year 2022 Operating Budget for the Authority and the Fiscal Years 2022-2026 Capital Improvement Plan Budget for the Zone - DISTRICTS H - CISNEROS and I – GALLEGOS - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0798 ADOPTED
25. ORDINANCE establishing a special minimum lot size area pursuant to Chapter 42 of the Code of Ordinances, comprised of properties within the A.C. Allen Subdivision, within the City of Houston, Texas DISTRICT H – CISNEROS - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0799 ADOPTED
28. ORDINANCE consenting to the addition of 104.5488 acres of land to HARRIS COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 43, for inclusion in the district - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0800 ADOPTED
29. ORDINANCE consenting to the addition of 3.3346 acres of land to LANGHAM CREEK UTILITY DISTRICT, for inclusion in the district - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0801 ADOPTED
31. ORDINANCE appropriating $3,258,262.00 out of Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund; awarding contract to VORTEX SERVICES, LLC for Wastewater Collection System Rehabilitation and Renewal; setting a deadline for the bidder’s execution of the contract and delivery of all bonds, insurance, and other required contract documents to the City; holding the bidder in default if it fails to meet the deadlines; providing funding for testing services, CIP Cost Recovery and contingencies relating to construction of facilities financed by the Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0802 ADOPTED
32. ORDINANCE appropriating $4,265,190.00 out of Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund, awarding contract to BLASTCO TEXAS, INC for Rehabilitation of Water Storage Tanks – Package 12; setting a deadline for the bidder’s execution of the contract and delivery of all bonds, insurance, and other required contract documents to the City; holding the bidder in default if it fails to meet the deadlines; providing funding for testing, CIP Cost Recovery, and contingencies relating to construction of facilities financed by the Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund - DISTRICTS F - THOMAS; G - TRAVIS; J - POLLARD and K - CASTEX-TATUM - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0803 ADOPTED
2. REQUEST from Mayor for confirmation of the appointment or reappointment of the following individuals to the REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER SEVENTEEN (MEMORIAL CITY), CITY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS BOARD OF DIRECTORS, for a term to expire July 20, 2023:
Position One - ANDY IVERSEN, appointment
Position Three - DAVID P. DURHAM, reappointment
Position Five - ZACHARY R. HODGES, reappointment
Position Seven - DAN MOODY, III, appointment
Was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and Seconded by Council Member Robinson.
Council Member Peck moved to delay Items 2 & 3 for 2 weeks and Seconded by Council Member Kubosh, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2021-0524 ADOPTED
3. REQUEST from Mayor for confirmation of the appointment or reappointment of the following individuals to the MEMORIAL CITY REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS, for a term to expire July 20, 2023:
Position One - ANDY IVERSEN, appointment
Position Three - DAVID P. DURHAM, reappointment
Position Five - ZACHARY R. HODGES, reappointment
Position Seven - DAN MOODY, III, appointment
Was presented, Council Member Peck moved to delay Items 2 & 3 for 2 weeks and Seconded by Council Member Kubosh, all voting aye, nays none.
10. RESOLUTION authorizing the creation of HOUSTON SPACEPORT DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Local Government Corporation; approving the Certificate of Formation; approving the initial Bylaws; appointing the initial Board of Directors; and containing other provisions relating to the subject – Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. RESOLUTION 2021-0028 ADOPTED
17. ORDINANCE awarding contract to CAR WASH PARTNERS, INC dba MISTER CAR WASH for Car Wash Services for the Fleet Management Department; providing a maximum contract amount - 3 Years with two one-year options - $2,794,072.00 - Fleet Management Fund – Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0805 ADOPTED
22. ORDINANCE relating to the Fiscal Affairs of SAINT GEORGE PLACE REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ON BEHALF OF REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER ONE, CITY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS (SAINT GEORGE PLACE ZONE); approving Fiscal Year 2022 Operating Budget for the Authority and Fiscal Years 2022-2026 Capital Improvements Budget for the Zone - DISTRICTS G - TRAVIS and J – POLLARD - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0806 ADOPTED
26. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing Intergovernmental Agreement between HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA COUNCIL and City of Houston to fund the Tow and Go Program - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0807 ADOPTED
27. ORDINANCE consenting to the addition of 57.92 acres of land to FORT BEND COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 143, for inclusion in the district – Was presented and Tagged by Council Member Castex-Tatum.
30. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing Interlocal Agreement between City of Houston and SOUTHWEST HOUSTON REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY for Bikeway Safety and Sidewalk Improvements on Hillcroft Avenue, High Star Drive, and Westward Street, between Bellaire Boulevard and Gulfton Street - DISTRICT J – POLLARD – Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0808 ADOPTED
33. ORDINANCE appropriating $12,071,621.00 out of Dedicated Drainage and Street Renewal Capital Fund-Ad Valorem Tax and $2,495,834.00 out of Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund, awarding contract to SER CONSTRUCTION PARTNERS, LLC for West Alabama Paving and Drainage: Weslayan to Buffalo Speedway; setting a deadline for the bidder’s execution of the contract and delivery of all bonds, insurance, and other required contract documents to the City; holding the bidder in default if it fails to meet the deadlines; providing funding for testing services, CIP Cost Recovery, construction management, and contingencies relating to construction of facilities financed by the Dedicated Drainage and Street Renewal Capital Fund-Ad Valorem Tax and Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund - DISTRICT C – KAMIN - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none.
MATTERS HELD - NUMBERS 34 through 36
34. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing agreement for option to purchase real property between City of Houston, Texas and AMG CITY VIEW APARTMENTS, LLC for the purchase of approximately 19.8105 acres of land, located at 17030 and 17050 Imperial Valley Drive, Houston, Harris County, Texas 77060; approving a Special Warranty Deed; approving a Lease Agreement - DISTRICT B - JACKSON
This was Item 13 on Agenda of September 8, 2021 - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0810 ADOPTED
35. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing Interlocal Agreement between City of Houston and the HARRIS COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT to fund the purchase of approximately 19.8105 acres of land, located at 17030 and 17050 Imperial Valley Drive, Houston, Harris County, Texas 77060 (“property”), the relocation of the property residents and the demolition of the improvements on the property DISTRICT B- JACKSON - TAGGED BY COUNCIL MEMBER JACKSON
This was Item 14 on Agenda of September 8, 2021 - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0811 ADOPTED
36. ORDINANCE relating to the Fiscal Affairs of OLD SIXTH WARD REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ON BEHALF OF REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER THIRTEEN, CITY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS (OLD SIXTH WARD ZONE); approving the Fiscal Year 2022 Operating Budget for the Authority and the Fiscal Years 2022-2026 Capital Improvement Projects Budget for the Zone - DISTRICT H - CISNEROS
This was Item 16 on Agenda of September 8, 2021 - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0812 ADOPTED
At 9:56 a.m. Mayor Turner moved to go Item 1
Announcement by City Controller of the results of the electronic auction-style bidding for the sale of $75,000,000.00 Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes, Series 2021
1. MOTION awarding the Sale of $75,000,000.00 Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes, Series 2021, based on the lowest true interest cost, ratify and confirm the use of the Preliminary Official Statement provided to prospective bidders in connection with the offering for sale of the Notes, and authorize the distribution of the Official Statement –
Was presented, City Controller, Chris Brown presented a presentation on the electronic auction-style budding. A copy of the presentation is in the City Secretary office.
Mayor Turner requested a motion for Item 1. Council Member Castex-Tatum moved to accept the electronic auction-style bidding and Seconded by Council Member Robinson, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2021-0525 ADOPTED
MATTERS TO BE PRESENTED BY COUNCIL MEMBERS - Council Member Castex-Tatum first Members of Council announced events and discussed matters of interest.
There being no further business before Council, the City Council adjourned at 10:32 a.m. Council Members Travis, Pollard, Knox and Kubosh absent.