Houston Daily

Houston Firefighters Relief and Retirement Fund Investment Committee met March 18
Webp 6
David Riegor - Position II | Houston Firefighters Relief and Retirement Fund

Houston Firefighters Relief and Retirement Fund Investment Committee met March 18.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Chair to call the meeting to order.

2. Comments from the Public (Limited to no more than 3 minutes)

a. Deliberation and any needed actions, except as otherwise noted, concerning item(s) 3-6:

3. Avenue Asia Special Situation VII, L.P.

4. iShares Bond ETF Authorization

5. Quarterly Performance Report for the period ending December 31, 2024.

6. Investment Updates:

A. Allocation and Activity Summary

B. Private Markets Strategy

C. Investment Actions Taken

7. Adjournment

