City of Houston City Council met Feb. 4 & 5.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
A regular meeting of the Houston City Council was held at 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 4 - 5, 2025, Mayor John Whitmire presiding with Council Members Amy Peck, Tarsha Jackson, Abbie Kamin, Carolyn Evans-Shabazz, Fred Flickinger, Tiffany D. Thomas, Mary Nan Huffman, Mario Castillo, Joaquin Martinez, Edward Pollard, Martha Castex-Tatum, Willie Davis, Twila Carter, Letitia Plummer and Sallie Alcorn; Randy Zamora, Legal Department, and Marta Crinejo, Agenda Director, present. Council Member Julian Ramirez absent on personal business.
At 1:55 p.m., Mayor Whitmire called the meeting to order and recognized Council Member Castillo for a proclamation.
Council Member Castillo presented a proclamation to Barrio Dogs recognizing their outstanding contributions to the community and celebrating Love Your Pet Month.
Mayor Whitmire recognized Council Member Peck for the Invocation. Council Member Peck invited Anthony Minor (Hope City Church) for the Invocation after which she led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Council Member Castex-Tatum moved to adopt the minutes of January 28 - 29, 2025 and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION ADOPTED
Mayor Whitmire recognized Council Member Kamin for a procedural motion. Council Member Kamin moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of adding Deborah Quintero to follow James Blair on the three (3) minute Non-Agenda List of Speakers and seconded by Council Member Huffman, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0060 ADOPTED
At 2:12 p.m., Mayor Whitmire requested the City Secretary to call the List of Speakers. ROSALIND WILLIAMS - Care of the sidewalk. Not Present
1 - SARAH BELL-EDWARDS - Constitutional rights.
ONARION PERKINS - Cancellation of a program. Not Present
SIDNEY MAY - City parks. Not Present
LOUIS DARLING - Illegal turns/Speed zones/No parking zones. Not Present
2 - EILEEN EDMONDS - Metropolitan Multi-Service Center.
Mayor Whitmire recognized Council Member Castillo for a procedural motion. Council Member Castillo moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of moving Fred Woods to follow Jerome Nickerson and seconded by Council Member Kamin, all voting aye, nays none. Council Members Evans-Shabazz, Thomas, Pollard, Carter and Plummer absent. MOTION 2025-0061 ADOPTED
MANUEL MARTINEZ - Metropolitan Multi-Service Center. Not Present
3 - JAMES BLAIR - Metropolitan Multi-Service Center/Homeless.
At 2:32 p.m., Mayor Whitmire left the meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Castex-Tatum presiding. 4 - DEBORAH QUINTERO.
Mayor Pro Tem Castex-Tatum recognized Council Member Kamin for a procedural motion. Council Member Kamin moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of moving Peter Contreras to be the next speaker and seconded by Council Member Huffman, all voting aye, nays none. Mayor Whitmire, Council Members Thomas, Pollard and Plummer absent. MOTION 2025-0062 ADOPTED
5 - PETER CONTRERAS - Elderly/Scammers.
10 - DORI WOLFE - Sunnyside Solar Farm.
11 - ANDRE RUBY - Ambulance licensing and compliance.
12 - ALVIN RIGGINGS - Business proposition.
13 - RODNEY UNDERWOOD - No response from Legal Department about ticket from Health Department.
14 - MICHAEL BASTIAN - Inspection of public services resolution.
DARRELL HARPER - Color of law. Not Present
PHILLIP AGUILAR - Missed trash pickup date. Not Present
CHARLEEN JONES - Houston Housing Authority/Missing rent payments. Not Present
15 - TARSHA WARD - Community Promise Grant.
16 - NATASHA JOHNSON - Independent Heights Community.
17 - AMIEE VONBOKEL - Affordable Housing in the neighborhood.
18 - DANNY ASBERRY EL - Independence Heights/Columbia residential.
19 - JEROME NICKERSON - Change in Housing/Independence Heights.
20 - FRED WOODS - Independence Heights/Houston Housing Authority.
STEVE WILLIAMS - Fonde warming center. Not Present
22 - JACOB KLEMENTICH - Austin State Senators/State Representatives/Lobbying.
EDUARDO DURAN - Immigration/Cartel. Not Present
JOHN NICKS - Metropolitan Multi-Service Center/Smoking ban/speakers policy. Not Present At 4:25 p.m., City Council was recessed until 9:00 a.m., Wednesday, February 5, 2025.
For more information and details from the speakers list, please click here.
Pat J. Daniel, City Secretary, read the description or captions of the Items on the Agenda.
The Houston City Council reconvened at 9:00 a.m., Wednesday, February 5, 2025, Mayor John Whitmire presiding with Council Members Amy Peck, Tarsha Jackson, Abbie Kamin, Carolyn Evans-Shabazz, Fred Flickinger, Mary Nan Huffman, Mario Castillo, Joaquin Martinez, Edward Pollard, Martha Castex Tatum, Julian Ramirez, Willie Davis, Twila Carter and Sallie Alcorn; Arturo Michel, City Attorney, and Marta Crinejo, Agenda Director, present. Council Members Tiffany D. Thomas and Letitia Plummer absent on City business.
At 9:08 a.m., Mayor Whitmire called the meeting of the Houston City Council to order and moved to the Monthly Financial and Quarterly Investment Reports.
REPORT FROM CITY CONTROLLER AND THE CITY ADMINISTRATION REGARDING THE CURRENT FINANCIAL STATUS OF THE CITY including but not limited to, a revenue, expenditure and encumbrance report for the General Fund, all special revenue funds and all enterprise funds, and a report on the status of bond funds and a Quarterly Investment Report by the City Controller - was presented, City Controller, Chris Hollins, and Director of Finance Department, Melissa Dubowski, reviewed the Monthly Operation and Financial Report, copies of which are on file in the City Secretary’s Office for review.
Members of Council questioned the City Controller and Finance Director and commented on the Monthly Report and Quarterly Investment Report. Council Member Alcorn moved to accept the Monthly Financial Report for the period ending December 31, 2024 and seconded by Council Member Castillo, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0063 ADOPTED
At 9:48 a.m., Mayor Whitmire moved to the Mayor’s Report.
Before getting to the Mayor’s Report, Mayor Whitmire yielded to Council Member Kamin. Council Member Kamin mentioned that the ReelAbilities Film Festival is going on. This is an incredible partnership through JFS Houston, the Alexander Institute for Inclusion and the Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities, among many other community partners. It’s a month long arts and film festival. It promotes inclusion and celebrates the lives and talents of people with disabilities. The first event was held this past Sunday with the ReelArt opening. The film festival will be hosted by the River Oaks Theater and opening night will be next weekend.
On behalf of Houstonians, Mayor Whitmire expressed his deepest condolences to the Ismaili Muslim community in Houston. We stand with the community following the death of Prince Karim Al-Husseini Aga Khan, spiritual leader of the Shia Ismaili Muslims and founder and Chairman of the Aga Khan Development Network. While we mourn the loss of Prince Karim Aga Khan IV, we will celebrate his remarkable life and commitment in uniting people of all faiths and cultures. He requested a moment of silence to consider his family and his remarkable life.
At 9:52 a.m., Mayor Whitmire requested the City Secretary to call the Agenda.
1. ORDINANCE appropriating $355,980.31 out of Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund as additional appropriation to contract between City of Houston and HARPER BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION, LLC for Change Order No. 14 for Miscellaneous Large Diameter Water Line Improvements - Package 1 (Approved by Ordinance No. 2018-0689); providing funding for CIP Cost Recovery financed by the Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund – DISTRICTS F - THOMAS; H - CASTILLO; I - MARTINEZ; J - POLLARD and K - CASTEX-TATUM - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0060 ADOPTED
2. RECOMMENDATION from Director Houston Public Works for approval of Change Order No. 14 in the amount of $339,028.87, awarded to HARPER BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION, LLC for Miscellaneous Large Diameter Water Line Improvements - Package 1 or 4.71% above the original contract amount - DISTRICTS F - THOMAS; H - CASTILLO; I - MARTINEZ; J - POLLARD and K - CASTEX-TATUM This item should only be considered after passage of Item 1 above - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0064 ADOPTED
4. APPROVE spending authority in an amount not to exceed $5,874,462.00 for Purchase of Various Furniture Products for the General Services Department on behalf of Various Departments, using cooperative purchasing agreements with The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) and Purchasing Cooperative of America cooperative suppliers AGILE OFIS SOLUTIONS, LP; CARROLL’S DISCOUNT OFFICE FURNITURE COMPANY; CHALLENGE OFFICE PRODUCTS, INC.; AFMA, INC. dba CORE OFFICE INTERIORS; J. TYLER SERVICES, INC.; and FPS, LP dba OFFICE FURNITURE CONNECTION - 5 Years - General and Other Funds - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none.
8. MOBOTREX, INC for Purchase of Pedestrian Signal Assemblies through the BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Agreement for Houston Public Works - $278,400.00 - Special Revenue Fund - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0066 ADOPTED
9. VECTOR CONTROLS, LLC for Purchase of Chlorine Analyzers through The Interlocal Purchasing System Cooperative Purchasing Agreement for Houston Public Works - $69,501.40 - Enterprise Fund - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0067 ADOPTED
10. HADRON ENGINEERING SERVICES LLC for Purchase of Pedestrian Push Buttons for Houston Public Works - $12,800.00 - Special Revenue Fund - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0068 ADOPTED
11. HADRON ENGINEERING SERVICES LLC for Purchase of Traffic Cable for Houston Public Works - $4,400.00 - Special Revenue Fund - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0069 ADOPTED
12. HADRON ENGINEERING SERVICES LLC for Purchase of Gate Valves for Houston Public Works - $6,000.00 - Enterprise Fund - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0070 ADOPTED
13. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES LLC for Purchase of Manhole Cover Tools for Houston Public Works - $12,556.95 - Enterprise Fund - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0071 ADOPTED
14. ABACUS QUALITY SYSTEM SERVICES, INC for Purchase of Baffle Skirts for Houston Public Works - $4,560.00 - Enterprise Fund - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0072 ADOPTED
15. PATRICIA TECH SUPPLY AND SERVICE for Pedestrian Push Buttons - $11,160.00 - Special Revenue Fund - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0073 ADOPTED
16. PATRICIA TECH SUPPLY AND SERVICE for Purchase of Guardrail Posts - $6,290.00 - Special Revenue Fund - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0074 ADOPTED
17. TRAFFIC SYSTEMS CONSTRUCTION, INC for Traffic Signals Repairs for Houston Public Works - $78,250.00 - Special Revenue Fund - DISTRICT C - KAMIN - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0075 ADOPTED
19.APPROVE spending authority in an amount not to exceed $3,500,000.00 for Emergency Purchase of Heavy Trash Pickup for the Solid Waste Department from REACH, GRAB AND GO DEBRIS REMOVAL CO. - General Fund - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0076 ADOPTED
20.COMCAST CORPORATION for Cable Television Services for Various Departments - 5 Years with three one-year options - $1,701,876.68 - General and Other Funds - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0077 ADOPTED
21.AMEND MOTION #2020-0065, 2/12/2020, TO EXTEND the contract term from February 23, 2025 to February 23, 2027, for Purchase of Thermoplastic Pavement Marking Preform and Compound Materials for Various Departments awarded to GEVEKO MARKINGS, INC - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none.
22.RESOLUTION authorizing issuance of Letter of Approval to COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONDER, INC pursuant to Section 773.0573 of the Texas Health and Safety Code - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. RESOLUTION 2025-0002 ADOPTED
24. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing Loan Agreement between City of Houston and TEXAS STATE AFFORDABLE HOUSING CORPORATION, joined by HOUSTON DMA HOUSING III, LLC, to provide loan of Home Investment Partnerships Program Funds to partially finance construction of Boulevard 61, a 100-unit affordable housing rental community located at 6101 Richmond Avenue, Houston, Texas for the Housing and Community Development Department - Grant Fund - DISTRICT J - POLLARD - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0061 ADOPTED
25. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing Subrecipient Agreement between City of Houston and CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF GALVESTON-HOUSTON providing Community Development Block Grant Funds to support an Out of School Time Program for low-to-moderate income families living in Alief Independent School District and within the City - $100,000.00 - Grant Fund - DISTRICT F - THOMAS - was presented, all voting aye, nays none.
26. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing Final Claim Settlement, Indemnity Agreement, and Release between City of Houston and LIBERTY MUTUAL GROUP INC to pay Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Funds to Liberty Mutual Group Inc to resolve Liberty Mutual Group Inc’s allegedly Superior Claim to amounts owed by City to CROWN RIDGE BUILDERS, LLC, and for Liberty Mutual Group Inc to release and indemnify the City against Crown Ridge Builders LLC and any entity who may claim a Superior Right to said amounts - $82,028.08 - TIRZ Affordable Housing Fund - DISTRICTS
B - JACKSON, F - THOMAS and I - MARTINEZ - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0063 ADOPTED
27. ORDINANCE declaring surplus and authorizing Purchase and Sale Agreement between City of Houston, Texas, Seller, and P.M. INVESTORS, INC, Purchaser, for sale of five (5) contiguous parcels of land located south of Bush Intercontinental Airport near intersection of Sam Houston Tollway/Beltway 8 and Morales Road, Houston, Harris County, Texas (Parcel Nos. 0741410000005, 0741410000007, 0741410000008, 0741410000010, and 0741410000012), for $360,200.00 - Revenue - DISTRICT B - JACKSON - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0064 ADOPTED
28. ORDINANCE appropriating $20,121,710.18 out of Airport System Consolidated 2011 Construction Fund and $41,322,641.10 out of Airports Improvement Fund; awarding Construction Contract to POSILLICO CIVIL, INC for Rehabilitation of Taxiways SA and SB at George Bush Intercontinental Airport/Houston (IAH) (Project No. 646A); setting a deadline for the bidder’s execution of the contract and delivery of all bonds, insurance, and other required contract documents to the City; holding the bidder in default if it fails to meet the deadlines; providing funding for construction services, materials testing services, and contingency, relating to the rehabilitation of Taxiways SA and SB financed by the Airport System Consolidated 2011 Construction Fund and the Airports Improvement Fund - DISTRICT B - JACKSON - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0065 ADOPTED
29. ORDINANCE appropriating $329,000.00 out of Equipment Acquisition Consolidated Fund for planned HFD-MACH Alert IDB Phase 2 Project for Houston Information Technology Services on behalf of Houston Fire Department - was presented, all voting aye, nays none.
30. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing execution of Compromise, Settlement, Release and Indemnification Agreement between TAMEKA LACY YOAKUM and City of Houston to settle a lawsuit - $190,000.00 - Property & Casualty Fund - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0067 ADOPTED
31. ORDINANCE establishing the north and south sides of the 100 Block of E. 24th Street, between Yale Street and Harvard Street, within the City of Houston, Texas, as a Special Minimum Lot Size Block pursuant to Chapter 42 of the Code of Ordinances, Houston, Texas - DISTRICT C - KAMIN - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0068 ADOPTED
32. ORDINANCE renewing the establishment of the north and south sides of the 800 - 900 Blocks of West Cottage Street, between Michaux Street and Watson Street within the City of Houston, Texas as a Special Minimum Lot Size Block pursuant to the Code of Ordinances, Houston, Texas - DISTRICT H - CASTILLO - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0069 ADOPTED
33. ORDINANCE renewing the establishment of the north side of the 900 Block of Key Street, between Julian and Michaux Streets within the City of Houston, Texas as a Special Minimum Lot Size Block pursuant to the Code of Ordinances, Houston, Texas - DISTRICT H - CASTILLO - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0070 ADOPTED
34. ORDINANCE renewing the establishment of the south side of the 800 - 900 Blocks of Key Street, between Julian and Michaux Streets within the City of Houston, Texas as a Special Minimum Lot Size Block pursuant to the Code of Ordinances, Houston, Texas - DISTRICT H - CASTILLO - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0071 ADOPTED
35. ORDINANCE renewing the establishment of the north and south sides of the 2300 Block of Robinhood Street, between Morningside Drive and Greenbriar Drive within the City of Houston, Texas as a Special Minimum Lot Size Block pursuant to the Code of Ordinances, Houston, Texas - DISTRICT C - KAMIN - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0072 ADOPTED
36. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing agreement between City of Houston and JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. for Depository Banking Services and Securities Safekeeping and Custody Services for the Finance Department; establishing a maximum contract amount - 3 Years with 2 one-year options - $1,560,500.00 - General and Enterprise Funds - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0073 ADOPTED
38. ORDINANCE approving and awarding contract between City of Houston and URETEK USA, INC for Soil Densification Services for Houston Public Works; providing a maximum contract amount - 3 Years with 2 one-year options - $650,000.00 - Special Revenue Fund - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0074 ADOPTED
40. ORDINANCE approving and amending Ordinance No. 2020-148 to increase maximum contract amount; and authorizing first amendment between City of Houston and HARRIS COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT dba HARRIS HEALTH SYSTEM and BEE BUSY WELLNESS CENTER to extend contract term for continued provision of Routine/Opt-Out HIV in Healthcare Setting for the Houston Health Department - 1 Year - $1,300,000.00 - Grant Fund - was presented, all voting aye, nays none.
41. ORDINANCE approving and amending Ordinance No. 2020-149 to increase maximum contract amount; and authorizing first amendment between City of Houston and THE MONTROSE CENTER to extend contract term for Continued HIV Health Education and Risk Reduction Services for the Houston Health Department - 1 Year - $150,000.00 - Grant Fund - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0076 ADOPTED
42. ORDINANCE approving and amending Ordinance No. 2020-165 to increase maximum contract amount; and authorizing first amendment between City of Houston and BEE BUSY LEARNING ACADEMY, INC to extend contract term for continued services to (1) Community-Based HIV/STD Counseling, Testing Referral, and Linkage Services and (2) HIV Health Education and Risk Reduction Services for the Houston Health Department - 1 Year - $1,900,000.00 - Grant Fund - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0077 ADOPTED
43. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing Derivative Agreement with AGGREKO, LLC, for Rental and Leasing of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Systems and related equipment from OMNIA Partners Purchasing Cooperative; providing a maximum contract amount - $5,000,000.00 - Maintenance, Renewal and Replacement Fund - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0078 ADOPTED
45. ORDINANCE appropriating $422,092.27 out of Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund; approving and authorizing Advance Funding Agreement between City of Houston and TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION for reconstruction of SL 494 from Montgomery County Line to north of Sorters-McClellan Road Project; providing funding for CIP Cost Recovery - DISTRICT E - FLICKINGER - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0079 ADOPTED
46. ORDINANCE appropriating $550,000.00 out of Metro Projects Construction - DDSRF; approving and authorizing Professional Engineering Services Contract between City of Houston and TRAF-IQ, INC for Traffic Signal Design Project FY24 #3; providing funding for CIP Cost Recovery relating to construction of facilities financed by the Metro Projects Construction - DDSRF - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0080 ADOPTED
47. ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 2021-1112 (Passed December 15, 2021) to increase maximum contract amount for Professional Engineering Services Contract between City of Houston and RJN GROUP, INC for Wastewater Systems Modeling and Master Planning (as approved by Ordinance No. 2021-1112) - $1,687,000.00 - Enterprise Fund - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0081 ADOPTED
51. ORDINANCE NO. 2025-30, passed second reading January 29, 2025
ORDINANCE granting to AMBIPAR RESPONSE TEXAS, LLC, a Texas Limited Liability Company, the right, privilege, and franchise to collect, haul, and transport solid waste and industrial waste from commercial properties located within the City of Houston, Texas, pursuant to Chapter 39, Code of Ordinances, Houston, Texas; providing for related terms and conditions - THIRD AND FINAL READING - was presented, all voting aye, nays none.
52. ORDINANCE NO. 2025-31, passed second reading January 29, 2025
ORDINANCE granting to ARROW SERVICES 123 INC, a Texas Corporation, the right, privilege, and franchise to collect, haul, and transport solid waste and industrial waste from commercial properties located within the City of Houston, Texas, pursuant to Chapter 39, Code of Ordinances, Houston, Texas; providing for related terms and conditions - THIRD AND FINAL READING - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0031 PASSED THIRD AND FINAL READING
53. ORDINANCE NO. 2025-32, passed second reading January 29, 2025
ORDINANCE granting to AZTEC PORTACANS & CONTAINERS, LTD, a Texas Limited Partnership, the right, privilege, and franchise to collect, haul, and transport solid waste and industrial waste from commercial properties located within the City of Houston, Texas, pursuant to Chapter 39, Code of Ordinances, Houston, Texas; providing for related terms and conditions - THIRD AND FINAL READING
- was presented, all voting aye, nays none.
54. ORDINANCE NO. 2025-33, passed second reading January 29, 2025
ORDINANCE granting to BIG R TRUCKING, LLC, a Texas Limited Liability Company, the right, privilege, and franchise to collect, haul, and transport solid waste and industrial waste from commercial properties located within the City of Houston, Texas, pursuant to Chapter 39, Code of Ordinances, Houston, Texas; providing for related terms and conditions - THIRD AND FINAL READING - was presented, all voting aye, nays none.
55. ORDINANCE NO. 2025-34, passed second reading January 29, 2025
ORDINANCE granting to JAK ENVIRONMENTAL, LLC, a Texas Limited Liability Company, the right, privilege, and franchise to collect, haul, and transport solid waste and industrial waste from commercial properties located within the City of Houston, Texas, pursuant to Chapter 39, Code of Ordinances, Houston, Texas; providing for related terms and conditions - THIRD AND FINAL READING - was presented, all voting aye, nays none.
56. ORDINANCE NO. 2025-35, passed second reading January 29, 2025
ORDINANCE granting to NATION WASTE, INC, a Texas Corporation, the right, privilege, and franchise to collect, haul, and transport solid waste and industrial waste from commercial properties located within the City of Houston, Texas, pursuant to Chapter 39, Code of Ordinances, Houston, Texas; providing for related terms and conditions - THIRD AND FINAL READING - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0035 PASSED THIRD AND FINAL READING
57. ORDINANCE NO. 2025-36, passed second reading January 29, 2025
ORDINANCE granting to TEXAS PRIDE DISPOSAL SOLUTIONS, L.L.C., a Texas Limited Liability Company, the right, privilege, and franchise to collect, haul, and transport solid waste and industrial waste from commercial properties located within the City of Houston, Texas, pursuant to Chapter 39, Code of Ordinances, Houston, Texas; providing for related terms and conditions - THIRD AND FINAL READING - was presented, all voting aye, nays none.
58. ORDINANCE NO. 2025-37, passed second reading January 29, 2025
ORDINANCE granting to TWISTER WASTE INC, a Texas Corporation, the right, privilege, and franchise to collect, haul, and transport solid waste and industrial waste from commercial properties located within the City of Houston, Texas, pursuant to Chapter 39, Code of Ordinances, Houston, Texas; providing for related terms and conditions - THIRD AND FINAL READING - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0037 PASSED THIRD AND FINAL READING
3. RECOMMENDATION from the Director Houston Public Works for approval of final contract amount of $3,328,598.32 and acceptance of work on contract with SPECIALIZED MAINTENANCE SERVICES, INC for Sewer Stoppage Cleaning and Television Inspection VI - 1.31% under the original contract amount and under the 5% contingency amount - (WW5100-06) - DISTRICTS B - JACKSON; C - KAMIN; D - EVANS-SHABAZZ; E - FLICKINGER; F - THOMAS; G - HUFFMAN; H - CASTILLO and I - MARTINEZ - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck. Tagged by Council Member Pollard.
5. APPROVE spending authority in an amount not to exceed $10,000,000.00 per contractor for five Job Order Contracts for the General Services Department through the cooperative agreements with Choice Partners (Harris County Department of Education) for Job Order Contracts to BROWN AND ROOT INDUSTRIAL SERVICES, LLC, E CONTRACTORS USA LLC, HORIZON INTERNATIONAL GROUP, LLC, NASH INDUSTRIES, INC., and J.T. VAUGHN CONSTRUCTION, LLC - 2 Years - Equipment Acquisition Consolidated Fund and Other Funds - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck. Tagged by Council Member Flickinger.
6. AMEND MOTION #2024-0609, 7/31/2024, TO INCREASE spending authority from $9,503,190.52 to $9,678,190.52 for Uniforms and Apparel for Health and Human Services Department awarded to SERVICEWEAR APPAREL, INC - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0079 ADOPTED
7. APPROVE spending authority in the amount of $627,704.80 for Emergency Purchase of Wastewater Surveillance Services for the Health and Human Services Department from WILLIAMS MARSH RICE UNIVERSITY - Grant Fund - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0080 ADOPTED
18. VANGUARD TRUCK CENTER OF HOUSTON, LLC for Isuzu Landscaping Trucks through the Cooperative Purchasing Programs with The Interlocal Purchasing System for the Fleet Management Department on behalf of the Parks and Recreation Department - $375,308.00 - Equipment Acquisition Consolidated Fund - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0081 ADOPTED
23. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing contract with MONTGOMERY COUNTY for Election Servics in connection with November 7, 2023, Joint Election and December 9, 2023, Runoff Election for the City Secretary’s Office - $166,067.00 - General Fund - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0082 ADOPTED
37. ORDINANCE appropriating $8,484,500.00 out of Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund and approving and authorizing contract between City of Houston and ACCURATE METER AND BACKFLOW, LLC for Commercial Meter Replacement Services for Houston Public Works, providing a maximum contract amount - 3 Years with 2 one-year options - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0083 ADOPTED
39. ORDINANCE approving and amending Ordinance No. 2020-147 to increase maximum contract amount; and authorizing first amendment between City of Houston and (1) AIDS FOUNDATION HOUSTON, INC dba ALLIES IN HOPE, (2) AIDS HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION, (3) FUNDACION LATINO AMERICANA DE ACCION SOCIAL, INC, (4) LEGACY COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES, INC, and (5) ST. HOPE FOUNDATION, INC to extend contract term for Continued Community-Based HIV/STD Counseling, Testing, Referral, and Linkage Services for the Houston Health Department - 1 Year - $3,825,000.00 - Grant Fund - was presented, all voting aye, nays none.
44. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing Public Road Crossing Closure and Removal Agreement between City of Houston and UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, to remove railroad tracks along, over, and across the existing at-grade crossing area, across Commerce Street, from Saint Charles Street to Velasco Street - DISTRICT H - CASTILLO - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0085 ADOPTED
48. ORDINANCE awarding contract to DL GLOVER UTILITIES, LLC for FY2025 Ditch Maintenance Work Order Contract; setting a deadline for the bidder’s execution of the contract and delivery of all bonds, insurance, and other required contract documents to the City; holding the bidder in default if it fails to meet the deadlines; providing a maximum contract amount - $1,400,000.00 - Stormwater Fund - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0086 ADOPTED
49. ORDINANCE awarding contract to DL GLOVER UTILITIES, LLC for FY2025 Ditch Reestablishment Work Order Contract #2; setting a deadline for the bidder’s execution of the contract and delivery of all bonds, insurance, and other required contract documents to the City; holding the bidder in default if it fails to meet the deadlines; providing a maximum contract amount - $3,500,000.00 - Stormwater Fund - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0087 ADOPTED
50. ORDINANCE appropriating $2,000,000.00 out of Contributed Capital Projects Fund and $677,060.40 from Metro Projects Construction - DDSRF; awarding contract to R. MIRANDA TRUCKING AND CONSTRUCTION, LLC for Sidewalk Program (Pkg. 3); setting a deadline for the bidder’s execution of the contract and delivery of all bonds, insurance, and other required contract documents to the City; holding the bidder in default if it fails to meet the deadlines; providing funding for testing services and CIP Cost Recovery relating to construction of facilities financed by the Contributed Capital Projects Fund and the Metro Projects Construction - DDSRF - was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0088 ADOPTED
59. MOTION TO SET A DATE not less than seven days from February 5, 2025, to receive nominations for Position One on the PORT OF HOUSTON AUTHORITY OF HARRIS COUNTY, for a two year term ending February 1 of each odd-numbered year - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum to set public hearing on 2/12/2025 and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none. MOTION 2025-0082 ADOPTED
60. SET A PUBLIC HEARING DATE on the proposal to use approximately 0.0390 acres (1,701 square feet) of Wagner Park for a 20’ wide utility corridor for storm sewer infrastructure - DISTRICT C - KAMIN HEARING DATE - 9:00 A. M. - WEDNESDAY - MARCH 5, 2025 - was presented, moved by Council Member Castex-Tatum to set public hearing on 3/5/2025 and seconded by Council Member Peck, all voting aye, nays none.
61. ORDINANCE appropriating $20,349,265.40 in Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Affordable Housing Funds for Single-Family Activities, Multifamily Activities, Disaster Recovery Activities and to administer Housing and Community Development Affordable Home Activities
This was Item 12 on Agenda of January 29, 2025
- was presented, all voting aye, nays none. ORDINANCE 2025-0089 ADOPTED
62. ORDINANCE amending City of Houston Ordinance No. 2024-973 relating to the rescheduling or postponement of certain City Council Meetings
This was Item 16 on Agenda of January 29, 2025
- was presented, Council Members Pollard and Ramirez voting no, balance voting aye. ORDINANCE 2025-0090 ADOPTED
MATTERS TO BE PRESENTED BY COUNCIL MEMBERS - Council Member Ramirez first. There being no further business before Council, the City Council adjourned at 10:33 a.m.