Houston Man Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison for Slashing Another Inmate's Throat

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Kim Ogg - Harris County District Attorney | https://www.harriscountyda.com/

A Houston man has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for a violent attack on another inmate at the Harris County Jail in 2020. Christopher Oliver, 39, was convicted of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after a three-day trial. The incident, which was captured on video, showed Oliver approaching the victim from behind and slashing his throat with a shank.

Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg expressed her commitment to seeking justice for the victims of such violent acts. She stated, "No matter the location, violence like this is unacceptable, and it is our duty to seek justice for the victims."

Assistant District Attorneys Michael Levine and Hector Garza, from the Public Corruption Division, prosecuted the case. Levine emphasized the dangerous nature of Oliver's actions, stating, "This man is a dangerous individual based on not one, but multiple incidents. I firmly believe that Harris County is a safer place with him behind bars."

The victim of the attack received immediate medical attention in the jail clinic before being transported to the hospital. The video footage clearly showed the inmate holding his throat and trying to move away from Oliver to avoid further harm.

As a result of the conviction, Oliver has been sentenced to 30 years in prison. He will be required to serve half of his sentence before becoming eligible for parole.

The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining safety and security within correctional facilities. Acts of violence can have severe consequences, not only for the victims but also for the perpetrators. The Harris County District Attorney's Office remains dedicated to ensuring that justice is served and that individuals who pose a threat to others are held accountable for their actions.