Congresswoman seeks Congressional Gold Medal for local war hero

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U.S. Rep. Monica De La Cruz representing Texas' 15th Congressional District | Official U.S. House headshot

Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz has put forward the Lance Corporal Dustin Sekula Congressional Gold Medal Act. This bill aims to posthumously award the Congressional Gold Medal to Lance Corporal Dustin Sekula, a native of Edinburg, Texas. The legislation intends to recognize Sekula's service and sacrifice for his country.

Lance Corporal Sekula was the first person from Edinburg to lose his life during Operation Iraqi Freedom. He died at 18 years old on April 1, 2004, after being injured by enemy fire in Iraq. He had declined an agriculture college scholarship to join the military at 17, motivated by a desire to serve and protect the United States.

The medal would be given to Sekula's family as a tribute to his heroic actions and lasting influence on both his community and country. His legacy is remembered in Edinburg through the Dustin Sekula Memorial Library.

“Lance Corporal Dustin Sekula made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom, and this bill ensures that his bravery and service are honored at the highest level,” stated Congresswoman De La Cruz. “His story is one of unwavering dedication to his family, his community, and his country. We must never forget his courage and sacrifice.”