International Management District Board of Directors met Dec. 5.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Determine quorum; call to order.
2. Receive public comments. (A statement of no more than 3 minutes may be made on items of general relevance.
There will be no yielding of time to another person. State law prohibits the Board Chair or members of the Board from commenting on any statement or engaging in dialogue without an appropriate agenda item being posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Law. Comments should be directed to the entire Board, not individual members. Engaging in verbal attacks or comments intended to insult, abuse, malign or slander any individual shall be cause for termination of time privileges.)
3. Approve Minutes of meeting held October 24, 2024.
4. Accept Hearing Examiner’s Report and Proposal for Decision for public hearing regarding supplemental assessment roll.
5. Adopt Order Supplementing the Assessment Roll; Levying Assessments Against the Property on the Supplemental Assessment Roll; and Setting the Rate of Assessment for the year 2024.
6. Receive Assessment Collection Report.
7. Receive bookkeeper’s report and approve payment of invoices.
8. Receive update from Public Safety Committee:
9. Receive and consider updates from the Environmental and Urban Design Committee:
a. Work order submitted by SMC Logistics for tree planting at Bissonnet and S. Dairy Ashford.
b. Work order submitted by SMC Logistics for tree trimming along Bellaire.
c. Work order submitted by SMC Logistics for planting of seasonal colors.
10. Receive and consider updates from the International Business & Economic Development Committee:
a. BIG Application submission for 10780 Bellaire.
b. Receive and consider conflict of interest form submissions for BIG applications and take action on applications:
i. 10830 Bellaire
ii. 10900 Bellaire
11. Receive Executive Director’s report in support of initiatives and implementation of the Service Plan.
12. Adjourn.