Brays Oaks Management District Infrastructure Committee met June 8

Brays Oaks Management District Infrastructure Committee met June 8.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Brays Oaks Management District Infrastructure Committee held a meeting via Zoom video conference on June 08, 2023, at 3:30 PM.

District Board and Committee members present: Etan Mirwis, Ralph Rieger, Marsha Fisk, Ronald Plotkin

Staff members present: Xavier Herrera, Cosme Garcia

Public present: Karen Rogers – M2L, Michael Mauer, Stephen Polnaszek - NTT, Taylor Risien – Gauge Engineering, Aimee Turney – Rep. Gene Wu 137, Gerda Gomez, Brenda Jackson, Tommy Artz – Cobb Fendley, Bill Burhans – WWGC, Carolyn Riley – St. Rep. Gene Wu 137, Rose Toro, Naomi Ostfeld, Ian Sun – St. Rep. Gene Wu 137, Jerry Helfand

Executive Director Xavier Herrera called the meeting to order at 3:32 PM, and the committee meeting adjourned at 4:26 PM.


1. Call to order

2. Public Comment

a. No public comments were made.

3. Minutes of 05/04/2023 Infrastructure Committee Meeting

a. Committee meeting minutes submitted for reference and review.

4. Updates & Recommendations

a. Ruffino Detention Project

i. No update.

b. Spellman Detention Basin

i. No update.

c. Fondren Rd. Project

i. Ms. Rodgers provided an update to the committee and shared a tentative project schedule that is under review with TxDOT. Dates are expected to change once TxDOT makes revisions. Items of concern: brick wall along Fondren at Ludington. M2L will work to schedule a drive through of the district with the project manager. Additionally, Mr. Campagna (the current project manager) is planning to retire and Ms. Goforth will be taking over the project in the future. Ms. Ostfeld inquired if she could receive the updated schedule and any updated information when it becomes available. Ms. Rodgers stated that information will be shared with BOMD staff once it becomes available.

ii. Executive Director Herrera, at the suggestion of Director Plotkin, asked for assistance from Ms. Riley, with Gene Wu’s office, in asking TxDOT to expedite / be more responsive to the Fondren Rd. project. Ms. Riley will follow-up with

M2L for more details.

5. Update on Willow Waterhole Greenway trail project

a. Mr. Risien gave an update of the design phase to the committee. Gauge submitted 90% plans in mid-May and are awaiting any comments from CoH. Gauge hopes to kick off the projects west of S. Post Oak in late June.

b. Mr. Burhans discussed the sculpture in honor of Kathleen Ownby. CoH parks department is requesting BOMD add the sculpture to scope of maintenance “Exhibit A” within the existing ILA with CoH. Ms. Toro discussed the sculpture, her process and materials used and advised that the sculpture would require little maintenance and has a life expectancy of at least 25 years.

6. Adjourn


• The committee had no recommendations.