City of Houston City Council met May 25

City of Houston City Council met May 25.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

A regular meeting of the Houston City Council was held at 2:00 p.m., with Mayor Sylvester Turner presiding with Council Members Amy Peck, Tarsha Jackson, Abbie Kamin, Carolyn Evans-Shabazz, Tiffany Thomas, Greg Travis, Karla Cisneros, Robert Gallegos, Edward Pollard, Martha Castex-Tatum, Mike Knox, David W. Robinson, Michael Kubosh, Letitia Plummer and Sallie Alcorn; Randy Zamora, Legal Department Marta Crinejo, Agenda Director present. Council Member Dave Martin Out of the City on Personal Business

At 1:33 p.m., Mayor Turner called the meeting to order and recognized Council Member Kamin for the first proclamation.

Council Member Kamin presented a proclamation honoring El Meson Restaurant in recognition of their 40th anniversary. To accept the proclamation was the owner of the El Meson Restaurant, Pedro Garcia, and his family.

Council Member Castex-Tatum presented a proclamation to honor Johnny Molock & Bridging the Digital Divide for their work in providing computer labs in underserved communities. To accept the proclamation was Johnny Molock. Council Member Pollard (on behalf of Council Member Thomas) presented a proclamation to honor #SaveChineseRestauraunts in honor of AAPI Heritage Month. To accept the proclamation was Steve Hauser.

At 2:04 p.m., Mayor Turner recognized Council Member Jackson and she invited Dr. Sandra Norris-Deckard (First Lady of the Green House International Church) for the Invocation after which she led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Council Member Dave Martin out of City on personal business.

Council Member Castex-Tatum moved to adopt the minutes for May 18-19, 2021 and Seconded by Council Member Robinson, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION ADOPTED

Due to health and safety concerns related to COVID-19, this meeting will be conducted virtually via Microsoft Teams, a web-conferencing platform and streamed as usual on the City’s website (

Facebook site ( and the municipal channel on public television. The Council Members will be participating by videoconference in accordance with the provisions of Section 551.127 of the Texas Government Code that have not been suspended by order of the Governor. Public comment will be allowed on Tuesday via teleconference at (936) 755-1521; Conference ID# 752 517 941# and details for signing up and participating are posted at Members of the public may call in Wednesday via teleconference at (936) 755-1521; Conference ID# 225 117 002#, however no public comment will be allowed outside of the public hearing.

Mayor Turner stated that he wanted to review some of the procedures for conducting the Virtual Public Session. He is requesting for Council Members to speak slowly and clearly because this will help the City Secretary, the Closed Captioner and the General Public. After roll call, they established there was a quorum. If by chance, for example, they have to leave, just let them know on the chat screen if they are leaving temporarily or if they are leaving for the duration because otherwise, they will assume that Council Members are present. If they are making the motion or seconding a motion, they will need to state their name and their action clearly so they can have it down for the record. The Agenda Director will be monitoring the chat and will provide him their names. Please don’t use the chat room just for chatting. Please mute themselves when they are not speaking and unmute themselves when they are recognized to speak. For the general public, in order to be recognized as a public speaker, they have to sign up for the meeting on Monday by 5:00 p.m. in the Office of the City Secretary and then they will call the Speakers name in the order that they have signed up. When their name is called, press *6 to unmute themselves. They may only speak when recognized and to please note that if they speak during the meeting and he hasn’t recognized them, he will have to mute and/or remove them off the call.

Mayor Turner stated before we get to the public speaker’s list, he wanted to acknowledge one year ago today was when George Floyd was murdered. He knows for his family and relatives and friends, they preferred that this day not to even be on their calendar at all. We wish that this didn’t happen, but he does want to acknowledge the fact a lot of things and a lot of measures have taken place over the past year. Our lives have changed and its his hope that our lives have changed for the better.

At 2:11 p.m., Mayor Turner requested the City Secretary to call the list of speakers #1- KATYA ABAZAJIAN – 1528 Maryland St. – 77006 – 832-622-5879 - Item No. 2 – Budget.

Members of Council commented and questioned Ms. Abazajian.

Mayor Turner stated to Ms. Abazajian that the only thing that he would add is that he is out and about throughout the City all the time and has not heard that information. The town hall meeting that he was in it was quite the reverse of what Ms. Abazajian’s statement provided. He would like to look at the survey that Ms. Abazajian provided to members of council.

#2 - SABA BLANDING – 6608 Rockbridge Ln. – 77023 – 832-710-6880 – Item No. 2 – Budget.

CAROLYN ADDISON-RIVERA – 8221 Dockal Rd. – 77028 – 281-620-8731 – Item No. 2 - Budget/Flooding in NE Houston Area. NOT PRESENT

#3- JAISON OLIVER – No Address – No Phone - Item No. 2 – Budget.

4# - CHRISTOPHER RIVERA – 2202 Alabama St. – 77004 – 832-767-3650 Item No. 2 – Budget.

#5 - KATHY GUNTER – No Address – 832-882-9775 – Item No. 2 – Solid Waste Budget.

Members of Council commented on Ms. Gunter’s statement.

Mayor Turner stated to Ms. Gunter that they have added more than $1.3 million to Solid Waste’s budget. It was supplemented based on the need that’s out there. On the depositories, they have extended the hours from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. There’s a measure on the Agenda tomorrow to increase the fine for illegal dumping up to $4,000. It’s our way of saying to the people, that we are holding people accountable and we want them to pay the price.

#6 -JACKIE MAYHORN - 5409 Van Zandt St.– 77016 – 832-441-1711 – Item No.2 – Solid Waste Budget.

#7 - PANKTI PATEL – 3803 Center Plaza Dr. – 77007 – 281-788-5152 - Item No.2 - Solid Waste Budget.

#8 - ZACHARY CORDEL – No Address – 832-853-7107 – Mayor’s Infrastructure Plan.

#9 - JO CHEVALIER-5119 Cosby St. – 77021 – 281-684-0744 – MacGregor Palms Terrace area. Member of Council made comments on Ms. Chevalier’s statement.

Mayor Turner we’re working with the County Commissioner, Rodney Ellis. He is doing some work around Texas Southern. But a part of that is requiring us to match some of that work. So, there are a number of things that we are doing in that area and it’s stretching thin the resources. In terms of that 2 mile element, as a part of the street rehabilitation program, he will get with Director Haddock and will be able to give the Council Members a director answer. Mayor Turner also wants to thank Ms. Chevalier because we have heard from previous speakers today that want to cut back on funding and the amount of patrolling of the Police Department.

#10 - MYRA FLEEKS – 5106 Cosby St. – 77021 - 713-907-1602 – MacGregor Palms Terrace area.

GLENN JUDKINS – 8110 Hezekiah Ln. – 77088 – 409-800-3083 – Housing Community Development Programs. NOT PRESENT

DEBORAH ELAINE ALLEN – 12000 Martin Luther King Blvd, Apt. #2509 – 77048 – 346-260-1574 – The beginning of a brand new era. NOT PRESENT

DWIGHT FOREMAN – 15127 Bathhurst Dr. – 77053 – 832-935-8449 - Young entrepreneurs. NOT PRESENT

#11 - JOSEPH HARE – 12020 N. Gessner Rd. – 77064 – 832-670-9731 – Staffing service.

KEN McCRACKEN – 10616 Woody Ln. – 77093 – 832-468-7410 – Property Lot 503. NOT PRESENT

#12 - SHERIA JAMES – 13105 NW Freeway - 77040 – 713-999-3905 – Mr. Deeds buys houses.

#13 - GIGLIO BANERJEE – 1065 W. 16th St.– 77008 – 201-207-1644 – Neighborhood property with numerous code violations.

#14 - TIFFANY WU – No Address – No Phone – Subject not given.

#15 - SHELLETTE BANKETT – 2942 Knotty Oaks Trail – 77045 – 832-643-4053 – Almeda Plaza Civic Club Subdivision.

Member of Council commented on Ms. Bankett statement.

ADOLPHUS SQUARE – No Address – 832-689-2990 – Uplifting Citywide Event. NOT PRESENT

ANDRE STEVENS – 1300 Redford St., Apt. #406A – 77034 – No Phone – Housing. NOT PRESENT

#16 - WILLIE RAINWATER – 16410 Quail Park Dr. – Missouri City, TX – 77489 – 713-598-3619 – Community issues in Fort Bend Houston.

At 2:38 p.m., Council Member Thomas joined the meeting.

At 3:30 p.m., Council Members Kamin and Cisneros left the meeting.

At 3:34 p.m., Council Member Jackson left the meeting.

For more information and details from the speakers list, please click here:

Note: During the public session motions may be offered to extend time for questions of various speakers, and votes taken, which were not prepared in written form and may be viewed on HTV Houston or on disc.

At 3:37 p.m., the City Council was recessed until 9:00 a.m., Wednesday, May 26, 2021. Pat J. Daniel, City Secretary, read the description or captions of the Items on the Agenda.

The Houston City Council reconvened at 9:00 a.m., Wednesday, May 26, 2021 with Mayor Sylvester Turner presiding with Council Members Amy Peck, Tarsha Jackson, Abbie Kamin, Carolyn Evans-Shabazz, Tiffany Thomas, Greg Travis, Karla Cisneros, Robert Gallegos, Edward Pollard, Martha Castex-Tatum, Mike Knox, David W. Robinson, Michael Kubosh, Letitia Plummer and Sallie Alcorn; Arturo Michel, City Attorney Legal Department and Marta Crinejo, Agenda Director present. Council Member Dave Martin out of the City on personal business.

At 9:02 a.m., Mayor Turner called the meeting of the Houston City Council to order and requested the City Secretary to call the roll.

Mayor Turner stated a reminder for next week, the meeting is going to be a hybrid meeting. The community meetings will continue to be virtual even though the members of council will be meeting in the Council Chamber next week.


Council Member Dave Martin out of the City on personal business.

1. PUBLIC HEARING to provide a Resolution of No Objection for the following 4% Housing Tax Credit Application of TEMENOS PERMANENT AFFORDABLE, LLC - DISTRICT D - EVANS-SHABAZZ – Was presented,

Mayor Turner stated that Members of Council will be having a presentation from the Assistant Director Ray Miller, Housing and Community Development Department.

Mayor Turner stated that no one signed up to speak on this public hearing and requested a motion to close the public hearing.

Council Member Robinson moved to close the public hearing and Seconded by Council Member Evans-Shabazz, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2021-0258 ADOPTED

2. PUBLIC HEARING on the City Budgets for the time period July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 – Was presented,

Mayor Turner stated that we have no one making a presentation because they have done that in the BFA.

Mayor Turner requested the City Secretary to call the public speakers

#28- KRISTAN CABALLARON – 7117 Sienna Rouge Pass – Austin, TX – 78744 – 512-758-1973.

MO CORTEZ – 5415 Scott St. – 77021 – 832-722-2381. NOT PRESENT

RICARDO RIVERA – 6009 Center St. – 713-256-6423. NOT PRESENT

JUSTIN GLASPER – No Address – 708-543-8677. NOT PRESENT

#27- KATYA ABAZAJIAN – 1528 Maryland St. – 77006 – 832-622-5879.

#1- ARIS BROWN – 11070 Katy Frwy., Apt. #1212 – 77043 – 301-693-7815.

#2- SOPHIE DULBERG – 1920 Stevens St. – 77026 – 781-879-0801.

#3- MELLISSA MARTINEZ – 6702 Winkleman St. – 77083 – 832-591-8726.

#4- MOLLY COOK – 2503 Park St. – 77019 – 713-502-4932.

#5- AMANDA SHIH – No Address – 832-768-1193.

#6- BRIDGETT MURRAY – 1403 Laurentide St. – 713-675-3331.

AYESHA MUZAFFAR – 14333 Memorial Dr. – 77079 – 832-744-9465. NOT PRESENT

#7-CHRISTOPHER RIVERA – 2202 Alabama St. – 77004 – 832-767-3650.

#8- JAISON OLIVER – No Address – No Phone.

#9- SABA BLANDING – 6608 Rock Bridge Ln. – 77023 – 832-710-6880.

TAHIRA RAZA – No Address – No Phone. NOT PRESENT

#10- STEPHANIE VILLANUEVA – No Address – 281-907-3648.


#11- LIYEN CHONG – 2339 Commerce St. – 77003 – 646-744-7386.


#12- CAROLINE DUBLE – 424 Forest Hill Blvd. – 77011 – 713-306-3949.

#13- JODIE SABINO – No Address – 832-434-0901.

#14- CASSANDRA JONES – No Address – No Phone.

REBECCA SELLE – 1809 W. Main St. – 77098. NOT PRESENT

#15- GLORIA ZENTENO – 7742 Broadview Dr. – 77061 – 281-904-5622.

#16- BELINDA TAYLOR – 9410 Mesa Dr. – 77028 – 832-435-5397.


#17- NAIYOLIS PALOMO – 15115 Park Row Blvd., Suite 350 – 77084 – 832-518-1342.

#18- DOLORES LOZANO – No Address – 713-503-5242.

#19- WHITNEY COLLINS – 769 Big Woods Rd. – New Waverly, TX – 77358 – 210-740-9924.

#20- MADELEINE CHAISSON – No Address – No Phone.

#21- ZOE MIDDLETON – 20 N. Sampson St. – 77003 – 231-250-3104.

#22- ERICA HUBBARD – 1705 Yates St. – 77020 – 832-704-6697.

#23- SECUNDA JOSEPH – 9109 Nyssa St. – 77078 – 832-848-9474.

#24- VICKY MARTIN – No Address – 713-410-9715.


#25- ARACELY GARCIA – 705 Wellington St. – 77076 – 713-992-6670.

#26- KATHY GUNTER – No Address – 832-882-9775.

JULIA MONTIEL – 5225 Katy Frwy. – 77007 – 978-552-8237. NOT PRESENT ADRIANA SALAZAR – No Address – No Phone. NOT PRESENT

Mayor Turner seeing no one else to speak, requested a motion to close the public hearing. Council Member Castex-Tatum moved to close the public hearing and Seconded by Council Member Robinson, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2021-0259 ADOPTED


Mayor Turner stated he wanted to thank all Council Members for signing the letter to GLO asking them to reconsider and redo their matrix. There is just no way on the $4.2 billion of HUD mitigation funds that they can just exclude the City of Houston and not give one dime. Those are infrastructure dollars and it’s like saying that Hurricane Harvey didn’t occur. They are simply asking for their proportional share of the $4.2 billion. That would mean that $1.1 billion would be coming to the City of Houston and $1 billion coming to Harris County. There would be still $2.3 billion left for other parts of the region and for the State. We have experienced a lot of rain over the past 14 days and rain will still be coming. We are about to enter into Hurricane season, and he wants to ask the GLO to reconsider. He also wanted to thank the Harris County Commissioners because the County Judge and all four of the County Commissioners signed the letter. This is one of those times when every City Council Member and every Harris County Commissioner signed onto the same letter to GLO saying to please reevaluate and give Houston and Harris County a proportional share of the $4.2 billion for infrastructure. He did have a direct conversation with the Secretary of HUD, Marsha Fudge, who made it clear that before GLO can go forward even with what they planned, that they will have to file an amendment and come back to HUD. HUD would then have to sign off on it before they can go any further. This shouldn’t be an issue between the City of Houston and GLO. Houston/Harris County experienced a little more than 50% of the Harvey damages and he believes it should be a proportional share. Mayor Turner stated he was provided by 2 explanations. One was based on project impact. For example, they would take a project that we put forward and see how many people that project would benefit and then they would divide that by the entire city population of 2.3 million. When they did it that way, Harris County and Houston, were scored less. That’s what Commissioner Ramsey noted and from the very beginning it was working against Harris County and Houston. The other thing that they said to our people was that Houston had a tax base that they could come up with additional revenue by increasing their tax base.

Mayor Turner stated that EPA had announced its awarding of a $600,000 Federal Brown Field Grant to a Houston Coalition led by the Houston Land Bank. The funds will help transform underutilized properties for development and expand on the City’s Brownfield Redevelopment Program operated by Houston Public Works. Houston Fire Department has received International Recognition by the Commission on Fire Accreditation International, as an accredited agency. We are very proud of that and want to give kudos to Chief Pena and his team. Also, congratulations to the Houston Health Department for earning another 5 years of National Accreditation from the Public Health Accreditation Board. Congratulations to Mr. Williams and his team. We still need people to get vaccinated but roughly 50% of Houstonians have not gotten fully vaccinated.

The Mayor is proud to announce that the City of Houston is supporting the Olympic movement by ensuring that athletes are fully vaccinated prior to the Tokyo games this July. Lastly, the City of Houston will celebrate our 4th Annual Houston Africa Day on May 27, 2021. He will host the African Union Ambassador to the United States. Houston is Africa’s third largest trade partner and speakers will discuss future businesses. The celebration will end with a reception, which the Council Members have already received their invitation.

Members of Council commented and questioned Mayor Turner about the Mayor’s report.



3. RECOMMENDATION from Director General Services Department for approval of final contract amount of $1,185,646.09 and acceptance of work on contract with DNB ENTERPRISES, INC for Underground Storage Tank Replacement at the Northwest Environmental Service Center, and the Installation of Stormwater Interceptors at the Environmental Service Center - Southeast, Northeast, and Northwest Service Center, for the Solid Waste Management Department - 1.06% below the original contract amount - DISTRICTS C - KAMIN; H - CISNEROS and K - CASTEX-TATUM – Was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and Seconded by Council Member Robinson, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2021-0260 ADOPTED

5. RECOMMENDATION from Director of Houston Public Works for approval of final contract amount of $35,116,366.98 and acceptance of work on contract with HARPER BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION, LLC for 108-Inch Water Line along City Easements from Smith Road to Lee Road - 2.06% under the original contract amount - DISTRICT B – JACKSON - Was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and Seconded by Council Member Robinson, all voting aye, nays none.



6. REEDER DISTRIBUTORS, INC for Fluid Metering System Upgrades through the Interlocal Agreement for Cooperative Purchasing with the Texas Local Purchasing Cooperative (BuyBoard) for the Fleet Management Department - $185,096.38 - Equipment Acquisition Consolidated Fund - Was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and Seconded by Council Member Robinson, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2021-0262 ADOPTED

8. TROXELL COMMUNICATIONS, INC for the purchase of Audio-Visual Equipment, Supplies, and Services through the Texas Local Government Purchasing Cooperative (BuyBoard) for the Houston Information Technology Services Department - $552,551.70 - Equipment Acquisition Consolidated Fund - Was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and Seconded by Council Member Robinson, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2021-0263 ADOPTED

9. ASSOCIATED SUPPLY CO, INC to approve the purchase of Air Compressors and Message Boards through the Interlocal Agreement for Cooperative Purchasing with the Texas Local Cooperative (BuyBoard) for the Fleet Management Department on behalf of Houston Public Works - $209,085.99 - DDSRF - Ad Valorem Tax Fund and Enterprise Fund - Was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and Seconded by Council Member Robinson, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2021-0264 ADOPTED

10. DECOULANT, INC for the purchase of Pre-Stretched, Commercial Wire Rope for Houston Public Works $14,245.00 - Enterprise Fund - Was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and Seconded by Council Member Robinson, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2021-0265 ADOPTED

11. HARPER BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION, LLC for Emergency Repair and Restoration Services for Houston Public Works - $112,487.75 - Enterprise Fund - Was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and Seconded by Council Member Robinson, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2021-0266 ADOPTED

13. SIMPLIFILE, LC for Real Property E-Recording for Houston Public Works - $15,000.00 - Project Cost Recovery Fund - Was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and Seconded by Council Member Robinson, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2021-0267 ADOPTED

14. PLANET CELLULAR INC for GeoHECRAS Renewal Licenses for Houston Public Works - $5,094.00 - Stormwater Fund - Was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and Seconded by Council Member Robinson, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2021-0268 ADOPTED

16. SOUTHERN IONICS INCORPORATED for the Supply of Aqua Ammonia for Houston Public Works – 3 Years with 2 one-year options - $940,807.36 - Enterprise Fund - Was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and Seconded by Council Member Robinson, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2021-0269 ADOPTED

17. DEERE & CO. - $528,045.78 and PROFESSIONAL TURF PRODUCTS, L.P. - $1,295,334.90 for Grounds Keeping Equipment for the Fleet Management Department on behalf of Various Departments Enterprise and Other Funds - Was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and Seconded by Council Member Robinson, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2021-0270 ADOPTED

ORDINANCES - NUMBERS 20 through 38

20. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing agreement between City of Houston and BRACEWELL, LLP for Bond Counsel Services related to replacement of a Credit Facility for Various City Departments, providing a maximum contract amount

Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 2254.1036, the following written notice is given to the public: The City desires to sell bonds for public purposes as authorized by State law and as further set forth in the ordinance to finance current expenses. The proposed bond counsel, Bracewell LLP (“Bracewell”) is a full service firm that includes a national public finance practice and has the necessary competence, qualification and experience to serve as bond counsel for the City. Bracewell has previously represented the City in connection with the issuance of various bonds and other obligations since 2012, and prior to such time the same attorneys represented the City in connection with the issuance of bonds at a prior firm. The engagement of Bracewell is in the best interest of the City, since the legal services requested require specialized experience in municipal finance, federal tax, and state securities law and therefore cannot be adequately performed by the attorneys and supporting personnel of the City. Furthermore, such legal services cannot be reasonably obtained from attorneys in private practice for the payment of hourly fees without contingency because the City will not be obligated to pay any legal fees unless the transaction successfully closes – Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0417 ADOPTED

24. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing Grant Contract between City of Houston and THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF STATE HEALTH SERVICES for Diabetes Prevention and Control Program Services - $480,000.00 - Grant Fund - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0418 ADOPTED

25. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing the submission of an electronic application for grant assistance to the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES FOR THE ADVANCING HEALTH LITERACY TO ENHANCE EQUITABLE COMMUNITY RESPONSES TO COVID-19 PROJECT FOR THE HOUSTON HEALTH DEPARTMENT (the Grant”); declaring the City’s eligibility for such Grant; authorizing the Director of the City of Houston Health Department (“Director”) to act as the City’s representative in the electronic application process, with the authority to accept the Grant and expend the Grant Funds, as awarded, and to apply for and accept all subsequent awards, if any, pertaining to the Grant - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0419 ADOPTED

26. ORDINANCE designating the property municipally known as 4101 Lyons Avenue and also known as “Louis White Grocery” being located within the City of Houston, Texas, as a protected landmark; containing findings related to the foregoing subject; providing for a penalty - DISTRICT B – JACKSON - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0420 ADOPTED

27. ORDINANCE designating the property municipally known as 911 Woodland Street and also known as “The Proebstle-Whorton House” being located within the City of Houston, Texas, as a protected landmark; containing findings and other provisions related to the foregoing subject; providing for a penalty - DISTRICT H – CISNEROS - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0421 ADOPTED

29. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing the submission of an application for and acceptance of Grant Funds through the OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIVISION FOR THE FY2022 INTERNET FIRST RESPONDER MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM (“Grant”); declaring the City’s eligibility for such Grant; authorizing the Police Chief of the City of Houston Police Department to act as the City’s representative in the application process, to apply for, accept, and expend the Grant Funds if awarded and to apply for, accept, and expend all subsequent awards, if any, pertaining to the Grant and to extend the budget period - The City Secretary advised that Item 29 was not received and was not considered.

30. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing the submission of an application for and acceptance of Grant Funds through the OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIVISION FOR THE FY2022 INTERNET CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN TASK FORCE GRANT (“Grant”); declaring the City’s eligibility for such Grant; authorizing the Police Chief of the City of Houston Police Department to act as the City’s representative in the application process, to apply for, accept, and expend the Grant Funds if awarded and to apply for, accept, and expend all subsequent awards, if any, pertaining to the Grant and to extend the budget period - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0422 ADOPTED

31. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing the submission of an application for and acceptance of Grant Funds through the OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIVISION FOR THE FY2022 VIOLENT OFFENDER INITIATIVE GRANT (“Grant”); declaring the City’s eligibility for such Grant; authorizing the Police Chief of the City of Houston Police Department to act as the City’s representative in the application process, to apply for, accept, and expend the Grant Funds if awarded and to apply for, accept, and expend all subsequent awards, if any, pertaining to the Grant and to extend the budget period - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none.


32. ORDINANCE establishing the north and south sides of the 1100 block of Willard Street, within the City of Houston, Texas, as a special minimum lot size block pursuant to Chapter 42 of the Code of Ordinances, Houston, Texas - DISTRICT C – KAMIN - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0424 ADOPTED

33. ORDINANCE establishing the north and south sides of the 1200-1300 block of Willard Street, within the City of Houston, Texas, as a special minimum lot size block pursuant to Chapter 42 of the Code of Ordinances, Houston, Texas - DISTRICT C – KAMIN - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0425 ADOPTED

34. ORDINANCE Repealing Ordinance No. 2002-377 establishing the north and south sides of the 1100, 1200, and 1300 blocks of Willard Street, within the City of Houston, Texas as a special minimum lot size requirement area pursuant to Chapter 42 of the Code of Ordinances, Houston, Texas - DISTRICT C – KAMIN - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0426 ADOPTED

35. ORDINANCE finding and determining that public convenience and necessity no longer require the continued use of: (1) Gregg Street, from Clinton Drive to Richardson Street; (2) Grove Street, from Clinton Drive south to its terminus; (3) Bayou Street, from Clinton Drive to Swiney Street; (4) Richardson Street, from Bayou Street to Gregg Street; 5) Davis Street, from Bayou Street to Grove Street; 6) Swiney Street, from Bayou Street to Grove Street; 7) Jensen Drive,(aka Hill Street); and 8) Various Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer, Water Line and Utility Easements, all out of the S.M. Harris Survey, Abstract No. 327 and the Darius Gregg Survey, Abstract No. 283, Harris County, Texas; abandoning said portions to KBRN, LP, the abutting owner, in exchange for a cash payment to the City of $5,100.00 and conveyance to the City of: 1) four storm sewer easements; 2) street right-of-way; 3) six hike and bike trails and/or pedestrian easements, all out of the S.M. Harris Survey, Abstract 327, the Darius Gregg Survey, Abstract No. 283, and the Harris and Wilson Survey, Abstract No. 32, Harris County, Texas, and other good and valuable consideration - DISTRICT B – JACKSON - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0427 ADOPTED

36. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing Transportation Network Company Operating Agreement between City of Houston and ALTO OPERATIONS TEXAS LLC, at George Bush Intercontinental Airport/Houston and William P. Hobby Airport - DISTRICTS B - JACKSON and I – GALLEGOS - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0428 ADOPTED

37. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing fourth amendment to Lease Agreement between 1415 NLW, LLC, as Landlord, and the City of Houston, Texas, as Tenant, for 2,602 square feet of office space at 1415 North Loop West, Houston, Harris County, Texas, for general office space for the Internal Affairs Division of the Houston Police Department - $273,210.00 - General Fund - DISTRICT A – PECK - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0429 ADOPTED

38. ORDINANCE appropriating $344,011.50 out of Dedicated Drainage and Street Renewal Capital Fund - Drainage Charge as an additional appropriation; approving and authorizing first amendment to Professional Engineering Services Contract between City of Houston and COBB, FENDLEY & ASSOCIATES, INC for Magnolia Park Sec. 2 Area Drainage and Paving Improvements (Approved by Ordinance No. 2016-0133); providing funding for CIP Cost Recovery relating to construction of facilities financed by the Dedicated Drainage and Street Renewal Capital Fund - Drainage Charge - DISTRICT I – GALLEGOS - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none.




4. RECOMMENDATION from Director Houston Public Works for approval of final contract amount of $5,917,774.69 and acceptance of work on contract with CFG INDUSTRIES, LLC, for Rehabilitation of Water Storage Tanks - Package 10 - 0.97% over the original contract amount and under the 5% contingency amount - DISTRICTS A - PECK; B - JACKSON; E - MARTIN; F - THOMAS and K - CASTEX-TATUM – Was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and Seconded by Council Member Robinson

Council Member Kamin moved that the rules be suspended for the of Item 4 being postponed ending of the Agenda and Seconded by Council Member Robinson, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2021-0271 ADOPTED

7. CHASTANG ENTERPRISES HOUSTON LLC dba CHASTANG FORD for the replacement of Harvey Light-Duty Vehicles and various Light-Duty Automobiles, SUV's and Pick-Up Trucks for Fleet Management Department on behalf of Houston Public Works - $1,937,445.00 - Enterprise and Other Funds – Was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and Seconded by Council Robinson, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2021-0272 ADOPTED

12. GLOBAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS for Professional Staff Training for Houston Public Works - $121,735.00 - Project Cost Recovery Fund - Was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and Seconded by Council Robinson, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2021-0273 ADOPTED

15. PATRICIA TECH SUPPLY AND SERVICES for purchase of Water Meter Turnoff Keys - $2,652.00 - Enterprise Fund - Was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and Seconded by Council Robinson, all voting aye, nays none.


18. APPROVE spending authority for Emergency Purchase of Various Goods and Services related to the City’s response to the COVID-19 Pandemic - Was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and Seconded by Council Robinson, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2021-0275 ADOPTED

19. APPROVE spending authority for Emergency Purchase of Various Goods and Services related to the City’s response to the Winter Storm Uri - Was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and Seconded by Council Robinson, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2021-0276 ADOPTED

21. ORDINANCE AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE CITY OF HOUSTON CODE OF ORDINANCES relating to Fines for Dumping of Refuse; containing findings and other provisions relating to the foregoing subject; containing a savings clause; providing for severability - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none.


22. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing the Mayor of the City of Houston to accept Grant Awards from Various Federal Entities for CORONAVIRUS DISEASE RELIEF AND ECONOMIC STIMULUS UNDER THE AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT (the “Grant”); declaring the City’s eligibility for such Grant; authorizing the Mayor to expend the Grant Funds, as awarded, and to apply for and accept all subsequent awards, if any, pertaining to the Grant - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none.


23. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing first amendment to contract between City of Houston and THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS for the administration of the Texas Emergency Rental Assistance Program – Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0433 ADOPTED

28. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing contract between City of Houston and SKYLINE TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, LLC for a Public Safety Video Network Gap Analysis Services for the Mayor’s Office of Public Safety and Homeland Security; providing a maximum contract amount - 3 Years with two one-year options - $83,610.00 - Grant Fund - Was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2021-0434 ADOPTED

The City Secretary advised that they would return to Item 4:

4. RECOMMENDATION from Director Houston Public Works for approval of final contract amount of $5,917,774.69 and acceptance of work on contract with CFG INDUSTRIES, LLC, for Rehabilitation of Water Storage Tanks - Package 10 - 0.97% over the original contract amount and under the 5% contingency amount - DISTRICTS A - PECK; B - JACKSON; E - MARTIN; F - THOMAS and K - CASTEX-TATUM – Was presented,

After discussion a vote was called; all voting aye, nays none.


MATTERS TO BE PRESENTED BY COUNCIL MEMBERS - Council Member Gallegos first Members of Council announced events and discussed matters of interest.

There being no further business before Council, the City Council adjourned at 11:03 a.m. Council Members Jackson, Travis, Gallegos, Pollard and Plummer absent.