Brays Oaks Management District Infrastructure Committee met Feb. 7

Brays Oaks Management District Infrastructure Committee met Feb. 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Brays Oaks Management District Infrastructure Committee held a meeting via Zoom video conference on February 02, 2023, at 3:30 PM.

District Board and Committee members present: Etan Mirwis, Ronald Plotkin, Ralph Rieger, Sylvia Rivas, Cindy Chapman

Staff members present: Xavier Herrera, Cosme Garcia

Public present: Muhammad Ali – Gauge Engineering, Karen Rogers – M2L, Michael Mauer – M2L, Stephen Polnaszek - NTT, Bill Burhans – Willow Waterhole Conservancy, Aimee Mobley Turney – Office of Texas Rep. Gene Wu, , Russell Schexnayder, Tommy Artz – CobbFendley, Taylor Risien – Gauge Engineering, Naomi Ostfeld, Melvin Hopkins – District K, Rob Lazaro – HCFCD, Myron Jones – HCFCD

Committee Chair Etan Mirwis, called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM, and the committee meeting adjourned at 4:09 PM.


1. Call to order

2. Public Comment

a. No comments were made.

3. Minutes of 1/12/2023 Infrastructure Committee Meeting

a. Committee meeting minutes submitted for reference and review.

4. Updates & Recommendations

a. Receive update from Harris County Flood Control

i. Mr. Lazaro gave a PowerPoint presentation on projects in the area. HCFCD plans to attend the next meeting to give a more in-depth analysis of the impacts on community projects. Director Plotkin asked if HCFCD would be coordinating with TxDOT regarding the bridge project near the Meyergrove Stormwater Detention Basins Project, Mr. Lazaro advised HCFCD plans to coordinate with TxDOT.

b. Fondren Rd. Project update

i. Mr. Ali advised that Steve Campagna with CoH is still in the process of executing an advance funding agreement which should be considered by City Council near the end of February in the hopes of having some items wrapped up by April 1st which should then allow him to provide us with a project schedule.

ii. Mr. Mauer advised that M2L is in discussions with CoH regarding the CDA. CoH has indicated that streetlighting, decorative paving, and custom street signs can be included in the construction drawings, however, they need guidance on the design of signage, paving, and streetlighting to give to the design teams. Once the design teams receive the notice to proceed, M2L can begin to coordinate details needed.

c. Willow Waterhole Greenway

i. Mr. Burhans gave an update on Willow Waterhole. The pier structure has been completed and trail construction by Harris County Pct. 1 should start soon.

ii. Mr. Risien gave an update on the engineering and design trail construction, 90% plans have been submitted and final PS&E will be submitted after review of comments.

5. Adjourn


• This committee had no recommendations.