Brays Oaks Management District Beautification and Urban Design Committee met Jan. 9

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Ralph Rieger, Chairman of the Board | Brays Oaks Management District Website

Brays Oaks Management District Beautification and Urban Design Committee met Jan. 9.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Brays Oaks Management District Beautification and Urban Design Committee held a meeting via Zoom video conference on January 09, 2025, at 2:00 PM.

District Board and Committee members present: Cindy Chapman, Ralph Rieger, Marsha Fisk, Sheri Cortez

Staff members present: Josh Hawes, Natali Hurtado, Cosme Garcia Andrew Duhon Public present: Sonia Chavez – SMC Logistics, Erin Lewandowski – Price Wagener, Evan Rodriguez – SMC Logistics, Stephen Polnaszek – Neighborhood to Trails, Brenda Jackson, Karen Rogers – M2L, Jerry Helfand – Neighborhood to Trails, Katherine Newton – Willow Waterhole Conservancy

Committee Chair Cindy Chapman called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM, and the committee meeting adjourned at 2:56 PM.


1. Call to order

2. Public Comment

a. No public comments.

3. Minutes of 11/07/24 B&UD Committee Meeting

a. Committee meeting minutes were submitted for reference and review.

4. Receive a report on landscaping and porter services from Price Wagener and SMC Logistics for the month of September, and proposals for recommendation to BOMD Board for consideration.

a. Landscaping - Price Wagener

i. Ms. Lewandowski reviewed the report for Price Wagener for the month of December. Full report available in committee packet.

ii. Ms. Jackson inquired about esplanade maintenance in the district. Director of Services Garcia will contact Ms. Jackson.

iii. Mr. Helfand requested delayed maintenance along Brays Oaks trail the month of April 26th. Ms. Lewandowski advised she would request maintenance be delated until April 28th.

b. Porter Services - SMC Logistics

i. Ms. Chavez presented the report for SMC Logistics for the month of December. Full report available in committee packet.

ii. Cmte. Chair Chapman mentioned City Council recognized a local management district for the amount of litter removed and inquired if BOMD had an idea of how much litter had been collected in the district. Staff will research the issue.

5. Field Service Operator Report

a. Mr. Rodriguez presented the FSO report. The detailed report is available in the committee packet.

b. Executive Director Hawes advised the committee that cameras to monitor illegal dumping activity should be installed this month.

6. Discussion, Updates and Recommendations

a. Parks & Facilities in BOMD

i. Executive Director Hawes advised the committee that staff met with HCFCD regarding possible enhancements to Spellman Detention Basin.

1. Cmte. Chair Chapman advised BOMD park master plan highlighted this area as a potential are for improvement.

2. Mr. Hefland requested a copy of the latest park master plan. Staff will \connect with Mr. Hefland.

ii. Executive Director Hawes advised the committee that staff met with HCFCD regarding the possibility of installing a trail to connect two neighborhoods. HCTRA’s Tollways to Trails program may also be an opportunity to connect the trail to a larger system.

iii. Westbury Community Gardens has received a city grant to improve the garden. iv. Mr. Hefland inquired into the location of the proposed trail. Executive Director Hawes answered his questions.

b. Willow Waterhole Greenway Conservancy

i. Ms. Newton did not have an new updates for the cmte.

ii. Cmte. Chair Chapman inquired into the work at the Perkins Trail. Ms. Newton advised that part of the trail had to be removed for utility work and will be repaired.

c. Mini Mural Update

i. Director of Services Garcia gave an update on the mini mural project. HFD design is under review by the station captain. The S. Braeswood and Hillcroft location is pending city approval.

d. Bissonnet Corridor Safe Streets Project

i. Executive Director Hawes advised that the project is still under review.

ii. Ms. Rogers advised that she would like to discuss district expectations regarding native species used in medians. Staff will work to schedule a sub-committee meeting to discuss further.

iii. Mr. Polnaszek advised that SN30 has worked on the corridor and they feel ignored by the district.

1. Director Cortez advised that SN30 have been encouraged to join the cmte. meetings.

iv. Mr. Hefland asked for time to discuss NTT at the next committee meeting. Staff will coordinate.

7. Adjourn


• The committee had no recommendations for the board.
