City of Houston Planning Commission met Sept. 16

City of Houston Planning Commission met Sept. 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

CALL TO ORDER Chair Martha L. Stein called the meeting to order at 2:34 p.m. with a roll call vote and a quorum present. 

Martha L. Stein, Chair Present

M. Sonny Garza, Vice Chair Absent

David Abraham Absent

Susan Alleman Arrived Virtually at 3:39 p.m. after item 139

Bill Baldwin Present

Lisa Clark Present

Rodney Heisch Present Virtually

Daimian S. Hines Present

Randall L. Jones Present Virtually

Lydia Mares Absent

Paul R. Nelson Absent

Linda Porras-Pirtle Present and left at 4:27 p.m. after item 157

Kevin Robins Absent

Ileana Rodriguez Absent

lan Rosenberg Present Virtually

Megan R. Sigler Present

Zafar Tahir Arrived at 3:50 p.m. during item 143

Meera D. Victor Absent

Scott Cain for Commissioner James Noack Present Virtually and left at 5:03 p.m. before item 166 

Maggie Dalton for The Honorable KP George Present Virtually

Loyd Smith for The Honorable Lina Hidalgo Present Virtually and left at 4:39 p.m. after item 162 

ExOfficio Members 

Carol A. Lewis 

Carol Haddock 

Yuhayna H. Mahmud 

Craig Maske 

Executive Secretary Margaret Wallace Brown, Director, Planning and Development Department 

CHAIR'S REPORT Chair Martha L. Stein reported on in person and virtual meeting procedures. She welcomed new Commissioner Daimian S. Hines. 


The Director's Report was given by Margaret Wallace Brown, Director, Planning and Development Department 


Commission action: Approved the September 2, 2021 Planning Commission meeting minutes as amended. 

Motion: Clark 

Second: Baldwin 

Vote: Unanimous Abstaining: None 

I. PLATTING ACTIVITY (Consent and Replat items A and B, 1 - 128) 

Staff recommendation for item 122 was modified from Defer to Approve. 

Items removed for separate consideration: 3, 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 32, 33, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 63, 73, and 95. 

Staff recommendation: Approve staff's recommendations for item(s) 1 - 128 subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Commission action: Approved staff's recommendations for item(s) 1 - 128 subject to the CPC 101 form conditions, except items removed for separate consideration, 

Motion: Baldwin 

Second: Porras-Pirtle 

Vote: Unanimous Abstaining: None 

Staff recommendation: Approve staff's recommendation for items 3, 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 32, 33, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 63, 73, and 95, subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Commission action: Approved staff's recommendations for item 3, 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 32, 33, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 63, 73, and 95, subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Motion: Baldwin 

Second: Clark 

Vote: Carried 

Abstaining: Dalton, Heisch and Sigler 

Motion was made by Commissioner Baldwin and seconded by Commissioner Clark to approve staff recommendation to modify item 121 from Disapprove to Withdrawn. Motion carried unanimously. 


129 Allendale Townsite Sec A partial replat no 7 and extension C3N  Approve  

Staff recommendation: Grant the variance(s) and approve the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Commission action: Granted the variance(s) and approved the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Motion: Porras-Pirtle 

Second: Sigler 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 

130 Augusta Addition partial replat no 6 C3N Approve 

Staff recommendation: Approve the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Commission action: Approved the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Motion: Clark 

Second: Sigler 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 

131 Bauer Grove replat no 1 C3N Approve 

Staff recommendation: Approve the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Commission action: Approved the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Motion: Porras-Pirtle 

Second: Baldwin 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 

132 Braeswood partial replat no 7 C3N Approve 

Staff recommendation: Approve the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Commission action: Approved the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditioms

Motion: Clark 

Second: Baldwin 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 

Speakers: Timothy Barnard and Jean Boisauein - opposed. 

133 Chevy Chase partial replat no 4 C3N Defer 

Staff recommendation: Defer the application for two weeks for further study and review. 

Commission action: Deferred the application for two weeks for further study and review. 

Motion: Porras-Pirtle Second: Baldwin Vote: Unanimous Abstaining: None 

134 Croyden Gardens partial replat no 3 C3N Withdrawn 

135 Devonshire Place partial replat no 2 : C3N Defer 

Staff recommendation: Approve the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Commission action: Deferred the application for two weeks for further study and review. 

Motion: Baldwin 

Second: Hines 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 

Speakers: Jean Bower - position not stated; Walter Hittelman, Vamsi Aribindi, Jeffrey Cully, Gail Borden and Maxine St Clair - opposed; Kristin Beck and Mary Villareal, applicant - supportive; Arva Howard, Legal Department. 

136 Foster Place partial replat no 17 C3N Approve 

Staff recommendation: Approve the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Commission action: Approved the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Motion: Porras-Pirtle

Second: Clark 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 

137 Katerwood Addition partial replat no 1 and extension СЗN  Defer

Staff recommendation: Defer the application for two weeks to give the applicant time to submit additional information. 

Commission action: Deferred the application for two weeks to give the applicant time to submit additional information. 

Motion: Baldwin 

Second: Sigler 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 

138 Kentshire Place Sec 3 partial replat no 1 C3N Approve  

Staff recommendation: Approve the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Commission action: Approved the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Motion: Porras-Pirtle 

Second: Clark 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 

139 Milby House C3N Defer 

Staff recommendation: Defer the application for two weeks for further study and review. 

Commission action: Deferred the application for two weeks for further study and review. 

Motion: Baldwin 

Second: Clark 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 

140 Plainview Second Addition partial replat no 9 СЗN Defer 

Staff recommendation: Defer the application for two weeks for further study and review. 

Commission action: Deferred the application for two weeks for further study and review. 

Motion: Sigler 

Second: Porras-Pirtle 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 

141 Riverside Terrace Sec 1 partial replat no 6 C3N Approve 

Staff recommendation: Approve the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Commission action: Approved the plat subject to the CPC 101 

Motion: Clark 

Second: Alleman 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 

Speakers: Thomas Matejcik - position not stated; Orlando Taran, applicant - supportive. 

142 Riverside Terrace Sec 1 partial replat no 7 C3N Approve 

Staff recommendation: Approve the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Commission action: Approved the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Motion: Porras-Pirtle 

Second: Clark 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 

143 Thonig Tract C3N Approve 

Staff recommendation: Approve the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Commission action: Approved the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Motion: Porras-Pirtle 

Second: Hines 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 

144 Townley Place partial replat no 3 C3N Approve 

Staff recommendation: Approve the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Commission action: Approved the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Motion: Sigler 

Second: Clark 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 

145 Woodland Lakes Detention Smith North C3N Approve 

Staff recommendation: Grant the variance(s) and approve the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Commission action: Granted the variance(s) and approved the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Motion: Baldwin 

Second: Alleman 

Vote: Carried 

Abstaining: Dalton and Heisch 

146 Woodlands Village of Grogans Mill Lake Woodlands East Shore Sec 1 partial replat no 2 and Woodlands Lake Woodlands East Shore Sec 2 replat no 1 partial replat no 1C3N Approve  

Staff recommendation: Approve the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Commission action: Approved the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Motion: Porras-Pirtle 

Second: Tahir 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 


Items 147 and 148 were taken together at this time. 

147 AM 2920 Reserve GP GP Approve 

148 AM 2920 Reserve Sec 1 C2 Approve 

Staff recommendation: Grant the variance(s) and approve the plats subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Commission action: Granted the variance(s) and approved the plats subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Motion: Porras-Pirtle 

Second: Jones 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 

Motion made by Commissioner Clark, seconded by Commissioner Sigler, to recess for several minutes due to technical difficulties. Motion carried unanimously. . 

149 Cygne North Main C2R Defer 

Staff recommendation: Defer the application for two weeks to give the applicant time to submit revised information. 

Commission action: Deferred the application for two weeks to give the applicant time to submit revised information. 

Motion: Baldwin 

Second: Porras-Pirtle 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 

150 Elyson GP GP Defer 

Staff recommendation: Defer the application for two weeks for further study and review. 

Commission action: Deferred the application for two weeks for further study and review. 

Motion: Clark 

Second: Porras-Pirtle 

Vote: Carried 

Abstaining: Dalton, Heisch and Sigler 

151 Exeter Mesa Distribution Center C2R Defer 

Staff recommendation: Defer the application for two weeks for further study and review. 

Commission action: Deferred the application for two weeks for further study and review. 

Motion: Baldwin 

Second: Hines 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 

Items 152 and 153 were taken together at this time.

152 Harris County MUD No 525 Wastewater Treatment Plant C2 Approve  

153 Harris County MUD No 525 Water Plant C2  Approve 

Staff recommendation: Grant the variance(s) and approve the plats subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Commission action: Granted the variance(s) and approved the plats subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Motion: Porras-Pirtle 

Second: Jones 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 

154 Home Depot Southwest Houston C2R partial replat no 1 Approve 

Staff recommendation: Grant the variance(s) and approve the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Commission action: Granted the variance(s) and approved the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Motion: Sigler 

Second: Alleman 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 

155 Homes at Providence C2R Approve 

Staff recommendation: Grant the variance(s) and approve the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Commission action: Granted the variance(s) and approved the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Motion: Clark 

Second: Jones 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 

156 Icon M Tower C2R Defer 

Staff recommendation: Defer the application for two weeks to give the applicant time to submit additional information. 

Commission action: Deferred the application for two weeks to give the applicant time to submit additional information. 

Motion: Clark 

Second: Tahir 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 


157 Lilly and Lane Estates C3P Approve 

Staff recommendation: Grant the variance(s) but deny variance for east/west public street and approve the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Commission action: Granted the variance(s) but deny variance for east/west public street and approved the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Motion: Porras-Pirtle 

Second: Alleman 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 

158 Modena on Westcott C2R Approve 

Staff recommendation: Grant the variance(s) and approve the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Commission action: Granted the variance(s) and approved the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Motion: Baldwin 

Second: Clark 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 

159 Powell Court Place C3P Defer 

Staff recommendation: Defer the application for two weeks to give the applicant time to submit additional information. 

Commission action: Deferred the application for two weeks to give the applicant time to submit additional information. 

Motion: Hines 

Second: Baldwin 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 

Items 160 and 161 were taken together at this time. 

160 Saracen GP GP Defer 

161 Saracen Sec 1 C2 Defer 

Staff recommendation: Defer the applications for two weeks to give the applicant time to submit additional information. 

Commission action: Deferred the applications for two weeks to give the applicant time to submit additional information. 

Motion: Tahir 

Second: Sigler 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 

162 Springwood Business Park C2 Approve 

Staff recommendation: Grant the variance(s) and approve the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Commission action: Granted the variance(s) and approved the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Motion: Jones 

Second: Alleman 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 

163 Ventura Estates C2R Defer 

Staff recommendation: Defer the applications for two weeks to give the applicant time to submit additional information. 

Commission action: Deferred the applications for two weeks to give the applicant time to submit additional information. 

Motion: Baldwin 

Second: Clark 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 

164 Wise Acres GP GP Approve 

Staff recommendation: Grant the variance(s) and approve the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Commission action: Granted the variance(s) and approved the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Motion: Baldwin 

Second: Sigler 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 


165 Sorella Sec 2 C3P Approve 

Staff recommendation: Grant the special exception(s) and approve the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Commission action: Granted the special exception(s) and approved the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Motion; Clark 

Second: Tahir 

Vote: Carried 

Abstaining: Dalton and Heisch 


At 4:57 p.m. during item #166 the meeting was paused due to technical difficulties. 

At 5:02 p.m. the meeting resumed. 

Roll call was taken with the following Commissioners audible and in attendance: Commissioners Stein, Alleman, Baldwin, Clark, Dalton, Heisch, Hines, Jones, Rosenberg, Sigler, Tahir and Smith. The following Commissioners were not audible or in attendance: Commissioners Garza, Abraham, Mares, Nelson, Porras-Pirtle, Robins, Rodriguez, Victor, and Cain. 

166 North Houston Terminal C2R Approve 

Staff recommendation: Grant the reconsideration of requirements with variance(s) and approve the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Commission action: Granted the reconsideration of requirements with variance(s) and approved the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Motion: Baldwin 

Second: Hines 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 

167 Post Oak Logistics Park C3R Approve 

Staff recommendation: Grant the reconsideration of requirements with variance(s) and approve the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Commission action: Granted the reconsideration of requirements with variance(s) and approved the plat subject to the CPC 101 form conditions. 

Motion: Clark 

Second: Tahir Vote: 

Unanimous Abstaining: None 

Speaker: Joaquin Viera - position not stated. 

Items G, H, and I were taken together at this time 


168 Avalon Apartments EOA Approve

169 Bridgeland Parkland Village Sec 52 EOA Approve

170 Bridgeland Parkland Village Sec 53 EOA Approve

171 Buffalo Bayou Park Sec 6 EOA Approve

172 Cunningham Falls Trail Street Dedication Sec 1 EOA Approve

173  Cunningham Falls Trail Street Dedication Sec 2 EOA Approve

174 Harris County Emergency Services District No 46 Vehicle Apparatus Station EOA Approve

175 Harris County Municipal Utility District No 171 Water Plant No 2 EOA Approve

176 Jubilee Sec 1 EOA Approve

177 Jubilee Sec 4 EOA Approve

178 Jubilee Sec 6 EOA Approve

179 Katy Lakes Sec 4 EOA Approve

180 Katy Lakes Sec 5 EOA Approve

181 Newport Pointe Sec 1 EOA Approve

182 Planet Ford Spring Truck Service Center EOA Approve

183 Ralston Lakes Sec 1 EOA Approve

184 Tafolla Plaza EOA Approve

185 Willow Place EOA Approve


186 Farrington Place Sec 1 partial replat no 1 (prev. Farrington Place Sec 3 partial replat no 1) NC Approve 

187 Sorella GP (prev. Sorrella GP) NC Approve 


188 25455 Needham Road COC Approve 

Staff recommendation: Approve staff's recommendation for items 168-188. 

Commission action: Approved staff's recommendation for items 168-188. 

Motion: Baldwin 

Second: Jones 

Vote: Carried 

Abstaining: Dalton 

187, Heisch 175 and 187, and Sigler 169, 170, 176, 177 and 178 




1896626 Couch Street DPV Approve 

Staff recommendation: Grant the variance(s) and approve the development plat to allow a O' building line instead of the ordinance required 10' building line on Melon Street and to only dedicate 3' instead of 5' along Melon. 

Commission action: Granted the variance(s) and approved the development plat to allow a O' building line instead of the ordinance required 10' building line on Melon Street and to only dedicate 3' instead of 5' along Melon. 

Motion: Baldwin 

Second: Clark 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 


a. Carverdale Sec 7 partial replat no 2 

b. Croyden Gardens partial replat no 3 

c. Discovery Palms replat no 1 

d. Foster Place partial replat no 20 

e. Laird partial replat no 1 and extension 

f. Magnolia Park partial replat no 7 

g. Neuen Manor partial replat no 22 

h. Newhaven Place partial replat no 2 

i. Spring Branch Estates no 2 partial replat no 13 

j. Tanglewood Sec 9 partial replat no 1 

Staff recommendation: Establish a public hearing date of October 14, 2021 for item III a-j. 

Commission action: Established a public hearing date of October 14, 2021 for item III a-j. 

Motion: Sigler 

Second: Hines 

Vote: Unanimous

Abstaining: None 


Staff recommendation: Established a public hearing date of October 14, 2021 for a Medical Center Inn Located at 3622 Old Spanish Trail. 

Commission action: Established a public hearing date of October 14, 2021 for a Medical Center Inn Located at 3622 Old Spanish Trail. 

Motion: Baldwin 

Second: Tahir 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 


Staff recommendation: Approve the consideration of a Special Minimum Lot Size Block for the 400 block of West 21st street, north and south sides - SMLSB 785, and forward to City Council. 

Commission action: Approved the consideration of a Special Minimum Lot Size Block for the 400 block of West 21st street, north and south sides - SMLSB 785, and forwarded to City Council. 

Motion: Clark 

Second: Baldwin 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None 

Speaker: Stephanie Pretorius, applicant and Ms. VanDusen - supportive; Mr. Kierea - opposed. 



There being no further business brought before the Commission, Chair Martha L. Stein adjourned the meeting at 5:43 p.m. 

Motion; Clark 

Second: Tahir 

Vote: Unanimous 

Abstaining: None