Texans express mixed views on immigration policies in recent survey

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Renu Khator President | University of Houston

As the Trump administration initiates immigration raids nationwide, a new survey reveals that many Texans support the deportation of undocumented immigrants with felony convictions or denied asylum claims. The survey also indicates significant backing for allowing certain undocumented immigrants to remain legally.

Key findings from the Hobby School of Public Affairs at the University of Houston show that 87% of Texans favor deporting undocumented immigrants convicted of felonies, and 72% support increased deportations for those whose asylum claims were rejected. However, 64% believe undocumented immigrants meeting specific criteria should be allowed to stay, either as legal permanent residents or with a pathway to citizenship.

Renée Cross, researcher and senior executive director at the Hobby School, stated, "Almost nine out of 10 Texans, or 87%, believe the country should increase deportations of illegal immigrants who have been convicted of a felony." She added that "almost two-thirds, 64%, say those who are here illegally and can meet certain requirements...should be allowed to stay."

The survey also found strong support for more legal immigration pathways. Mark P. Jones from Rice University's Baker Institute noted that "more than seven out of 10 Texans, or 72%, support allowing more highly skilled workers into the country," while another 69% back legal avenues for individuals fulfilling labor market needs.

Additional findings include:

- 73% support allowing "Dreamers" to remain in the U.S.

- Opinions on whether any undocumented immigrants should stay vary significantly across political lines.

- There is mixed sentiment about repealing the Texas Dream Act.

- A majority supports expanding border barriers and increasing spending for immigrant safety at borders.

The full report is accessible on the Hobby School website. Conducted between January 13 and 21 in English and Spanish, the survey has a margin of error of +/-2.83%. Future reports will address other policy areas such as gambling, marijuana, abortion, guns, and election reform.