Houston First Corporation Finance and Asset Management Committee met Feb. 18

Webp 14
Desrye M. Morgan, Vice Chair of the Board | Linkedin

Houston First Corporation Finance and Asset Management Committee met Feb. 18,

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

I. Call to Order

II. Public Comments

III. Minutes – December 17, 2024

IV. Presentations, Reports, and Updates

A. Convention District Update

V. Executive Session

Executive (closed) session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.072 for the purpose of deliberation regarding certain real property related to the George R. Brown Convention Center and Convention District Transformation Projects.

VI. Committee Business

A. Consideration and possible recommendation of a resolution authorizing the purchase or acquisition of Blocks 362, 363, and 398 in connection with the Convention District Transformation Project.

B. Consideration and possible recommendation of a resolution approving a Utility Construction Services Agreement with CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC and granting authority to proceed with critical path utility work in the Convention District.

C. Consideration and possible recommendation of a resolution authorizing negotiation of a Note Purchase Agreement and supporting issuance by the City of Houston of subordinate lien Hotel Occupancy Tax and parking revenue flexible rate notes.

D. Consideration and possible recommendation of a resolution amending an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Houston to return funding received for the repair/replacement of decorative lights on Southwest Freeway Bridges in the Downtown Corridor.

VII. Adjourn

