Harris County-Houston Sports Authority Finance Committee met Nov. 21.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Call to order.
2. Public comments.
3. Approval of Finance Committee Meeting Minutes from September 26, 2024.
4. Overview of bond refinancing transaction by Masterson Advisors.
5. Discussion and review of proposed FY 2025 General & Administrative Budget, including discussions on purchase of cyber security insurance; and other matters related thereto.
6. Discussion and review of unaudited year-to-date investment highlights; and other matters related thereto.
7. Discussion of year-to-date financials; and other matters related thereto.
8. Discussion and review of event budgets; and other matters related thereto.
9. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Pursuant to provisions of Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, the Committee shall deliberate in Executive Session on the following: consultation with attorneys on legal matters; deliberation on real estate matters, and deliberation on real estate matters; and deliberation on personnel matters.
Reconvene in Public Session and announce any items from Executive Session; discussion and possible action on such items.
10. Adjournment.