Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz received notification that several counties in Texas have been declared federal natural disaster areas due to the recent drought. Guadalupe, Karnes, Live Oak, and Wilson Counties were designated as primary disaster areas, while Jim Wells County was labeled as a contiguous disaster area. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack officially declared the disaster on Tuesday, March 25th, 2024. In total, 91 counties in Texas were encompassed in the disaster declaration.
The disaster declaration resulting from the drought opens up opportunities for farmers in the affected counties to apply for Farm Service Agency (FSA) emergency loans. Farmers in the designated counties have eight months from the Secretarial disaster declaration date to submit their applications for emergency loans. The FSA will assess each emergency loan application based on factors such as production losses on the farm, available security for loan repayment, and the operator's repayment ability.
Congresswoman De La Cruz emphasized the importance of farmers exploring available options by stating, "I urge all farmers who may be eligible to explore the options available to them at If you have questions or require assistance, please call my office at (956) 800-6069."
Farmers in the designated counties are encouraged to take advantage of the resources provided to assist them during this challenging time.