City of Houston City Council Feb. 11 & 12.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
A regular meeting of the Houston City Council was held at 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 11, 2025, Mayor John Whitmire presiding with Council Members Amy Peck, Tarsha Jackson, Abbie Kamin, Carolyn Evans-Shabazz, Fred Flickinger, Tiffany D. Thomas, Mary Nan Huffman, Mario Castillo, Joaquin Martinez, Edward Pollard, Martha Castex-Tatum, Julian Ramirez, Twila Carter, Letitia Plummer and Sallie Alcorn; Nirja Aiyer, Legal Department, and Marta Crinejo, Agenda Director, present. Council Member Willie Davis absent on personal business.
At 1:46 p.m., Mayor Whitmire called the meeting to order and yielded to Mayor Pro Tem Castex-Tatum.
Mayor Pro Tem Castex-Tatum recognized Council Member Kamin for a proclamation. Council Member Kamin presented a proclamation to the non-profit “Wild Tunes” celebrating Wild Tunes Day.
Mayor Pro Tem Castex-Tatum recognized Council Member Evans-Shabazz for a proclamation. Council Member Evans-Shabazz presented a proclamation recognizing Montoia Murray for her being recognized as the 2025 MLK Jr. Orator Contest winner.
At 2:12 p.m., Mayor Whitmire recognized Council Member Martinez for the Invocation. Council Member Martinez invited Reverend Henry B. Walker (Immaculate Conception Catholic Church) for the Invocation after which he led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Council Member Castex-Tatum moved to adopt the minutes of February 4 - 5, 2025 and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION ADOPTED
Mayor Whitmire recognized Council Member Castex-Tatum for a procedural motion. Council Member Castex-Tatum moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of adding Jose Vega to follow Carmen Nuncio and moving Robert Gallegos to follow Michael Moreno on the three (3) minute Agenda List of Speakers and seconded by Council Member Thomas, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0084 ADOPTED
Mayor Whitmire recognized Council Member Martinez for a procedural motion. Council Member Martinez moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of adding Lenora Pohlman, Mary Ramos and Stephen Quesada to follow Robert Gallegos on the three (3) minute Agenda List of Speakers and seconded by Council Member Thomas, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0085 ADOPTED
Mayor Whitmire recognized Council Member Plummer for a procedural motion. Council Member Plummer moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of moving Laolu Davies before Laura Conely on the three (3) minute Agenda List of Speakers and seconded by Council Member Thomas, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0086 ADOPTED
Mayor Whitmire recognized Council Member Kamin for a procedural motion. Council Member Kamin moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of moving Jacob Klementich to the top of the one (1) minute Non-Agenda List of Speakers and seconded by Council Member Thomas, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0087 ADOPTED
At 2:17 p.m., Mayor Whitmire requested the City Secretary to call the List of Speakers. 1 - C. PATRICK McILVAIN - Item 52 - Support of former Councilman Robert Gallegos.
MARSHA LISTER - Item 52 - Nomination for Robert Gallegos. Not Present
2 - ETHEL TERRELL - Item 52 - Support of former Councilman Robert Gallegos.
3 - GUADALUPE FERNANDEZ - Item 52 - Port of Houston Authority of Harris County.
4 - PATRICIA CABRERA - Item 52 - Nomination for Robert Gallegos.
5 - EUGENIA ALEMAN - Item 52 - Nomination for Robert Gallegos.
6 - JOHN ALEMAN - Item 52 - Port Commissioner/Robert Gallegos.
7 - AGUSTINE PINEDO - No Address - No Phone - Item 52 - Port Commissioner/Robert Gallegos.
8 - JESUS MEDEL - No Address - No Phone - Item 52 - Port Commissioner/Robert Gallegos.
9 - GARETH MORGANS - Item 52 - Port Commissioner/Robert Gallegos.
10 - CARMEN NUNCIO - Item 52 - Port Commissioner/Robert Gallegos.
11 - MICHAEL MORENO - Item 52 - Nomination for Robert Gallegos.
12 - JOSE VEGA - Item 52.
13 - ROBERT GALLEGOS - No Address - No Phone - Item 52 - Port Commissioner.
14 - MARY RAMOS - Item 52.
15 - LENORA POHLMAN - Item 52.
16 - STEPHEN QUESADA - Item 52.
At 3:18 p.m., Mayor Whitmire left the meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Castex-Tatum presiding.
17 - LAOLU DAVIES - Item 21.
18 - LAURA CONELY - Item 8 - Reinvestment Zone Number 27/Montrose Zone.
Mayor Pro Tem Castex-Tatum recognized Council Member Jackson for a procedural motion. Council Member Jackson moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of moving Kathy Gunter to the top of the two (2) minute Non-Agenda List of Speakers and seconded by Council Member Thomas, all voting aye, nays none. Mayor Whitmire and Council Member Martinez absent. Mayor Pro Tem Castex-Tatum presiding.
19 - STEPHEN LONGMIRE - Item 8 - Reinvestment Zone Number 27/Montrose Zone.
20 - GIA LONGSWORTH - Item 8 - Reinvestment Zone Number 27/Montrose Zone.
Mayor Pro Tem Castex-Tatum recognized Council Member Martinez for a procedural motion. Council Member Martinez moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of adding Jennifer Ruiz to follow Maria Lira on the two (2) minute Non-Agenda List of Speakers and seconded by Council Member Thomas, all voting aye, nays none. Mayor Whitmire and Council Member Plummer absent. Mayor Pro Tem Castex-Tatum presiding.
21 - REV. LESLIE SMITH - Item 22 - Resolution/Affordable Rental Housing/Trinity East Village Tax Credit.
22 - NATHAN L. KELLEY - Item 23 - Resolution/Affordable Rental Housing/Hartwood at Windstone Project.
23 - JACOB KLEMENTICH - Valentine’s Day.
24 - KATHY GUNTER - Recycle.
25 - CELINA TIJERINA - Speed cushions.
26 - EDGAR REYNA - Speed cushions.
27 - SERGIO LIRA - Crime/Parks.
28 - MARIA LIRA - Crime/Neglected neighborhood.
29 - JENNIFER RUIZ - concerns for neighborhood parks.
30 - ALEXIA HERNANDEZ - Expansion of Civility Ordinance
EMMA ROGERS - Expansion of Civility Ordinance. Not Present
31 - ARI ANDERSON - Expansion of Civility Ordinance.
Mayor Pro Tem Castex-Tatum recognized Council Member Evans-Shabazz for a procedural motion. Council Member Evans-Shabazz moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of moving Deborah Gladish to be the next speaker and seconded by Council Member Thomas, all voting aye, nays none. Mayor Whitmire, Council Members Flickinger and Ramirez absent. Mayor Pro Tem Castex-Tatum presiding.
32 - DEBORAH GLADISH - New Hope Housing.
33 - KYLE ROGERS - Polk Street closure.
34 - TINA BRADY - Polk Street closure.
KAREN HOLMES - Update on previous briefing. Not Present
35 - LYNDA PIGGE - High water bill.
ALEXANDER VARGAS - Water bill. Not Present
36 - MARIAN WRIGHT - Why did the Mayor sign a letter of support.
PAUL DANCY - Communication (AI). Not Present
NIA COLBERT - Mayor Whitmire’s response to housing. Not Present
RONNY HALTON - Harassment from HPD. Not Present
37 - BERNADETTE KEKE - Spiritual warfare/Second coming of Jesus.
STEVE WILLIAMS - It’s a shame. Not Present
38 - JESSIE ESCALANTE - Awareness program in Houston for schools.
39 - SOPHIA SAGAR - City budget.
SARAH BELL-EDWARDS - IRS/FEMA/Human Resources. Not Present
CAROLYN WEBSTER - Community. Not Present
EDUARDO DURAN - Major food changes. Not Present
ROBERT CHOATE - No Address - No Phone - Various furniture products for General Services Department. Not Present
At 5:13 p.m., City Council was recessed until 9:00 a.m., Wednesday, February 12, 2025.
For more information and details from the speakers list, please click here.
Pat J. Daniel, City Secretary, read the description or captions of the Items on the Agenda.
The Houston City Council reconvened at 9:00 a.m., Wednesday, February 12, 2025, Mayor John Whitmire presiding with Council Members Amy Peck, Tarsha Jackson, Abbie Kamin, Carolyn Evans-Shabazz, Fred Flickinger, Tiffany D. Thomas, Mary Nan Huffman, Mario Castillo, Joaquin Martinez, Edward Pollard, Martha Castex-Tatum, Julian Ramirez, Twila Carter, Letitia Plummer and Sallie Alcorn; Arturo Michel, City Attorney, and Marta Crinejo, Agenda Director, present. Council Member Willie Davis out of the City on City business.
At 9:10 a.m., Mayor Whitmire called the meeting of the Houston City Council to order and recognized Council Member Castex-Tatum for a procedural motion.
Council Member Castex-Tatum moved that the rules be suspended to consider Item 27 out of order and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0091 ADOPTED
27. ORDINANCE relating to the confirmation and designation of NELLY TREVIÑO SANTOS as a Full-Time Municipal Court Judge and Director and Presiding Judge of the Municipal Courts Department - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0091 ADOPTED
Mayor Whitmire joined Nelly Treviño Santos at the podium to swear her in as the full-time Municipal Court Judge and Director and Presiding Judge of the Municipal Courts Department. Members of Council congratulated Judge Santos on her appointment.
Mayor Whitmire recognized Council Member Castex-Tatum for a procedural motion. Council Member Castex-Tatum moved that the rules be suspended to consider Items 1 thru 5 out of order and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0092 ADOPTED
1. REQUEST from Mayor for confirmation of the appointment of the following individuals to the INDEPENDENT POLICE OVERSIGHT BOARD, for a term to expire January 31, 2027:
Member - JOHN S. BRAUN
- was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0093 ADOPTED
2. REQUEST from Mayor for confirmation of the appointment of RUFI NATARAJAN, (Harris County Appointee), to Position Six of REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER ONE, CITY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS, BOARD OF DIRECTORS, for a term to expire December 31, 2025 - was present, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck. Tagged by Council Member Pollard.
3. REQUEST from Mayor for confirmation of the appointment of RUFI NATARAJAN (Harris County Appointee) to Position 6 of the ST. GEORGE PLACE REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS, for a term to expire December 31, 2025 - was present, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck. Tagged by Council Member Pollard.
4. REQUEST from Mayor for confirmation of the appointment of the following individuals to the BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER TWENTY:
Position One - ZION ESCOBAR, (Harris County Appointee), for a term to expire December 20, 2025 Position Six - UJARI MOHITE, (Harris County Appointee), for a term to expire December 20, 2026 Position Seven - THU-MAI NGUYEN, (Harris County Appointee), for a term to expire December 20, 2025 - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck. Tagged by Council Members Thomas and Pollard.
5. REQUEST from Mayor for confirmation of the appointment of the following individuals to the BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTHWEST HOUSTON REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY:
Position One - ZION ESCOBAR, (Harris County Appointee), for a term to expire December 20, 2025
Position Six - UJARI MOHITE, (Harris County Appointee), for a term to expire December 20, 2026
Position Seven - THU-MAI NGUYEN, (Harris County Appointee), for a term to expire December 20, 2025 - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck. Tagged by Council Members Thomas and Pollard.
At 9:38 a.m., Mayor Whitmire moved to the Mayor’s report.
The Mayor’s Report regarding the efficiency review of the city government from Ernst and Young can be found at
Members of Council commented and questioned the results of the Citywide Efficiency Study at length. At 11: 25 a.m., Mayor Whitmire requested the City Secretary to call the Consent Agenda. CONSENT AGENDA
6. REQUEST from Mayor for confirmation of the appointment or reappointment to the BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TAX INCREMENT REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER TWENTY-THREE (also known as the “HARRISBURG ZONE”):
Position Two - RICKY CARDENAS, reappointment, for a term to expire
December 31, 2026
Position Four - RICHARD J. (RICK) NORIEGA, appointment, for a term to expire December 31, 2026 Position Six - MARGARET ELIZABETH (BETH) LEE, reappointment, for a term to expire December 31, 2026
Position Seven - BOLIVAR “BO” M. FRAGA, reappointment, for a term to expire December 31, 2025, and to serve as Chair for a term ending December 31, 2025
- was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. Council Members Kamin, Martinez, Pollard, Carter and Plummer absent. MOTION 2025-0094 ADOPTED
7. REQUEST from Mayor for confirmation of the appointment or reappointment of the following individuals to the BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE HARRISBURG REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY:
Position Two - RICKY CARDENAS, reappointment, for a term to expire December 31, 2026 Position Four - RICHARD J. (RICK) NORIEGA, appointment, for a term to expire December 31, 2026
Position Six - MARGARET ELIZABETH (BETH) LEE, reappointment, for a term to expire December 31, 2026
Position Seven - BOLIVAR “BO” M. FRAGA, reappointment, for a term to expire December 31, 2025, and to serve as Chair for a term ending December 31, 2025
- was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. Council Members Kamin, Martinez, Pollard, Carter and Plummer absent. MOTION 2025-0095 ADOPTED
10. RECOMMENDATION from Director Houston Public Works for approval of final Contract Amount of $22,255,603.41 and acceptance of work on contract with REYTEC CONSTRUCTION RESOURCES, INC for Green River Drive and Chatwood Lift Station Diversion - 1.52% under the original Contract Amount and under the 5% contingency amount - DISTRICT B - JACKSON - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. Council Member Carter absent. MOTION 2025-0096 ADOPTED
11. RECOMMENDATION from the City Attorney to settle a claim of breach of settlement agreement in connection with the eminent domain proceeding styled City of Houston v. Victor Remedios LLC, et al; Cause No. 1161788, for the acquisition of Parcels DY17-029, DY17-030 and DY17-030A for Lift Station Diversions for MUD #237 and MUD #159 - DISTRICT B - JACKSON - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. Council Member Carter absent.
12. HOLT TRUCK CENTERS OF HOUSTON, LLC (formally TEXAS TRUCK CENTERS OF HOUSTON, LTD dba KYRISH TRUCK CENTERS OF HOUSTON) for International Trucks, OEM Gas/Diesel Replacement Parts and Repair Services for the Fleet Management Department - $2,172,154.53 - 3 Years with 2 one-year options - Fleet Management Fund - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0098 ADOPTED
13. APPROVE spending authority in an amount not to exceed $265,045.79 for Purchase of Multiple Pieces of Custodial Floor Cleaning Equipment for the Houston Airport Systems, through the Houston-Galveston Area Council supplier, NILFISK, INC - Enterprise Fund - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0099 ADOPTED
14. TELEDYNE FLIR SURVEILLANCE, INC for Purchase of Repair Services for a FLIR Dual Sensor Thermal Imaging System for the Houston Police Department - $107,568.00 - General Fund - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0100 ADOPTED
15. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, LLC for Purchase of Fire Hydrant Extension Kits through the National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance Cooperative Purchasing Agreement for Houston Public Works - $76,964.00 - Enterprise Fund - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0101 ADOPTED
16. GIPTEC LLC for Purchase of a Truck Cap and Accessories for Houston Public Works - $9,739.00 - Special Revenue Fund - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0102 ADOPTED
17. ABACUS QUALITY SYSTEM SERVICES, INC for Purchase of Adapters and Couplings for Houston Public Works - $15,139.76 - Enterprise Fund - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0103 ADOPTED
18. ABACUS QUALITY SYSTEM SERVICES, INC for Purchase of Solar Panels for Houston Public Works - $10,110.00 - Special Revenue Fund - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0104 ADOPTED
19. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, LLC for Purchase for Various Types of Valves through the National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance Cooperative Purchasing Agreement for Houston Public Works - $312,452.51 - Enterprise Fund - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0105 ADOPTED
23. RESOLUTION confirming support for proposed development of certain properties as Affordable Rental Housing, each located in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Houston, Texas or having been annexed into the City of Houston only for Limited Purposes, and submittal of applications for Competitive 9% Housing Tax Credits for such developments - was presented, all voting aye, nays none.
24. RESOLUTION confirming support for proposed development as Affordable Rental Housing of one or more properties, each of which is located in the City of Houston, Texas and within a census tract that has a poverty rate above 40% for individuals, allowing construction of such properties, supporting the submittal of applications for Competitive 9% Housing Tax Credits for such developments; and authorizing allocation of Tax Credits to such developments - was presented, all voting aye, nays none.
25. RESOLUTION confirming support for proposed development as Affordable Rental Housing of certain properties which are subject to the One Mile Three Year Rule, each located in the City of Houston, Texas, and submittal of applications for Competitive 9% Housing Tax Credits for such developments; allowing construction of such developments; and authorizing the allocation of Tax Credits to such developments - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. RESOLUTION 2025-0005 ADOPTED
28.ORDINANCE approving and authorizing Director of City of Houston Health Department to accept Grant Award from the CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION for the continuation of the Tuberculosis Elimination and Laboratory Grant Project; authorizing the Director to expend the Grant Funds, as awarded, and to apply for and accept all subsequent awards, if any, pertaining to the Grant - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0092 ADOPTED
29. ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 2022-889 to reflect correct grant project name to Be Well Communities Program Grant and authorize the first amendment between City of Houston and THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS M.D. ANDERSON CANCER CENTER for its Be Well Communities Program - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0093 ADOPTED
30. ORDINANCE appropriating $8,703,754.50 out of Airports Improvement Fund, awarding Construction Contract to EAS CONTRACTING, LP for IAH South Lighting Vault Renovation Project at George Bush Intercontinental Airport/Houston (IAH) (Project No. 952); setting a deadline for the bidder’s execution of the contract and delivery of all bonds, insurance, and other required contract documents to the City; holding the bidder in default if it fails to meet the deadlines; providing funding for construction services, testing, CenterPoint Energy Standby Allowance, and contingency relating to the IAH South Lighting Vault Renovation financed by the Airports Improvement Fund - DISTRICT B - JACKSON - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0094 ADOPTED
31. ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 2023-66 to increase maximum contract amounts for Environmental Remediation Underground Storage Tank Removal and Demolition Services Task Order Contracts, for City facilities and dangerous buildings - was presented, all voting aye, nays none.
36. ORDINANCE approving amendment to Ordinance No. 2024-0389 to increase maximum contract amount for agreement between City of Houston and HOMETOWN VETERINARY SERVICES dba VERGI, for Veterinary Services for canines for the Houston Police Department - $50,000.00 - General Fund - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0096 ADOPTED
38. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing Sole Source Agreement between City of Houston and NOVASYS TECHNOLOGIES, INC for Maintenance, Development, and Support Services for Electronic Client-Level Integrated Prevention System for the Houston Health Department; providing a maximum contract amount - 3 Years with 2 one-year options - $1,000,000.00 - Community Health & Assessment Fund - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0097 ADOPTED
41. ORDINANCE establishing the north and south sides of the 3100 Block of Prospect Street, between Sampson Street and the end of Prospect Street, within the City of Houston, Texas, as a Special Minimum Lot Size Block pursuant to Chapter 42 of the Code of Ordinances, Houston, Texas - DISTRICT D - EVANS-SHABAZZ - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0098 ADOPTED
42. ORDINANCE establishing the north and south sides of the 3200 - 3300 Blocks of Binz Street, between Sampson Street and Burkett Street, within the City of Houston, Texas, as a Special Minimum Lot Size Block pursuant to Chapter 42 of the Code of Ordinances, Houston, Texas – DISTRICT D - EVANS-SHABAZZ - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0099 ADOPTED
43. ORDINANCE renewing the establishment of the north and south sides of the 600, 700, and 900 Blocks of W. Temple Street, between Michaux and Moss Streets, and the south side of the 800 Block of W. Temple Street, between Julian and Watson Streets within the City of Houston, Texas as a Special Minimum Lot Size Block pursuant to the Code of Ordinances, Houston, Texas - DISTRICT H - CASTILLO - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0100 ADOPTED
44. ORDINANCE consenting to the addition of 6.1036 acres of land to BRIDGESTONE MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT for inclusion in its district - was presented, all voting aye, nays none.
45. ORDINANCE consenting to the addition of 32.849 acres of land to FALLBROOOK UTILITY DISTRICT, for inclusion in its district - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0102 ADOPTED
47. ORDINANCE consenting to the creation of WALLER COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 40 and the inclusion of approximately 377.77 acres of land into the district; authorizing the district to issue bonds, subject to certain conditions - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0103 ADOPTED
48. ORDINANCE appropriating $550,000.00 out of Metro Projects Construction DDSRF; approving and authorizing Professional Engineering Services Contract between City of Houston and EPIC TRANSPORTATION GROUP, LP for Traffic Signal Design Project FY24 #1; providing funding for CIP Cost Recovery relating to construction of facilities financed by the Metro Projects Construction DDSRF - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0104 ADOPTED
49. ORDINANCE appropriating $550,000.00 out of Metro Projects Construction - DDSRF; approving and authorizing Professional Engineering Services Contract between City of Houston and AURORA TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC for FY24 Street Rehabilitation Design Project Contract #2; providing funding for CIP Cost Recovery relating to construction of facilities financed by the Metro Projects Construction - DDSRF - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0105 ADOPTED
50. ORDINANCE appropriating $3,343,559.00 out of Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund; awarding contract to EQUIX INTEGRITY SOUTHEAST, INC for Sanitary Sewer Cleaning and Television Inspection in Support of Rehabilitation; setting a deadline for the bidder’s execution of the contract and delivery of all bonds, insurance, and other required contract documents to the City; holding the bidder in default if it fails to meet the deadlines; providing funding for CIP Cost Recovery and contingencies relating to construction of facilities financed by the Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0106 ADOPTED
51. ORDINANCE appropriating $35,938,691.80 out of Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund, awarding contract to AIR PRODUCTS AND CHEMICALS for purchasing of 69th Street WWTP Oxygen Plant Procurement; setting a deadline for the bidder’s execution of the contract and delivery of all bonds, insurance, and other required contract documents to the City; holding the bidder in default if it fails to meet the deadlines; providing funding for CIP Cost Recovery, contingencies, relating to construction of facilities financed by the Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0107 ADOPTED
8. REQUEST from Mayor for confirmation of the appointment of the following individuals to the BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER TWENTY-SEVEN, CITY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS (MONTROSE ZONE), for a term to expire December 31, 2026:
Position Two - KATY CALDWELL
Position Four - ELIZABETH A. LARSON; and
Position Six - T. RAY PURSER
- The City Secretary advised that Item 8 has been pulled by the Administration and will not be considered.
9. REQUEST from Mayor for confirmation of the appointment of the following individuals to the BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF MONTROSE REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, for a term to expire December 31, 2026:
Position Two - KATY CALDWELL
Position Four - ELIZABETH A. LARSON; and
Position Six - T. RAY PURSER
- The City Secretary advised that Item 9 has been pulled by the Administration and will not be considered.
20. APPROVE spending authority in the total amount of $66,270.00 for Commercial Driver’s License Training for Houston Public Works, from SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE - Special Revenue and Other Funds - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck. Tagged by Council Member Pollard.
21. RESOLUTION approving Issuance and Sale by HOUSTON HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION of Multifamily Housing Revenue Note (ALCOTT VILLAGE) Series 2025 - DISTRICT B - JACKSON - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. RESOLUTION 2025-0006 ADOPTED
22. RESOLUTION confirming support for proposed development of certain properties as Affordable Rental Housing, each located in City of Houston, Texas and submittal of applications for Competitive 9% Housing Tax Credits for such developments - was presented, Mayor Whitmire recognized Council Member Castex-Tatum for a procedural motion. Council Member Castex-Tatum moved that the rules be suspended to remove Fairway at Fuqua from the list of 9% tax credits and postpone and seconded by Council Member Thomas, Council Member Pollard voting no, balance voting aye. MOTION 2025-0106 ADOPTED
Mayor Whitmire requested a vote on the main item, Council Member Pollard voting no, balance voting aye. RESOLUTION 2025-0007 ADOPTED
26. RESOLUTION confirming support for proposed development as Affordable Rental Housing of one or more properties which are subject to the Two Mile Same Year Rule, each located in the City of Houston, Texas, and submittal of applications for Competitive 9% Housing Tax Credits for such developments; allowing construction of such developments; and authorizing allocation of Tax Credits to such developments - was presented, Mayor Whitmire recognized Council Member Castex-Tatum for a procedural motion. Council Member Castex-Tatum moved that the rules be suspended to remove Fairway at Fuqua from the Two Mile Same Year Rule and postpone and seconded by Council Member Thomas, Council Members Pollard and Plummer voting no, balance voting aye. MOTION 2025-0107 ADOPTED
Mayor Whitmire requested a vote on the main item, Council Member Pollard voting no, balance voting aye. RESOLUTION 2025-0008 ADOPTED
32. ORDINANCE appropriating $79,000.00 out of Miscellaneous Capital Projects/Acquisitions CP Series E Fund, for Heights Neighborhood Library Restoration Project - DISTRICT C - KAMIN - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0108 ADOPTED
33. ORDINANCE finding and determining public convenience and necessity for the acquisition of real property interests in connection with the Public Improvement Project known as the Consolidation of Fire Station 101 and Fire Station 104 Project; authorizing the acquisition of fee simple title in or permanent easement to one parcel of land required for the project and situated in the Mary Ownes Survey, Abstract A-405 in Harris County, Texas, said Parcel of land located in the Kingwood Area of Houston, Harris County, Texas, by gift, dedication, purchase, or the use of eminent domain and further authorizing payment of the costs of such purchase and/or eminent domain proceedings and associated costs for Relocation Assistance, Appraisal Fees, Title Policies/Services, Recording Fees, Court Costs and Expert Witness Fees in connection with the acquisition - DISTRICT E - FLICKINGER - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0109 ADOPTED
34. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing agreement between City of Houston and WEAVER AND TIDWELL, LLP for Professional Auditing Services for the City of Houston Finance Department; providing a maximum contract amount - 3 Years with 2 one-year options - $7,168,200.00 - General Fund - was presented and Tagged by Council Member Thomas.
35. ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 2020-0171 (Passed on March 20, 2020); approving and authorizing first amendment to contract between City of Houston and MCCONNELL & JONES LLP (M&J) and BANKS, FINLEY, WHITE AND CO. (BFW), a Joint Venture Partnership dba M&J/BFW TEAM, to extend contract term from March 5, 2025 to December 31, 2025, for Professional Auditing Services for the Houston Finance Department - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0110 ADOPTED
37. ORDINANCE approving and amending Ordinance No. 2019-0505 to increase maximum contract amount; and authorizing first amendment between City of Houston and UKG KRONOS SYSTEMS, LLC fka KRONOS INCORPORATED to extend contract term for Continued Automated Time and Attendance System Software and Equipment Support Services for the Houston Information Technology Services $5,959,933.46 - General, Enterprise and Other Funds - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0111 ADOPTED
39. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing agreement for Professional Services with BAY AREA HOUSTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP to promote Tourism and Economic Development on behalf of the City of Houston; providing a maximum contract amount - $150,000.00 - 3 Years - Tourism Promotion Fund - The City Secretary advised that Item 39 has not been received but will be considered if it’s received before the end of the meeting.
Note: Item 39 was received and was considered at the end of the agenda.
40. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing submission of Electronic Grant Application to the ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling Grant Program and the acceptance of the award for the Solid Waste Management Department; declaring the City’s eligibility for such Grant; authorizing the Director of Solid Waste Management Department to act as the City’s representative in the application process; authorizing the Director to accept the Grant Award and expend the Grant Funds, as awarded, to extend the budget period and to apply for and accept all subsequent awards, if any, pertaining to the Grant - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0112 ADOPTED
46. ORDINANCE consenting to the addition of 26.6199 acres of land to HARRIS COUNTY WATER CONTROL AND IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 119, for inclusion in its district - was presented and Tagged by Council Member Kamin.
52. RECEIVE, SELECT and CONFIRM nominations for appointment to Position One on the PORT OF HOUSTON AUTHORITY OF HARRIS COUNTY, for a two-year term ending February 1 of each odd numbered year - was presented,
Council Member Castex-Tatum moved that the rules be suspended to nominate Robert Gallegos to Position One on the Port of Houston Authority of Harris County and seconded by Council Member Thomas, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0108 ADOPTED
Council Member Martinez moved that the rules be suspended to nominate Roland Garcia to Position One on the Port of Houston Authority of Harris County and seconded by Council Member Ramirez, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0109 ADOPTED
Mayor Whitmire asked if there were any other nominations. Seeing none, he requested a motion to close nominations to Position One on the Port of Houston Authority of Harris County.
Council Member Castex-Tatum moved to close the nominations on the Port of Houston Authority of Harris County and seconded by Council Member Thomas, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0110 ADOPTED
During discussion to close the nominations, a request for a motion to vote on the nominees at this time. Council Member Castex-Tatum moved to suspend the rules to vote on the nominees at this time and seconded by Council Member Thomas. A roll call vote was requested.
Roll Call Vote:
Mayor Whitmire voting aye Council Member Martinez voting aye
Council Member Peck voting no Council Member Pollard voting aye
Council Member Jackson voting aye Council Member Castex-Tatum voting aye
Council Member Kamin voting aye Council Member Ramirez voting no
Council Member Evans-Shabazz voting aye Council Member Davis out of the City on Council Member Flickinger voting no
City business
Council Member Thomas voting aye Council Member Carter voting aye
Council Member Huffman voting aye Council Member Plummer voting aye
Council Member Castillo voting no Council Member Alcorn voting aye
Motion by Council Member Castex-Tatum/Seconded by Council Member Thomas to select and confirm the nominee. Mayor Whitmire requested a roll call vote.
Roll Call Vote:
Mayor Whitmire - Garcia Council Member Martinez - Garcia Council Member Peck - Garcia Council Member Pollard - Gallegos Council Member Jackson - Garcia Council Member Castex-Tatum - Gallegos Council Member Kamin - Gallegos Council Member Ramirez - Garcia Council Member Evans-Shabazz - Gallegos Council Member Davis out of the City on City business Council Member Flickinger - Garcia Council Member Carter - Garcia
Council Member Thomas - Gallegos Council Member Plummer - Garcia Council Member Huffman - Garcia Council Member Alcorn - Gallegos Council Member Castillo - Garcia
Roland Garcia was selected and confirmed to Position One on the Port of Houston Authority of Harris County. MOTION 2025-0112 ADOPTED
53. MOTION by Council Member Castex-Tatum/Seconded by Council Member Peck to approve recommendation from the Director Houston Public Works for approval of final contract amount of $3,328,598.32 and acceptance of work on contract with SPECIALIZED MAINTENANCE SERVICES, INC for Sewer Stoppage Cleaning and Television Inspection VI - 1.31% under the original contract amount and under the 5% contingency amount - (WW5100-06) - DISTRICTS B - JACKSON; C - KAMIN; D - EVANS-SHABAZZ; E - FLICKINGER; F - THOMAS; G - HUFFMAN; H - CASTILLO and I - MARTINEZ - TAGGED BY COUNCIL MEMBER POLLARD
This was Item 3 on Agenda of February 5, 2025
- was presented, Council Member Castex-Tatum moved that the rules be suspended to DELAY ITEM 53 and seconded by Council Member Kamin, all voting aye, nays none. Council Member Ramirez absent. MOTION 2025-0113 ADOPTED
54. MOTION by Council Member Castex-Tatum/Seconded by Council Member Peck to approve spending authority in an amount not to exceed $10,000,000.00 per contractor for five Job Order Contracts for the General Services Department through the cooperative agreements with Choice Partners (Harris County Department of Education) for Job Order Contracts to BROWN AND ROOT INDUSTRIAL SERVICES, LLC, E CONTRACTORS USA LLC, HORIZON INTERNATIONAL GROUP, LLC, NASH INDUSTRIES, INC, and J.T. VAUGHN CONSTRUCTION, LLC - 2 Years - Equipment Acquisition Consolidated Fund and Other Funds - TAGGED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FLICKINGER
This was Item 5 on Agenda of February 5, 2025
- was presented, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0114 ADOPTED
The City Secretary advised that Item 39 has been received and will be considered.
39. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing agreement for Professional Services with BAY AREA HOUSTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP to promote Tourism and Economic Development on behalf of the City of Houston; providing a maximum contract amount - $150,000.00 - 3 Years - Tourism Promotion Fund - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0113 ADOPTED
MATTERS TO BE PRESENTED BY COUNCIL MEMBERS - Council Member Thomas first There being no further business before Council, the City Council adjourned at 12:36 p.m.