Memorial City Redevelopment Authority Board of Directors met Jan. 14

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Briar Branch Detention Basin | TIRZ 17 Redevelopment Authority Website

Memorial City Redevelopment Authority Board of Directors met Jan. 14.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Establish quorum and call meeting to order.

2. Receive public comments. (In accordance with City of Houston procedures, a statement of no more than 3 minutes may be made on items of general relevance. However, if a person has spoken regarding a topic within the last 4 meetings, their time will be limited to 1 minute. There will be no yielding of time to another person. State law prohibits the Board Chair or members of the Board from deliberating a topic without an appropriate agenda item being posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Law; therefore, questions or comments will not be addressed. Engaging in verbal attacks or comments intended to insult, abuse, malign or slander any individual shall be cause for termination of time privileges).

3. Approve Minutes from November 12, 2024, meeting.

4. Receive financial and bookkeeper’s report, including approval of payment of invoices, review of investments, and project cash flow reports; and ratify invoices paid in November and December.

5. CIP Committee update and recommendations:

a. Receive update from Gauge Engineering, LLC.

i. Sports Complex, Detention Basin B

ii. HCFCD W-151/W-153 Study

iii. Memorial Drive, Phase 2.

iv. W-140 Briar Branch Expansion

b. Receive update from The Goodman Corporation.

i. W-140 Detention Basin

ii. Memorial Drive Phase 2

6. Convene in Executive Session pursuant to Section 551.072, Texas Government Code, to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property.

7. Reconvene in Open Session and authorize appropriate actions regarding purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property.

a. Consider authorizing agreement for brokerage services.

8. Adjourn.
