Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District Board of Directors met Jan. 16.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
The Board of Directors of the Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District ("District") met in regular session, to the public and held in person in the Lone Star GCD – James B. "Jim" Wesley Board Room located at 655 Conroe Park North Drive, Conroe, Texas, and remotely via the publicly accessible webinar/telephone conference call within the boundaries of the District on December 10, 2024.
President Spigener called to order the Public Hearing on Permit Applications at 6:00 PM announcing the meeting open to the public.
Roll call for participating members of the Board of Directors, to wit:
Jim Spigener
Stuart Traylor
Jonathan Prykryl (Virtual)
Janice Thigpen
Jon Paul Bouché
Kenneth Earnest
John Wertz
Also present:
Sarah Kouba General Manager
Tiffany White Director of Operations
Samantha Branham Permitting Manager
Stacey Reese District Counsel
James Beach District Technical Consultant
Mike Keester District Technical Consultant
Chris Drabek District Technical Consultant
and members of the public
Copies of the public sign-in sheets and comment cards received are attached hereto as Exhibit "
Vice-President Traylor led the prayer and Secretary Thigpen lead the United States and Texas pledges.
No comments were received.
Ms. Kouba provided an overview of the 23 applications listed. Applications numbered 1-17 included applications that have been reviewed by District Staff and are considered administratively complete. No hydrogeological reports were required for those applications, and they comply with the District's Spacing Rules. Ms. Kouba has reviewed the applications, and she recommended that the Board grant those which is requested for applications 1 - 17.
Ms. Kouba provided an overview of application number 1 - Crystal Springs Water (White Rock Acres), Ms. Kouba provided a summary and her recommendation for the Board's consideration of the permit or permit conditions upon approval.
Ms. Kouba provided an overview of application numbered 2 - Crystal Springs Water (Waukegan Way). Ms. Kouba provided a summary and her recommendation for the Board's consideration of the permit or permit conditions upon approval.
Ms. Kouba provided an overview of application number 3-Crystal Springs Water (Tower Woods). Ms. Kouba provided a summary and her recommendation for the Board's consideration of the permit or permit conditions upon approval.
Ms. Kouba provided an overview of application number 4 - Crystal Sprins Water (Country West/Western Hills), Ms. Kouba provided a summary and her recommendation for the Board's consideration of the permit or permit conditions upon approval.
Ms. Kouba provided an overview of application number 5 - Clary Holdings, LLC. Ms. Kouba provided a summary and her recommendation for the Board's consideration of the permit or permit conditions upon approval.
Ms. Kouba provided an overview of application number 6 --- CPF Living Communities II - Woodhaven LLC, Ms. Kouba provided a summary and her recommendation for the Board's consideration of the permit or permit conditions upon approval.
Ms. Kouba provided an overview of application number 7 - Jenny Sue's Pet Grooming. Ms. Kouba provided a summary and her recommendation for the Board's consideration of the permit or permit conditions upon approval.
Ms. Kouba provided an overview of application number 8-DR Horton Texas LTD (Future MUD #199), Ms. Kouba provided a summary and her recommendation for the Board's consideration of the permit or permit conditions upon approval.
Ms. Kouba provided an overview of application number 9 - Montgomery County MUD #24. Ms. Kouba provided a summary and her recommendation for the Board's consideration of the permit or permit conditions upon approval.
Ms. Kouba provided an overview of application number 10 -- Chambers Telge, LLC, Ms. Kouba provided a summary and her recommendation for the Board's consideration of the permit or permit conditions upon approval.
Ms. Kouba provided an overview of application number 11 - The Carriage House. Ms. Kouba provided a summary and her recommendation for the Board's consideration of the permit or permit conditions upon approval.
Ms. Kouba provided an overview of application number 12 - KSW Holdings, L.P. (Big Sky Barn), Ms. Kouba provided a summary and her recommendation for the Board's consideration of the permit or permit conditions upon approval.
Ms. Kouba provided an overview of application number 13 - Jerry Gregurek. Ms. Kouba provided a summary and her recommendation for the Board's consideration of the permit or permit conditions upon approval.
Ms. Kouba provided an overview of application number 14 - Hope's Path. Ms. Kouba provided a summary and her recommendation for the Board's consideration of the permit or permit conditions upon approval.
Ms. Kouba provided an overview of application number 15-Mena Francios (Old Humble Pipeline). Ms. Kouba provided a summary and her recommendation for the Board's consideration of the permit or permit conditions upon approval.
Ms. Kouba provided an overview of application number 16 - Timber Solutions. Ms. Kouba provided a summary and her recommendation for the Board's consideration of the permit or permit conditions upon approval.
Ms. Kouba provided an overview of application number 17- Pine Forest Ventures, LLC. Ms. Kouba provided a summary and her recommendation for the Board's consideration of the permit or permit conditions upon approval.
Vice-President Traylor moved to approve that which is requested for applications 1 - 17. Director Earnest seconded the motion. President Spigener called for a voice vote. Motion passed.
Ms. Kouba provided an overview of application numbered 18 - Montgomery County MUD #172. Due to the total production capacity of the well, Ms. Kouba requested the Board's consideration of the permit and permit conditions upon approval. A Hydrogeological Report was submitted with the application and was found to meet the requirements of the District.
Ms. Kouba provided an overview of application numbered 19 - Shea Homes Houston, LLC (Wildtree Water Supply). Due to the total production capacity of the well, Ms. Kouba requested the Board's consideration of the permit and permit conditions upon approval. A Hydrogeological Report was submitted with the application and was found to meet the requirements of the District.
Ms. Kouba provided an overview of application numbered 20 Montgomery County MUD #144. Due to the total production capacity of the well, Ms. Kouba requested the Board's consideration of the permit and permit conditions upon approval. A Hydrogeological Report was submitted with the application and was found to meet the requirements of the District.
Ms. Kouba provided an overview of application numbered 21 - Montgomery County MUD #150. Due to a request for spacing exception from adjacent property boundaries as determined under District Rule 3.2. Ms. Kouba requested the Board's consideration of the permit and permit conditions upon approval. A Hydrogeological Report was submitted with the application and was found to meet the requirements of the District.
Ms. Kouba provided an overview of application numbered 22 - Andy Gomez. Due to a request for spacing exception from adjacent property boundaries as determined under District Rule 3.2. Ms. Kouba requested the Board's consideration of the exempt well. A Hydrogeological Report was not required due to District Rule 3.4 which allows exempt wells to request a spacing exception without submitting a hydrogeological report.
Ms. Kouba provided an overview of application numbered 23 – Wendy Herrera. Due to a request for spacing exception from adjacent property boundaries as determined under District Rule 3.2. Ms. Kouba requested the Board's consideration of the exempt well. A Hydrogeological Report was not required due to District Rule 3.4 which allows exempt wells to request a spacing exception without submitting a hydrogeological report.
Director Earnest moved to approve that which is requested for applications numbered 18 - 23. Vice-President Traylor seconded the motion. President Spigener called for a voice vote. Motion passed.
Vice-President Traylor moved to adjourn the December 10th, 2024, Public Hearing on Permit Applications and Secretary Thigpen seconded the motion. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 6:31 pm.