'Getting them ready for life': Houston Incarnate Word Academy softball places third in district

Softballteam 2021
Houston Incarnate Word Academy Softball Team | incarnateword.org

Houston Incarnate Word Academy athletic director and softball coach Rick Perez literally breathed a sigh of relief during the recent TAPSCONN 2021 gathering.

“It’s great to see faces literally not have a mask on, giving people hugs, shaking hands,” Perez said in a video posted to Facebook from the TAPPSCONN 2021 gathering. “It’s great.”

Now in his 20th year at the school, 18th as athletic director, Perez said the job never gets old at the oldest Catholic high school in Houston.

“It’s a great athletic program from when I came here in 2001,” he said. “A lot of time parents work downtown and they know the quality of education these girls will get. It’s so convenient for the girls.”

Perez said the bond all of them have developed over time is another one of the factors that makes all the hard work and sacrifice worth it. 

“Being there for the girls, being there supporting them and seeing the accomplishments that they succeed in is the reason I love this job,” he said. “Just seeing them compete, the camaraderie, the leadership. One-hundred percent of them go to college, and the prestigious colleges these girls get accepted to is mind-boggling. Being a coach is not just for wins and losses, but getting them ready for life.”

According to MaxPreps, the team was third in the district this season and Perez is convinced the leadership program the school has started was a big part of that success, especially this season given all the unforeseen challenges.  

“This year was really a challenge because the city was still closed,” he said. “I had to travel 30 minutes to go to practice every day but we made it work. It’s something that I love doing and I like getting these girls where they need to be."