Houston Forensic Science Center, Inc., Board of Directors met Nov. 8.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to order.
2. Roll call; confirmation of presence of quorum.
3. Report from Ms. Ellen Cohen, board chair, including a monthly update of activities and other announcements.
a. Acknowledgment of newly appointed board members, Director Sonia Corrales, Director Jorn Yu, PhD, and Director Asma Mirza, and board introductions.
4. Public Comment.
5. Reading of draft minutes from July 12, 2024, regular board meeting. Consideration of proposed corrections, if any. Approval of minutes.
6. Consider annual selection of the vice chair of the board, and possible related action.
7. Report from Dr. Peter Stout, president and CEO, including an overview of operations and technical updates, preview of 89th legislative session, year-end review for fiscal year 2024, and other corporate business items.
8. Consider approval of an interlocal agreement between the corporation and Tarrant County, Texas, Medical Examiner’s Office for firearms evidence comparison outsourcing services, budget not to exceed $88,140.00.
9. Consider delegating authority to Dr. Stout to negotiate and enter into a one-year contract between Bode Cellmark Forensics, Inc. and the corporation for DNA outsourcing and related services, total budget not to exceed $550,000.00 and related action.
10. Consider delegating authority to Dr. Stout to negotiate and enter into a one-year contract between Signature Science LLC. and the corporation for DNA outsourcing and related services, total budget not to exceed $2,050,000.00, and related action.
11. Presentation from Mr. David Leach, treasurer and CFO, of year-end review for fiscal year 2024, and possible related action.
12. Presentation from Mr. David Leach of audited financial statements for fiscal year 2024, and possible related action.
13. Report from Mrs. Jackeline Moral, quality director, including an overview of the blind quality control program, updates on quality, Texas Forensic Science Commission disclosures, and testimony metrics.
14. Executive session in accordance with Sections 551.071, et seq. of the Texas Government Code, 551.074(a)(1), personnel matters, to discuss and finalize Dr. Peter Stout, president and CEO’s annual evaluation.
15. Reconvene into open meeting and consider any action deemed necessary as a result of the closed meeting, relating to personnel matters, and possible related action.
16. Adjournment.