Houston Daily

News from March 2022

MacGregor Park Super Neighborhood officials host news conference to address anti-crime efforts

In light of the increased violence and crime in Houston, members of the city's MacGregor Park Super Neighborhood hosted a news conference to emphasize the need for anti-crime efforts from city, county, and state officials.

'This is a can-do city': Houston leaders introduce 38th annual March on Crime

Houston's 38th March of Crime initiative will focus on road rage, domestic violence, homicides, shootings, theft of firearms from vehicles and other facets of crime troubling Texas's largest and the U.S.'s fourth-largest city, city leaders said.

'I’ve got a little problem': Knox raises concerns with selection of subcontractor West & Associates

A recent Houston City Council meeting scheduled to discuss redistricting considerations was met with concerns as long-time councilmember Mike Knox raised his issue with the selection of subcontractor West & Associates, owned by Sen. Royce West.

'Texas stands with Ukraine': Abbott requests businesses remove Russian products from shelves

Gov. Greg Abbott has requested Texas businesses to remove Russian products in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

'Just hoping for the best': Members of Greater Houston's Ukrainian community help compatriots back home

Some members of Greater Houston’s Ukrainian community are turning their worry and despair for their homeland into something positive by lending helping hands.

Five Corners Improvement District Public Safety Committee met Feb. 15

Five Corners Improvement District Public Safety Committee met Tuesday, Feb. 15.

Five Corners Improvement District Economic Development Committee met Feb. 15

Five Corners Improvement District Economic Development Committee met Tuesday, Feb. 15.

Bertha Martin Duran

Bertha Martin Duran (October 30, 1950 - February 26, 2022)

Kenneth Lem McElroy

Kenneth Lem McElroy (January 24, 1951 - February 25, 2022)

Donald Richard Jaehnke

Donald Richard Jaehnke (November 23, 1926 - February 26, 2022)

Richard Armando Torres

Richard Armando Torres (March 7, 1946 - February 27, 2022)

Wilbert Adam Broussard

Wilbert Adam Broussard (August 10, 1939 - February 26, 2022)

Wilma Lee Teal

Wilma Lee Teal (January 27, 1935 - February 27, 2022)

Luis Aguilar

Luis Aguilar (June 24, 1962 - February 22, 2022)