HISD hosting Career Information Sessions for school nurse candidates

HISD’s Health and Medical department is hosting three virtual Career Information Sessions this spring for those interested in becoming a school nurse in the District.

According to an unnamed spokesperson from HISD’s Health and Medical department, "Sessions will include information on the recruitment and selection process, eligibility requirements, compensation and benefits."

The sessions are scheduled for the following dates and times:

- Tuesday, March 19, 9 – 10 a.m.

- Thursday, April 25, 4:30 – 5:30 p.m.

- Thursday, May 9, 2 – 3 p.m.

Eligible candidates must be licensed to practice in the state of Texas and CPR/AED certified. To register for the next session, interested individuals can click on the provided link. Additionally, those looking to apply for a position in HISD can visit www.HoustonISD.org/careers.