Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners met June 14

Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners met June 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A Meeting of the Board of Commissioners (“Board”) of the Houston Housing Authority (“HHA”) was held at Clayton Homes, 1919 Runnels, Houston, TX 77003.

Chair Snowden called the meeting to order at 3:15 p.m. Secretary Northern called the roll and declared a quorum present. Chair Snowden offered the use of an interpreter to be available to Spanish speakers who may be need assistance for public comments only. Ms. Elizabeth Paris was asked to introduce herself in Spanish and let the attendees know of her service.

Present: LaRence Snowden, Director (Chair)

Kristy Kirkendoll, Director

Kris Thomas, Director

Stephanie A.G. Ballard, Director

Andrea Hilliard Cooksey, Director

David A. Northern, Sr., Secretary

Absent: Dr. Max A. Miller, Jr., Director

Guillermo “Will” Hernandez, Director


Chair Snowden stated the Board has had an opportunity to review the May 17, 2022, Board of Commissioners meeting minutes. He asked for a motion to adopt the May 17, 2022 meeting minutes.

Commissioner Thomas moved to adopt the May 17, 2022, Board of Commissioners meeting minutes. Commissioner Ballard seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to the May 17, 2022 Board of Commissioners meeting minutes. Having none, the minutes passed unanimously and are adopted.


Secretary Northern stated we are continuing to move forward in filling our open positions. We will have 2 new members joining HHA in July. We have responded to the individuals who commented at last month’s HHA Board meeting.


Chair Snowden stated speakers will be allowed three (3) minutes for public comments. Speakers will only be allowed to speak once. I will inform you when your three minutes have expired. The Board will generally not provide responses to the comments or answer any questions. However, HHA residents making comments are encouraged to clearly state their name and the property where you reside. We will have someone from the property management team or from our staff, to reach out to you directly regarding any issue or concern you may have.

Chair Snowden asked if there are any individuals that would like to make public comments at this time.

Marivel Garza expressed concerns about the increase in her rent. She has also had challenges with submitting a Reasonable Accommodation request.


Chair Snowden stated the Public Hearing for the Development of CAROLINE AT MEMORIAL is now open for comments. If there is an individual of the public who wishes to comment on this hearing, please raise your hand for any questions or comments.

Chair Snowden stated hearing none, the Public Hearing will close with no public comments being made regarding Caroline at Memorial.


Chair Snowden stated the Public Hearing for Acquisition, Lease, and Operation of THE PEARL GREENWAY APARTMENTS is now open for comments. If there is an individual of the public who wishes to comment on this hearing, please raise your hand for any questions or comments.

Chair Snowden stated hearing none, the Public Hearing will close with no public comments being made regarding The Pearl Greenway Apartments.


Chair Snowden stated the Public Hearing for Acquisition, Lease, and Operation of THE METRO MIDTOWN is now open for comments. If there is an individual of the public who wishes to comment on this hearing, please raise your hand for any questions or comments.

Chair Snowden stated hearing none, the Public Hearing will close with no public comments being made regarding The Metro Midtown.


Chair Snowden stated the Public Hearing for Acquisition, Lease, and Operation of THE PROSE SOUTH MAIN is now open for comments. If there is an individual of the public who wishes to comment on this hearing, please raise your hand for any questions or comments.

Chair Snowden stated hearing none, the Public Hearing will close with no public comments being made regarding The Prose South Main.

Chair Snowden stated he will now move forth with the New Business.


Resolution No. 3450: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to increase the contract amount for Adjusters International for the Hurricane Harvey Public Assistance Disaster Recovery program.

Secretary Northern stated that Resolution No. 3450 will be presented by Mike Rogers, VP of Fiscal & Business Operations.

Mr. Rogers stated Resolution No. 3450 reads That the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners authorizes the President & CEO to increase the contract amount by $100,000 for Adjusters International to continue FEMA Hurricane Harvey Public Assistance Disaster Recovery Program services, pursuant to the memorandum dated May 31, 2022, from Michael Rogers, Vice President Fiscal & Business Operations to David A. Northern, Sr. President & CEO.

Adjusters International has been working with HHA since the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey and they have guided us very diligently and professionally through the minefield of FEMA rules and regulations. We have been pursuing some very significant monetary claims against the FEMA program. We are approaching the five-year anniversary of that work with them and we have some procurement and procedural decisions we need to make internally before we can continue beyond that five-year program. We are fixing to enter into a very significant phase in the recovery of Harvey because we have significant funds that are available to us through the 428 program that we will be using to mitigate some of the flood damage that occurred at some of the properties and to assist in construction of replacement housing for those homes that were lost. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board adopt Resolution No. 3450.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the resolution presented by Mr. Rogers and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3450.

Commissioner Thomas moved to approve Resolution No. 3450. Commissioner Cooksey seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to approve Resolution No. 3450. Having none, Resolution No. 3450 is adopted.

Resolution No. 3451: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a contract with Human Capital Initiatives, LLC, for Human Resources Consultant services.

Secretary Northern stated that Resolution No. 3451 will be presented by Dianne Mitchell, Director of Human Resources.

Ms. Mitchell stated Resolution No. 3451 reads That the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners authorizes the President & CEO or designee to negotiate, execute and make necessary changes and corrections to a contract with Human Capital Initiatives, LLC, for Human Resources Consultant services, with the Human Resources Department, not to exceed $100,000.00, for two (2) years, with three (3) one-year extension options, pursuant to the memorandum from Dianne Mitchell, Human Resources Director dated May 27, 2022, to David A. Northern, Sr., President & CEO. HCI is one of the leaders in the housing industry that provides consulting services in Human Resources. We have used them in prior years to do compensation studies, organizational designs, etc. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board adopt Resolution No. 3451.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the resolution presented by Ms. Mitchell and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3451.

Commissioner Ballard moved to approve Resolution No. 3451. Commissioner Kirkendoll seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to approve Resolution No. 3451. Having none, Resolution No. 3451 is adopted.

Resolution No. 3452: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a contract with Arthur J. Gallagher for Human Resources Analytics Consultant Services.

Ms. Mitchell stated the reason for Resolution No. That the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners authorizes the President & CEO or designee to negotiate, execute and make necessary changes and corrections to a contract with Arthur J. Gallagher for Human Resources Analytics Consultant services with the Human Resources Department, not to exceed $100,000.00, for two (2) years, with three (3) one-year extension options, pursuant to the memorandum from Dianne Mitchell, Human Resources Director dated May 27, 2022, to David A. Northern, Sr., President & CEO. New request. We currently do inhouse stay interviews and exit interviews. What we are asking to do is survey for employees to

Administer exit interviews for all employees exiting “HHA” and provide a comprehensive statistical report on findings, etc. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board adopt Resolution No. 3452.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the resolution presented by Ms. Mitchell and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3452.

Commissioner Thomas moved to approve Resolution No. 3452. Commissioner Ballard seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to approve Resolution No. 3452. Having none, Resolution No. 3452 is adopted.

Resolution No. 3453: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to approve Victory Street Public Facility Corporation’s Issuance, Sale, and Delivery of its Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds (800 Middle), Series 2022A and Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds (800 Middle), Taxable Series 2022B.

Secretary Northern stated that Resolution No. 3453-3458 will be presented by Jay Mason, Interim Director of REID.

Mr. Mason stated Resolution No. 3453 reads That the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners authorizes the President & CEO to approve Victory Street Public Facility Corporation’s Issuance, Sale, and Delivery of its Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds (800 Middle), Series 2022A and Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds (800 Middle), Taxable Series 2022B; Approving The Form And Substance Of And Authorizing The Execution And Delivery Of Documents And Instruments Necessary To Carry Out The Financing Of Such Multifamily Rental Residential Development; And Containing Other Provisions Relating To The Subject, pursuant to the memorandum from Jay Mason, Interim Director of REID dated June 1, 2022, to David A. Northern, Sr., President & CEO. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board adopt Resolution No. 3453.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the resolution presented by Mr. Mason and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3453.

Commissioner Thomas moved to approve Resolution No. 3453. Commissioner Cooksey seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to approve Resolution No. 3453. Having none, Resolution No. 3453 is adopted.

Resolution No. 3454: Consideration and/or take actions to authorize the President & CEO or designee to take such actions necessary or convenient to facilitate the development of a 398-unit affordable housing development known as 800 Middle at 800 Middle St., and the execution of all required documents.

Mr. Mason stated Resolution No. 3454 reads That the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners authorizes the President & CEO or designee to take such actions necessary or convenient to (a) facilitate the development of a 398-unit affordable housing development known as 800 Middle at 800 Middle St. and (b) such other actions necessary or convenient to carry out this resolution, pursuant to the memorandum from Jay Mason, Interim Director of REID dated June 1, 2022, to David A. Northern, Sr., President & CEO. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board adopt Resolution No. 3454.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the resolution presented by Mason and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3454.

Commissioner Kirkendoll moved to approve Resolution No. 3454. Commissioner Ballard seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to approve Resolution No. 3454. Having none, Resolution No. 3454 is adopted.

Resolution No. 3455: Consideration and/ or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to take such action to facilitate the development and rehabilitation of the Allen Parkway Village Apartments.

Mr. Mason stated Resolution No. 3455 reads That the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners authorizes the President & CEO or designee to negotiate, execute and take such actions necessary or convenient to facilitate the development and rehabilitation of the Allen Parkway Village Apartments, pursuant to the memorandum from Jay Mason, Interim Director of REID dated June 1, 2022, to David A. Northern, Sr., President & CEO. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board adopt Resolution No. 3455.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the resolution presented by Mr. Mason and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3455.

Commissioner Thomas moved to approve Resolution No. 3455. Commissioner Cooksey seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to approve Resolution No. 3455. Having none, Resolution No. 3455 is adopted.

Resolution No. 3456: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to take such to facilitate the development and rehabilitation of the Historic Oaks of Allen Parkway Village.

Mr. Mason stated Resolution No. 3455 reads That the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners authorizes the President & CEO or designee to negotiate, execute and take such actions necessary or convenient to facilitate the development and rehabilitation of the Historic Oaks of Allen Parkway Village, pursuant to the memorandum from Jay Mason, Interim Director of REID dated June 1, 2022, to David A. Northern, Sr., President & CEO. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board adopt Resolution No. 3456.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the resolution presented by Mr. Mason and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3456.

Commissioner Kirkendoll moved to approve Resolution No. 3456. Commissioner Cooksey seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to approve Resolution No. 3456. Having none, Resolution No. 3456 is adopted.

Resolution No. 3457: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to take such action to approve HHA Fountainview PFC’s Issuance, Sale, and Delivery of its Multifamily Housing Governmental Notes (Allen Parkway Village Apartments), Series 2022A and 2022B.

Mr. Mason stated Resolution No. 3457 reads That the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners authorizes the President & CEO or designee to negotiate, execute and take such actions necessary or convenient to approve HHA Fountainview PFC’S Issuance, Sale, and Delivery of Multifamily Housing Governmental Notes (Allen Parkway Village Apartments) Series 2022A and 2022B; Approving the Form and Substance of and Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of Documents and Instruments Necessary to Carry Out the Financing of Such Multifamily Rental Residential Development; and Containing Other Provisions Relating to the Subject, pursuant to the memorandum from Jay Mason, Interim Director of REID dated June 1, 2022, to David A. Northern, Sr., President & CEO. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board adopt Resolution No. 3457.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the resolution presented by Mr. Mason and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3457.

Commissioner Ballard moved to approve Resolution No. 3457. Commissioner Kirkendoll seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to approve Resolution No. 3457. Having none, Resolution No. 3457 is adopted.

Resolution No. 3458: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to take such action to approve HHA Fountainview PFC’s Issuance, Sale, and Delivery of its Multifamily Housing Governmental Notes (Historic Oaks of Allen Parkway Village), Series 2022A and 2022B.

Mr. Mason stated Resolution No. 3458 reads That the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners authorizes the President & CEO or designee to approve HHA Fountainview PFC’S Issuance, Sale, and Delivery of Multifamily Housing Governmental Notes (Historic Oaks of Allen Parkway Village) Series 2022A and 2022B; Approving the Form and Substance of and Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of Documents and Instruments Necessary to Carry Out the Financing of Such Multifamily Rental Residential Development; and Containing Other Provisions Relating to the Subject, pursuant to the memorandum from Jay Mason, Interim Director of REID dated June 1, 2022, to David A. Northern, Sr., President & CEO. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board adopt Resolution No. 3458.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the resolution presented by Mr. Mason and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3458.

Commissioner Kirkendoll moved to approve Resolution No. 3458. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to approve Resolution No. 3458. Having none, Resolution No. 3458 is adopted.

Chair Snowden stated at this time, the Board will move into Executive Session.


Chair Snowden suspended the Public Session on Tuesday, June 14, 2022 at 3:47 p.m. to convene into Executive Session to discuss personnel, legal and real estate issues in accordance with Sections 551.074, 551.071 and 551.072 respectively, of the Texas Government Code.


Chair Snowden reconvened Public Session at 4:13 p.m.

Secretary Northern called the roll and Chair Snowden declared a quorum present.

NEW BUSINESS continued…

Resolution No. 3459: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate the acquisition of, and the placement of “affordable” units within, the Pearl Greenway Apartments located at 3788 Richmond Avenue, Houston, Texas 77046, and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Chair Snowden stated that the Board has heard the resolution and asked for a motion to approve Resolution No. 3459. Commissioner Kirkendoll moved to approve Resolution No. 3459. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to adopt Resolution No. 3459. Having none, the Chairman called for a vote. All voted in favor therefore Resolution No. 3459 is adopted.

Resolution No. 3460: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate the acquisition of that certain parcel of land located at or about 15635 Memorial Dr., Houston, Texas 77079, the construction and development of the 334-unit Caroline at Memorial thereupon, and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Chair Snowden stated that the Board has heard the resolution and recommendation from staff. He asked for a motion to approve Resolution No. 3460.

Commissioner Cooksey moved to approve Resolution No. 3460. Commissioner Ballard seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to adopt Resolution No. 3460. Having none, the Chairman called for a vote. All voted in favor therefore Resolution No. 3460 is adopted.

Resolution No. 3461: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate the acquisition of and the placement of "affordable" units within, the Prose South Main located at 12111 Main St., Houston, Texas, 77035, and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Chair Snowden stated that the Board has heard the resolution and recommendation from staff. He asked for a motion to TABLE Resolution No. 3461.

Commissioner Ballard moved to TABLE Resolution No. 3461. Commissioner Cooksey seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to TABLE Resolution No. 3461. Having none, the Chairman called for a vote. All voted in favor to TABLE Resolution No. 3461.

Resolution No. 3462: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate the acquisition of and the placement of "affordable" units within the Metro Midtown located at 2350 Bagby Street, Houston, Texas, 77006, and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Chair Snowden stated that the Board has heard the resolution and recommendation from staff. He asked for a motion to approve Resolution No. 3462.

Commissioner Kirkendoll moved to approve Resolution No. 3462. Commissioner Ballard seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to adopt Resolution No. 3462. Having none, the Chairman called for a vote. All voted in favor therefore Resolution No. 3462 is adopted.


Chair Snowden remarked this concludes the items on today’s agenda. He thanked the Commissioners for their time and commitment.

Chair Snowden declared the meeting adjourned at 4:16 p.m.
