Downtown Redevelopment Authority Board of Directors met Nov. 12.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of the Downtown Redevelopment Authority (the “Authority”) convened in regular session, in person and open to the public, inside the H-Town Conference Room at the Authority’s office, located at 1221 McKinney Street, Suite 4250, Houston, TX 77010, on November 12, 2024, and the roll was called of the duly constituted officers and members of the Board, to wit:
Curtis Flowers Chair
Michele Sabino Vice Chair
Barry Mandel Secretary
Keith Hamm Treasurer
Regina Garcia Director
James Harrison Director
Kirby Liu Director
Tiko Reynolds-Hausman Director
William Taylor Director
All the Board members listed above were present except for Chair Flowers, Director Harrison, and Director Garcia. Also attending were Allen Douglas, Executive Director (“ED”); Kris Larson, President; Jana Gunter, Director of Finance, all with the Authority; and staff members David Cisneros, Brett DeBord, David Fields, Jacque Gonzalez, Cassie Hoeprich, Justin Jerkins, Dusty McCartney, Jamie Perkins, Albert Sanchez, Ann Taylor, and Candace Williams, all with the Authority; Algenita Davis, consultant to the Authority; and Clark Lord with Bracewell, outside counsel to the Authority. Alyssa Hill from the auditor firm of Carr, Riggs & Ingrahm was invited to discuss the FY24 Audit. Andrew Busker with the City of Houston and Alexander Spike with Friends of the Boulevard attended from the public.
Vice Chair Sabino conducted a roll call, and a quorum was established. The meeting was called to order at 12:10 PM.
Vice Chair Sabino invited meeting attendees to introduce themselves and welcomed all. She asked if anyone would like to make a public comment. Alexander Spike with Friends of the Boulevard indicated he would like to comment publicly. Vice Chair Sabino then read aloud a statement, as required by the Texas Open Meetings Act, regarding public comments and then invited Mr. Spike to speak.
Mr. Spike introduced himself and shared a handout with the Board. He stated he attended on behalf of the Friends of the Boulevard organization to voice concerns over the proposed size of sidewalks tied to a project funded by the Montrose TIRZ. He acknowledged the Authority-funded Montrose Street Bridge Project and requested the Board’s support in advocating for wider sidewalks. Mr. Spike’s comment was noted, and the Board thanked him for expressing these concerns. No additional comments were made.
The Board considered approving the minutes of the regular joint board meeting on September 24, 2024. Vice Chair Sabino addressed the Board for any comments or corrections.
Hearing none, a motion was called, moved by Director Liu, seconded by Director Hausman, and the minutes of the September 24, 2024, regular joint board meeting were approved as presented.
Check Register – September & October 2024
Vice Chair Sabino asked Jana Gunter to provide updates on finance and administration. Ms. Gunter shared highlights from the check registers for the months of September and October 2024 and then called for questions or comments. No questions or comments were raised.
A motion to accept the September & October 2024 check registers was entertained by Vice Chair Sabino, moved by Treasurer Hamm, seconded by Secretary Mandel, and the September & October check registers were accepted as presented.
Financial Statements – 1Q25
Jana was invited to continue, and she shared highlights from the 1Q25 Financial Statements. Ms. Gunter then asked for questions or comments. No questions or comments were brought forth.
Vice Chair Sabino called for a motion, moved by Secretary Mandel and seconded by Director Hausman, and 1Q25 Financial Statements were accepted as presented.
Investment Report – 1Q25
Ms. Gunter then provided updates from the 1Q25 Investment Report, then called for questions. There were no questions or comments.
A motion to accept the 1Q25 Investment Report was called; moved by Secretary Mandel, seconded by Treasurer Hamm, and the 1Q25 Investment Report was accepted as presented.
Draft FY24 Audited Financial Report
Vice Chair Sabino asked Ms. Gunter to continue. Ms. Gunter introduced Alyssa Hill from the auditor firm Carr, Riggs & Ingram. Together, they opened the discussion and reviewed the draft FY24 Audit Report for the Authority. Vice Chair Sabino then called for comments or questions.
Hearing none, Vice Chair Sabino called for a motion, moved by Secretary Mandel, seconded by Treasurer Hamm, and the Board accepted the draft FY24 Audit Report as presented.
Vice Chair Sabino called on ED Douglas to open this topic. He referred to the previously provided materials' draft Administrative Policies & Procedures Manual. ED Douglas noted outside counsel was consulted, and no material changes were made from the year prior. He then called for comments and questions.
Hearing none, Vice Chair Sabino called for a motion, moved by Secretary Mandel, seconded by Treasurer Hamm, and the Board acknowledged the annual review of the draft provided and adopted the Administrative Policies & Procedures Manual as presented.
Vice Chair Sabino invited Brett DeBord to speak about the Market Square Kiosk Improvement project, along with its related action items.
Mr. DeBord shared a brief history of this project and then showed a slide deck containing renditions of the proposed improvements. He then presented a request to the Board to consider approving the request for Authority staff to advance an agreement with Talon Construction, and expenditures not to exceed $550,000 for improvements to the Market Square Kiosk project. Questions were raised and answered, and discussion ensued.
Vice Chair Sabino called for a motion, moved by Treasurer Hamm and seconded by Secretary Mandel, and the Board approved the request for the expenditures and to enter into an agreement with the proposed vendor for the Market Square Park Kiosk improvements, as presented.
Mr. DeBord was asked to continue sharing information about a project for Trebly Park Shade Structures, along with its related action items. Mr. DeBord shared background related to this project and a few visuals of the proposed shade structures.
Next, he presented a request to the Board to consider approving a request for Authority staff to enter into an agreement with Talon Construction, along with related expenditures not to exceed $600,000 for improvements to the Trebly Park Shade Structure project. Questions were raised and answered, and discussion ensued.
Vice Chair Sabino called for a motion, moved by Secretary Mandel and seconded by Treasurer Hamm, and the Board approved the request for the expenditures and to enter into an agreement with the proposed vendor for the Trebly Park shade structures, as presented.
Cassie Hoeprich was invited by Vice Chair Sabino to update the Board with the latest information and status on the More Space Main Street Project. Ms. Hoeprich shared the pertinent updates along with a presentation. Discussion ensued, and questions were asked and answered. No further action was required.
President Larson provided an overview of the prior month’s progress on cross-organizational Strategic Initiatives. Questions were asked and answered. No action was required.
No further business was brought forth before the Board.
Vice Chair Sabino announced dates for upcoming Board and Committee meetings as follows:
• Enhance Downtown – Monday, November 18th at 12:00 PM
• Connect Downtown – Tuesday, November 19th at 9:00 AM (virtual)
• Thrive Downtown – Wednesday, November 20th at 12:00 PM
• Engage Downtown – Thursday, November 21st at 12:00 PM
• Board of Directors – Tuesday, December 10th at 12:00 PM
There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was called, moved and seconded, and the meeting was adjourned at 1:25 PM.