City of Houston Planning Commission met Jan. 9.
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
Director’s Report
Consideration of the December 19, 2024, Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
I. Platting Activity (Subdivision and Development plats)
a. Consent Subdivision Plats (Ken Calhoun)
b. Replats (Ken Calhoun)
c. Replats requiring Public Hearings with Notification (Dorianne Powe-Phlegm and John Cedillo)
d. Subdivision Plats with Variance Requests (Petra Hsia, Aracely Rodriguez, John Cedillo, Devin Crittle, and Tammi Williamson)
e. Subdivision Plats with Special Exception Requests (Devin Crittle)
f. Reconsiderations of Requirement
g. Extensions of Approval (Petra Hsia)
h. Name Changes (Petra Hsia)
i. Certificates of Compliance (Petra Hsia)
j. Administrative
k. Development Plats with Variance Requests (Ramon Jaime-Leon and Ed Buckley)
II. Establish a public hearing date of February 6, 2025
a. ASI Homes replat no 1
b. Huldy Street Living
c. Navajo Place Sec 1 partial replat no 2
d. Oulton Park
e. Uhaul Moving and Storage of Hiram Clarke
III. Consideration of an Off-Street Parking Variance at 1126 W. Gray Street (Ed Buckley)
IV. Public Comment
V. Adjournment