City of Houston City Council met March 4 & 5.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
AGENDA - COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, March 4, 2025 - 1:30 PM City Hall - In Person Meeting
PUBLIC SPEAKERS - Pursuant to City Council Rule 8, City Council will hear from members of the public; the names and subject matters of persons who had requested to speak at the time of posting this Agenda are attached; the names and subject matters of persons who subsequently request to speak may be obtained in the City Secretary's Office.
NOTE: If a translator is required, please advise when reserving time to speak
WEDNESDAY - March 5th, 2025 - 9:00 A. M.
1. PUBLIC HEARING on the proposal to use approximately 0.0390 acre (1,701 square feet) of Wagner Park for a 20’ wide utility corridor for storm sewer infrastructure, Parcel No. VY22-005 - DISTRICT C - KAMIN
2. REQUEST from Mayor for confirmation of the appointment of JOHN LEWIS, JR. to Position One of the BOARD OF PILOT COMMISSIONERS FOR HARRIS COUNTY PORTS, for a term to expire February 1, 2027
3. RECOMMENDATION from Director Houston Public Works for approval of final contract amount of $34,578,440.25 and acceptance of work on contract wi t h FIVE COMPANIES, LLC for 108-Inch Water Line along City Easements from Willis Street to Imperial Valley Drive - 0.87% under the revised Contract Amount and under the 5% contingency amount - DISTRICT B - JACKSON
4. RECOMMENDATION from Director Houston Public Works for approval of final contract amount of $4,812,790.23 and acceptance of work on contract with SYNAGRO OF TEXAS-CDR, INC for the 69t h Street Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Cleaning and Evaluation - 0.90% under the original contract amount (WW5218) - DISTRICT H - CASTILLO
5. RECOMMENDATION from Director Houston Public Works for approval of final contract amount of $2,712,884.25 and acceptance of work on contract with GRAVA, LLC for Citywide Work Orders for Sidewalk Program Work Authorization Project - 3.56% over the original Contract Amount and under the 5% contingency amount - DISTRICTS B - JACKSON; C - KAMIN; D - EVANS-SHABAZZ; E - FLICKINGER; F - THOMAS; G - HUFFMAN; H - CASTILLO; I - MARTINEZ; J - POLLARD and K - CASTEX-TATUM
6. RECOMMENDATION from Director Houston Public Works for approval of final contract amount of $5,659,969.99 and acceptance of work on contract with CSA CONSTRUCTION, INC for Chocolate Bayou Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements - 5.77% under the original contract amount and under the 5% contingency amount - DISTRICT D - EVANS-SHABAZZ
7. MIDWEST EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING, INC dba PARKER BROTHERS, INC to Furnish a Mobile Hydraulic Hammer for the Fleet Management Department on behalf of Houston Public Works $253,429.00 - Enterprise Fund
8. RUSH TRUCK CENTERS OF TEXAS, LP dba RUSH TRUCK CENTER for Peterbilt Truck Replacement Parts and Repair Services for the Fleet Management Department - 3 Years with 2 one-year options - $3,061,561.22 - Fleet Management Fund
9. APPROVE spending authority in an amount not to exceed $68,655.59 for Purchase of Various Furniture Products for the General Services Department on behalf of the Houston Health Department through the BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing contract supplier, AFMA, INC dba CORE OFFICE INTERIORS - Grant Fund
10. APPROVE spending authority in the amount not to exceed $1,142,630.40 for Renewal of Application and Software Subscription Services for the Mayor's Office of Public Safety and Homeland Security on behalf of the Houston Police Department through the OMNIA Partners Cooperative Purchasing Program supplier, CDW-GOVERNMENT, LLC. - 5 Years - Grant Fund
11. APPROVE spending authority in the amount of $655,877.27 for Purchase of Specialized Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) Kits for the Mayor’s Office of Public Safety and Homeland Security through the Buyboard Purchasing Cooperative supplier, FARRWEST ENVIRONMENTAL SUPPLY INC - Grant Fund
12. APPROVE spending authority in the amount not to exceed $1,543,708.41 for Purchase of Helicopter Inspection, Service Maintenance Repairs and Parts for the Houston Police Department from Sole Source Supplier, MD HELICOPTERS, LLC - Police Consolidated Construction Fund
13. AMG SUPPLY LLC for Purchase of Banding Tools for Houston Public Works - $8,346.00 - Special Revenue Fund
14. COBURN SUPPLY COMPANY, INC - $310,366.46 and FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, LLC - $768,428.84 to Furnish Fire Hydrant Parts & Tools for Houston Public Works - 3 Years with 2 one-year options - Enterprise Fund
15. CONSOLIDATED TRAFFIC CONTROLS, INC for Purchase of Traffic Control Equipment through the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) Cooperative Purchasing Program for Houston Public Works - $521,290.00 – Special Revenue Fund
16. APPROVE spending authority in an amount not to exceed $7,000,000.00 for Purchase of Raymond® Cage Mill Flash Dryer Parts for Houston Public Works from COPERION PROCESS SOLUTIONS, LLC - 3 Years with 2 one-year options - Enterprise Fund
17. FISHER SCIENTIFIC COMPANY, L.L.C. for a Dionex Ion Chromatography System through the OMNIA Partners Cooperative Purchasing Program for Houston Public Works - $134,544.64. - Enterprise Fund
18. KINETIC MOTORWERKS, LLC for Chemical Tank Decontamination, Removal and Disposal for Houston Public Works - $268,442.64 - Enterprise Fund
19. AMEND MOTION #2020-0425, 08/19/2020, TO EXTEND the award and TO INCREASE the spending authority from $10,344,830.00 to $14,482,762.00 for Purchase of Caustic Soda Chemical for Houston Public Works awarded to UNIVAR SOLUTIONS USA, INC – Enterprise Fund
ORDINANCES - NUMBERS 20 through 52
20. ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 15 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, HOUSTON, TEXAS, relating to City Contracting, including but not limited to the adoption of City-Wide Goal for City’s Minority, Women, and Small Business Enterprise Program; adding Article XII establishing Veteran-Owned Business Enterprise Program; containing a repealer; making various findings and provisions relating to the foregoing subject; providing for severability
21. ORDINANCE authorizing issuance of City of Houston, Texas, Subordinate Lien Hotel Occupancy Tax and Parking Revenue Flexible Rate Notes, Series C-1, in aggregate principal amount not to exceed $125,000,000; prescribing terms and conditions thereof; providing for payment thereof; approving and authorizing certain authorized officers and employees to act on behalf of City in selling and delivery of such Flexible Rate Notes, within limitations and procedures specified herein; making certain Covenants and Agreements in connection therewith; resolving other matters incident and related to issuance, sale, security and delivery of such Flexible Rate Notes, including the approval of Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement and Note Purchase Agreement; making other provisions regarding such Flexible Rate Notes and matters incident thereto; authorizing Co-Bond Counsel Agreement; and declaring an emergency
22. ORDINANCE authorizing issuance of City of Houston, Texas, Subordinate Lien Hotel Occupancy Tax and Parking Revenue Flexible Rate Notes, Series C-2, in aggregate principal amount not to exceed $200,000,000; prescribing terms and conditions thereof; providing for payment thereof; approving and authorizing certain authorized officers and employees to act on behalf of City in selling and delivery of such Flexible Rate Notes, within limitations and procedures specified herein; making certain Covenants and Agreements in connection therewith; resolving other matters incident and related to issuance, sale, security and delivery of such Flexible Rate Notes, including approval of Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement and Note Purchase Agreement; making other provisions regarding such Flexible Rate Notes and matters incident thereto; authorizing Co-Bond Counsel Agreement; and declaring an emergency
23. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing submission of Substantial Amendment to 2020 Annual Action Plan, 2021 Annual Action Plan, 2022 Annual Action Plan, and 2024 Annual Action Plan to the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, including a revised budget for the Community Development Block Grant (“CDBG”) Program - $6,165,692.18 - Grant Fund
24. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing second amendment to Loan Agreement between City of Houston and HOUSTON HABITAT FOR HUMANITY, INC, joined by ROBINS LANDING, LLC, to reduce original loan amount, eliminate future advances on City loan, reduce Habitat’s administrative reporting requirements, agree upon a form of Intercreditor and Subordination Agreement for use during acquisition of additional third-party construction financing by Habitat, and reduce the total number of designated units to be completed - DISTRICT B - JACKSON
25. ORDINANCE declaring surplus and authorizing Purchase and Sale Agreement between City of Houston, Texas, Seller, and NIAZI FAMILY INVESTMENTS, Purchaser, for sale of one (1) parcel of land located south of Bush Intercontinental Airport near the intersection of Aldine Westfield Road and Greens Road, Houston, Harris County, Texas (Parcel No. 0642440000023), for $225,000.00 - DISTRICT B - JACKSON
26. ORDINANCE appropriating $12,000,000.00 out of Airports Renewal and Replacement Fund and approving and authorizing five Job Order Contracts between City of Houston and BROWN & ROOT INDUSTRIAL SERVICES, LLC, HORIZON INTERNATIONAL GROUP, LLC, JAMAIL & SMITH CONSTRUCTION, LP, INDI CONSTRUCTION PARTNERS, LLC, and SDB, INC d/b/a SDB CONTRACTING SERVICES, INC for Operations / Maintenance and Capital Project Services for the Houston Airport System (Project Nos. PN516NOPQR); providing a maximum contract amount - DISTRICTS B - JACKSON; E - FLICKINGER and I - MARTINEZ
27. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing agreement between City of Houston and HOLLAND & KNIGHT, LLP for Bond Counsel Services for Various Departments; providing a maximum contract amount
Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 2254.1036, the following written notice is given to the public: The City desires to sell notes for public purposes as authorized by State law and as further set forth in the ordinance to finance current expenses. The proposed bond counsel, Holland & Knight, LLP (“Holland & Knight”) is a full-service firm that includes a national public finance practice and has the necessary competence, qualification and experience to serve as bond counsel for the City. Holland & Knight has previously represented the City in connection with the issuance of various notes and other obligations. The engagement of Holland & Knight is in the best interest of the City, since the legal services requested require specialized experience in municipal finance, federal tax, and state securities law and therefore cannot be adequately performed by the attorneys and supporting personnel of the City. Furthermore, such legal services cannot be reasonably obtained from attorneys in private practice for the payment of hourly fees without contingency because the City will not be obligated to pay any legal fees unless the transaction successfully closes.
28. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing contract between City of Houston and DENALI WATER SOLUTIONS, LLC for Maintenance Services of Forebay 1 & 2 at the East Water Purification Plant (EWPP) - 3 Years with 2 one-year options - $8,735,250.00 - Enterprise Fund
29. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing contract with FH ARC ABATEMENT, LLC for Asbestos Abatement Services; providing a maximum contract amount - $797,519.00 - Grant Fund - DISTRICT J - POLLARD
30. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing contract with ODOTI HOLDING, LLC, for Demolition Services for Monticello Square Apartments; providing a maximum contract amount - $715,756.25 - Grant Fund - DISTRICT J - POLLARD
31. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing submission of application to HARRIS COUNTY PRECINCT 2 2025 for the Ingrando Park Revitalization Project; declaring the City’s eligibility for such Grant; authorizing the Director of the Houston Parks and Recreation Department to act as the City’s representative in the application process, to apply for, accept, and expend the Grant Funds, if awarded, and to apply for, accept and expend all subsequent awards, if any, pertaining to the application and to extend the budget period - DISTRICT I - MARTINEZ
32. ORDINANCE consenting to the addition of 7.0542 acres of land to NORTHWEST HARRIS COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 15, for inclusion in its district
33. ORDINANCE appropriating $88,000.00 out of METRO Projects Construction - DDSRF Fund; approving and authorizing Reimbursement Agreement between City of Houston and UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, to reimburse Union Pacific Railroad for Quiet Zone Services; providing funding for CIP Cost Recovery - DISTRICTS H - CASTILLO and I - MARTINEZ
34. ORDINANCE appropriating $210,630.00 out of Dedicated Drainage and Street Renewal Capital Fund – Ad Valorem Tax for Advance Funding Agreement Between City of Houston and TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION for Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Off System for Waugh Dr. and Heights Blvd at Feagan St, Eldridge Pkwy at Dairy Ashford Rd, and N. MacGregor Way and S. MacGregor Way E. of SH 288 Locations; providing funding for CIP Cost Recovery relating to construction of facilities financed by the Dedicated Drainage and Street Renewal Capital Fund – Ad Valorem Tax - DISTRICTS A - PECK; D - EVANS-SHABAZZ and H - CASTILLO
35. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing Advance Funding Agreement for Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Off-System Project between City of Houston and TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION for Waugh Dr. and Heights Blvd at Feagan St, Eldridge Pkwy at Dairy Ashford Rd, and N. MacGregor Way and S. MacGregor Way E. of SH 288 locations - $1,758,415.00 - Grant Fund - DISTRICTS A - PECK; D - EVANS SHABAZZ and H - CASTILLO
36. ORDINANCE appropriating $158,235.00 out of Dedicated Drainage and Street Renewal Capital Fund – Ad Valorem Tax for an Advance Funding Agreement between City of Houston and TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION for Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Off System for Hillcroft Ave, Beverly Hill St, Skyline Dr, Westpark Dr/SW Freeway Service Rd, and White Oak Dr at Greenleaf St locations; providing funding for CIP Cost Recovery relating to construction of facilities financed by the Dedicated Drainage and Street Renewal Capital Fund – Ad Valorem Tax - DISTRICTS H - CASTILLO and J - POLLARD
37. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing Advance Funding Agreement between City of Houston and TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION for Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Off System for the Hillcroft Ave, Beverly Hill St, Skyline Dr, Westpark Dr/SW Freeway Service Rd, and White Oak Dr at Greenleaf St locations - $732,294.00 - Grant Fund - DISTRICTS H - CASTILLO and J - POLLARD
38. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing Joint Participation Interlocal Agreement among City of Houston, Texas, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, and CITY PARK REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, for Design and Construction of Improvements to pavement along Seamist Drive, from West 11th Street to Kury Lane - DISTRICT C - KAMIN
39. ORDINANCE appropriating $164,110.10 out of Metro Projects Construction DDSRF; approving and authorizing Interlocal Agreement for Multi-Street Mobility and Safety Improvements by and between City of Houston, Texas, a n d LELAND WOODS REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY; providing funding for CIP Cost Recovery relating to construction of public improvements financed by the Metro Projects Construction DDSRF - DISTRICT B - JACKSON
40. ORDINANCE appropriating $1,100,000.00 out of METRO Projects Construction DDSRF and approving Professional Engineering Services Contract between City of Houston and ALLY GENERAL SOLUTIONS LLC for Intersection Safety Improvements Projects FY25 #1; providing funding for CIP Cost Recovery relating to construction of facilities financed by the METRO Projects Construction DDSRF
41. ORDINANCE appropriating $300,000.00 out of Dedicated Drainage and Street Renewal Capital Fund – Drainage Charge; and $800,000.00 out of METRO Projects Construction DDSRF Fund; approving and authorizing Professional Engineering Services Contract between City of Houston and WALTER P. MOORE AND ASSOCIATES, INC for Design Concept Reports for Street and Mobility Projects; providing funding for CIP Cost Recovery financed by the Dedicated Drainage and Street Renewal Capital Fund – Drainage Charge and the METRO Projects Construction DDSRF Fund
42. ORDINANCE appropriating $525,570.51 out of Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund; approving and authorizing Professional Engineering Services Contract between City of Houston and WSP USA, INC for Ground Water Well Rehabilitation at various locations; providing funding for CIP Cost Recovery financed by the Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund
43. ORDINANCE appropriating $118,627.69 out of Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund as additional appropriation to Professional Engineering Services Contract between City of Houston and ARCADIS U.S. INC for Lift Station Renewal and Replacement – Will Clayton, Interwood, John F. Kennedy, M.U.D #266 and Vickery Lift Station (Approved by Ordinance No. 2013-0107); providing funding for CIP Cost Recovery relating to construction of facilities financed by the Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund - DISTRICT B - JACKSON
44. ORDINANCE appropriating $52,500.00 out of Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund; approving and authorizing Construction Management and Inspection Services Contract between City of Houston and KCI TECHNOLOGIES, INC for Large Diameter Water Main Construction Projects; providing funding for CIP Cost Recovery relating to construction of facilities financed by the Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund
45. ORDINANCE appropriating $9,992,467.23 out of Dedicated Drainage and Street Renewal Capital Fund – Ad Valorem Tax; awarding contract to GRAVA, LLC for FY2025 Asphalt Overlay Rehab Package #1; setting a deadline for the bidder’s execution of the contract and delivery of all bonds, insurance, and other required contract documents to the City; holding the bidder in default if it fails to meet the deadlines; providing funding for testing services and CIP Cost Recovery relating to construction of facilities financed by the Dedicated Drainage and Street Renewal Capital Fund – Ad Valorem Tax
46. ORDINANCE granting to CITY WASTE, L.P., a Texas Limited Partnership, the right, privilege, and franchise to collect, haul, and transport solid waste and industrial waste from commercial properties located within the City of Houston, Texas, pursuant to Chapter 39, Code of Ordinances, Houston, Texas; providing for related terms and conditions - FIRST READING 47. ORDINANCE granting to CLEANWAVE SOLUTIONS LLC, a Texas Limited Liability Company, the right, privilege, and franchise to collect, haul, and transport solid waste and industrial waste from commercial properties located within the City of Houston, Texas, pursuant to Chapter 39, Code of Ordinances, Houston, Texas; providing for related terms and conditions - FIRST READING
48. ORDINANCE granting TO CPM-VENTECH, LLC, a Texas Limited Liability Company, the right, privilege, and franchise to collect, haul, and transport solid waste and industrial waste from commercial properties located within the City of Houston, Texas, pursuant to Chapter 39, Code of Ordinances, Houston, Texas; providing for related terms and conditions - FIRST READING
49. ORDINANCE granting to CTJ VACUUM SERVICE, LLC, a Texas Limited Liability Company, the right, privilege, and franchise to collect, haul, and transport solid waste and industrial waste from commercial properties located within the City of Houston, Texas, pursuant to Chapter 39, Code of Ordinances, Houston, Texas; providing for related terms and conditions - FIRST READING
50. ORDINANCE granting to DAFOG LLC, a Texas Limited Liability Company, the right, privilege, and franchise to collect, haul, and transport solid waste and industrial waste from commercial properties located within the City of Houston, Texas, pursuant to Chapter 39, Code of Ordinances, Houston, Texas; providing for related terms and conditions - FIRST READING
51. ORDINANCE granting to DANIEL WAYNE HOLDEN dba MR PUMPER SEWER SERVICE, a Texas Sole Proprietorship, the right, privilege, and franchise to collect, haul, and transport solid waste and industrial waste from commercial properties located within the City of Houston, Texas, pursuant to Chapter 39, Code of Ordinances, Houston, Texas; providing for related terms and conditions - FIRST READING
52. ORDINANCE granting to DTK FACILITY SERVICES, L.L.C., a Texas Limited Liability Company, the right, privilege, and franchise to collect, haul, and transport solid waste and industrial waste from commercial properties located within the City of Houston, Texas, pursuant to Chapter 39, Code of Ordinances, Houston, Texas; providing for related terms and conditions - FIRST READING
53. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing Subrecipient Agreement between City of Houston and CENTER FOR RECOVERY AND WELLNESS RESOURCES for Evidenced-Based Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Peer Support Services for the Houston Health Department - 2 Years with 3 one-year options - $144,000.00 - Grant Fund
This was Item 42 on Agenda of February 26, 2025