Hobby Area Management District Board of Directors met Nov. 20.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to order; determine quorum.
2. Receive public comments.
3. Approve Minutes of Board meeting held October 18, 2024.
4. Accept Hearing Examiner’s Report and Proposal for Decision for public hearing regarding supplemental assessment roll.
5. Adopt Order Supplementing the Assessment Roll; Levying Assessments Against the Property on the Supplemental Assessment Roll; and Setting the Rate of Assessment for the year 2024.
6. Receive Assessment Collection and Delinquency Reports.
7. Receive Bookkeeper’s Report, including review of District’s current investments, and approve payment of invoices.
8. Receive update from Environmental and Urban Design Committee.
a. Consider proposals from SMC for plant installation.
9. Receive update from Economic Development Committee.
a. Consider proposals for website development.
10. Receive report and recommendations from the Public Safety Committee.
a. Consider proposal from HPD for overtime funds.
11. Adjourn.