Harris-Galveston Subsidence District Board of Directors met Feb. 12.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order and PIedge of AIIegiance.
2. Accept Comments from Members of the Public.
3. Administer the Oath of Office.
4. Election of Board Officers.
5. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting Held on January 8, 2025.
6. Receive Hearing Examiner's Report and Consider Granting, Denying or Amending Applications for Water Well Permits Heard in January 2025 and/or prior.
7. Consider Emergency Permits Reviewed by the General Manager.
a. Karma Structures
b. Jake Lytle
c. SP Utility Company, Inc.
8. Consider a Resolution Calling a Public Hearing for the Purpose of Hearing Testimony Regarding the Determination of the Effects of Groundwater Withdrawal on Land Subsidence During the Year Ending December 31 2024.
9. Consider a Resolution Directing the General Manager to Represent the District in Matters Before the 89th Texas Legislature.
10. Consider the 2025-2035 District Strategic Goals and General Manager Performance Measures.
11. General Manager's Report - The General Manager will brief the Board on pertinent operational and management issues that the District, its employees, or consultants have encountered since the last regular Board meeting.
12. Consultation with the General Counsel on Recent Litigation on Groundwater Issues and Legislative Issues.
13. Executive Session, if necessary.