City of Houston Childhood and Youth Committee met Dec. 8

City of Houston Childhood and Youth Committee met Dec. 8.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Welcome and Introduction

• Council Member Karla Cisneros, Chair

• Council Member Carolyn Evans-Shabazz, Vice Chair

2. Childcare Working Group

• Steven Dow, Early Childhood Education Advisor, Mayor’s Office of Education

• Christina Triantaphyllis, Director, Government Partnerships at Texas Policy Lab, Rice University

This presentation relates to the following Developmental Assets: Caring Climate in Child-care and Educational Settings (5), Children Seen as Resources (8), Safety (10), and Interpersonal Skills (35).


• Olivera Jankovska, Director, Mayor’s Office of Education

This presentation relates to the following Developmental Assets: Caring Climate in Child-care and Educational Settings (5), Community Cherishes and Values Young Children (7), Children Seen as Resources (8), and Safety (10).

4. Public Comments

• The public may sign up to speak by filling out the online form at or by calling 832-393-3003 no later than 12:00 PM on December 8th. Please indicate whether you will speak virtually or will be attending in person so that appropriate attendance instructions can be provided. Public speakers wishing to continue under virtual mode will receive a call-in number that will allow them to speak at their designated time.