Harris Central Appraisal District Board of Directors met Nov. 20.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
A meeting of the Harris Central Board of Directors was held Wednesday, November 20th, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. at the HCAD offices.
Without a quorum present, board Legal counsel Tammy White-Chaffer, advised Chairman Lemond Dixon that the meeting could proceed with the presentation and recognition of employee service awards.
Recognition of Employee Designations. Chief Appraiser Altinger recognized the following HCAD employees for their achievement in receiving the PPS(Personal Property Specialist) designation from the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO):
Lan An, Timothy Tran, Karen Trang, and Blake Samoheyl.
Recognition of Service Awards and Employees of the Month. Chief Appraiser Altinger and Board member Ericka McCrutcheon presented the awards.
A 10-year service award was presented to Stephanie Longtin of the Legal Services Division.
A 20-year service award was presented to Holly McDonald of the Information Technology, GIS Division.
25-year service awards were presented to Robert Carter and Errol Williams both from the Commercial Property Division.
A 30-year service award was presented to Darlene Poe of the Information & Assistance Division.
Employees of the Month. Employee of the Month plaques were presented to Alma Arredondo of the ARB Operations Division, Royal Fontenot of the Business & Industrial Property Division, Domini Mariano of the Information Technology Division, and Raquel Vences of the Information & Assistance Division.
With a quorum present Chairman Martina Lemond Dixon called the meeting to order at 9:55 a.m.
Board member Cassandra Auzenne Bandy led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Salute to the Texas Flag.
Roll Call. The presence of a quorum was established. Chairman Martina Lemond Dixon, Jim Robinson, Cassandra Auzenne Bandy, Kyle Scott, Ericka McCrutcheon and Kathy Blueford-Daniels were present. Jonathan Cowen, Mike Sullivan, Grace Rodriguez, and Ann Harris Bennett were absent.
Chief Appraiser Roland Altinger and Tammy White-Chaffer of Olson and Olson, legal counsel, were also in attendance.
Comments from Members of the Public. Property owners Steve Flores and Melissa Rowell addressed the board. A handout by Mr. Flores was provided to the board.
Consent Agenda
“All matters listed under consent agenda are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion, there will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately.”
Chairman Lemond Dixon pulled item (7c.) from the consent agenda to be considered separately.
Ms. Blueford-Daniels, seconded by Mr. Robinson, made a motion to approve all other items listed in the consent agenda. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously.
a. Approval of Minutes. Reviewing and approving the minutes of the regular meeting of October 16, 2024.
b. Questmark Renewal. Approving a one-year renewal option on a contract with QuestMark Information Management, Inc. (QIM) for printing and mailing services with an estimated cost of $630,000, same as last year.
c. Custom CAMA Renewal. This agenda item was pulled from the consent agenda by Chairman Lemond Dixon to be considered separately.
d. Telecommunications. Authorizing the chief appraiser to allocate funds for the continued use of telecommunications and point to point private internet connection services with Lumen Technologies (Lumen), formerly CenturyLink, for the upcoming year. The amount for the services will be approximately $75,000, same as last year.
e. Software Subscription Renewal. Approving a one-year renewal of Altair Monarch Auto Server software subscription, a report validating solution from an Omnia Partners vendor SHI in the amount of $91,000, same as last year.
f. Telephone System Renewal. Approving renewal of the third-year licensing subscription and support for the District’s telephone system through The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) vendor Accudata Systems. The cost of the renewal is $103,000, same as last year.
g. Allied Security Services. Approving the final year of a five-year contract with Allied Universal Security Services. The amount for security services will be approximately $123,306, a 1.79% or $2,168 increase from 2024.
h. Colliers Property Management Services Renewal. Authorizing the chief appraiser to exercise the 3rd year renewal option of a 6-year contract for property management services with Colliers Property Management Services Houston, LLC. The cost is $282,379 for 2025, a 3% or $8,225 increase from 2024.
i. Janitorial Services Contract Renewal. Authorizing the chief appraiser to exercise the second year of a six-year contract for janitorial services with Alanton Group, Inc. The amount for the services will be approximately $235,092, the same as 2024.
j. Furniture and Equipment Surplus. Declaring certain furniture and equipment, as surplus, and to approve for sale or disposal.
k. Courthouse Direct Renewal. Authorizing the chief appraiser to exercise the first one-year renewal option of the two successive one-year renewal options on contract with CourthouseDirect.com for online ownership information. The cost will remain the same at $4,000 per month.
l. Financial Reports. Receiving the district’s monthly financial reports.
m. Bills and Payroll. Authorizing payment of bills and payroll in the amount of $5,284,899.36 and a transfer of funds for $3,257,260 as submitted.
7c. Custom CAMA Renewal. Mr. Robinson, seconded by Ms. McCrutcheon, made a motion to approve a one-year renewal option of the Custom CAMA software maintenance and support contract with Manatron, Inc. under Harris Computer Systems (Harris) ownership (formerly owned by Thompson Reuters). The cost of the renewal is $493,126, a 5.5% increase from last year. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously.
Capitol Appraisal Group Contract Renewal. Mr. Scott, seconded by Ms. Blueford-Daniels, made a motion approving a contract renewal for industrial services with Capitol Appraisal Group, Inc. The 2025 total amount of this contract is $441,000, a 5% increase from 2024. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously.
Hugh Landrum & Associates Contract Renewal. Mr. Scott, seconded by Ms. McCrutcheon, made a motion to approve a contract renewal for industrial appraisal services with Hugh L. Landrum & Associates. The 2025 total amount of this contract is $598,865, a 5% increase from 2024. Tracey Foster representative from Hugh Landrum & Associates addressed the board. After a roll call vote the motion carried unanimously.
Pritchard & Abbott, Inc. Contract Renewal. Ms. McCrutcheon, seconded by Mr. Scott, made a motion to approve a contract renewal for utility, mineral, and industrial appraisal services with Pritchard & Abbott, Inc. The 2025 total amount of this contract is $539,454, a 5% increase from 2024. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously.
TrueRoll Software Subscription. Ms. McCrutcheon, seconded by Ms. Auzenne Bandy, made a motion to approve a one-year subscription to TrueRoll Software for automating the processing of exemption applications received on paper through Omnia Partners vendor SHI in the amount of $123,000. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously.
25.25(b) Policy. Mr. Robinson, seconded by Ms. Auzenne Bandy, made a motion to approve Resolution 2024-10 amending the Board of Director’s existing 25.25(b) policy to include language that allows appraised values to be changed pursuant to the circuit breaker limitation found in Section 23.231 of the Texas Property Tax Code. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. A slide presentation was provided to the board.
Certified and Uncertified Accounts. Associate Chief Appraiser April Holcomb reported on the current and prior year certified and uncertified accounts and taxable value. A presentation was provided to the board.
BOD General Counsel Policy. At the October board meeting, Board member Kyle Scott addressed the board about considering a future policy with regards to legal representation of the board, stating that the law firm that represents the Board’s interests should not also represent HCAD’s interests. After opening the matter for discussion and all board members voiced their concerns, Chairman Lemond Dixon after requesting additional information from Board legal counsel stated that she felt did not have consensus from the board to put it on the agenda as an action item.
Due to some board members having to leave early, Chairman Lemond Dixon moved action item 20 up so it could be voted on.
ARB Appointments.
As required by Section 6.41(d-2-1)
A board of directors acting as an appointing authority must make appointments to the appraisal review board by majority vote, with at least two members of the majority being elected members of the board of directors.
Elected member Mr. Scott, seconded by elected member Ms. Blueford-Daniels, moved to approve Resolution 2024-11, appointing individuals to the Appraisal Review Board for service beginning January 1, 2025. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously.
SB2 and BOD Election. Kevin McCormack, Chief Legal Counsel, gave an update on the board of director election process appointing five (5) directors to the HCAD board with terms beginning January 1, 2025.
Taxpayer Liaison Officer Report. Teresa Terry, Taxpayer Liaison Officer, provided a verbal report to the board. A written report was also provided in the board packet.
Appraisal Review Board Report. ARB Chairman, Danielle Kirkland, reported on the progress of hearings, attendance by members of the appraisal review board at hearings, and activities of the executive staff and the board’s attorney.
Appraisal Matters. Board member Kyle Scott inquired about the return to office policy. Board member Jim Robinson reported on a meeting he had with representatives from the Houston Chronicle who are going to be working on a detailed article to fully educate the public on the way appraisal districts work. He informed the Chief Appraiser that they would be contacting him soon. Board member Kathy Blueford-Daniels reported that with ARB resignations and the volume of protests increasing whenever she attends any group setting, she encourages people to apply to serve on the ARB.
Executive Session. Chairman Lemond Dixon called the board into executive session at 11:48 a.m. for the purpose of: (a) private consultation with the board’s attorney regarding (i) pending and potential litigation, (ii) settlement of pending appeals to the State Office of Administrative Hearings, (iii) settlement of pending arbitrations under Texas Tax Code Chapter 41A, and (iv) settlement of pending litigation under Texas Tax Code Chapter 42; (b) considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer, or employee, including the duties and appointment of the chief appraiser; (c) considering the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices; (d) deliberating the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person, as permitted by the Open Meetings Act, Chap. 551, Government Code.
Chairman Lemond Dixon opened the meeting at 11:55 a.m.
Roll Call. Board members Jim Robinson, Cassandra Auzenne Bandy, Kathy Blueford-Daniels, Ericka McCrutcheon, and Kyle Scott were present. Ann Harris Bennett, Jonathan Cowen, Grace Rodriguez, and Mike Sullivan were absent.
Pending Litigation. Ms. Blueford-Daniels, seconded by Ms. McCrutcheon, moved to approve settlement of pending litigation, arbitrations, and SOAH appeals as submitted by staff. After a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. A list is attached.
Appeals Under Sec. 42.02 Tax Code. There were none.
Adjournment. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m.