Harris County Municipal Management District #1 Board of Directors met Sept. 18

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Princeton Place | Harris County Municipal Management District #1

Harris County Municipal Management District #1 Board of Directors met Sept. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Directors (the "Board") of Harris County Municipal Management District No. 1 (Memorial Management District) (the "District") met in regular session, open to the public, on the 18th day of September, 2024, at 820 Gessner Road, Suite 280, Magnolia Room, Houston, Texas 77024, inside the boundaries of the District, and the roll was called of the members of the Board:

Ben Gillis, President

Robert Williamson, Vice President

Dan Moody, III, Secretary

Ben Pisklak, Assistant Secretary

Steven Goss, Director

William M. Mosley, Director

Perry Hicks, Director

Christian Johnson, , Director

C. Beau Harrison, Director

Alan Steinberg, Director

Kirk Guilanshah, Director

and all of the above were present except Directors Pisklak and Guilanshah, thus constituting a quorum.

Also attending the meeting were: Gabrielle Luevano, Executive Director of the District; Pat Hall of Equi-Tax, Inc.; Muhammad Ali of Gauge Engineering ("Gauge"); Margaret Dunlap of METRO; Deputy Destinee Velazco of Harris County Precinct 5 Constable's Office; and Suewan Johnson and Carnell Emanuel of Allen Boone Humphries Robinson LLP (“ABHR”).


Having established that a quorum of the Board was present, Director Gillis called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.


Director Gillis offered any members of the public attending the meeting the opportunity to make public comments.

There being no members of the public requesting to make comments, Director Gillis moved to the next agenda item.


The Board reviewed the minutes of the August 15, 2024, regular meeting. Following review and discussion, Director Johnson moved to approve the minutes, as presented. Director Harrison seconded the motion, which passed by a vote of 8-to-0, as Director Moody had not entered the meeting.


Ms. Luevano updated the Board on desilting of the Conrad Sauer detention pond.

Ms. Luevano presented a report from Lawn Management Company ("LMC") regarding maintenance and repair projects in the District, a copy of which is attached.


Ms. Luevano presented and recommended approval a proposal from LMC in the amount of $6,019.20 for the installation of Sunshine Ligustrum plants in the center median near the I-10 feeder ("Proposal No. 161853′′).

Ms. Luevano also presented and recommended approval of a proposal from LMC in the amount of $13,072.50 for the installation of Star Jasmine along Mathewson Lane ("Proposal No. 155944").

Following review and discussion, Director Hicks moved to approve: (1) Proposal No. 161853 from LMC; and (2) Proposal No. 155944 from LMC. Director Williamson seconded the motion, which passed by a vote of 8-to-0, as Director Moody had not entered the meeting.

Director Moody entered the meeting.


Ms. Hall reviewed the financial report for August 2024, including invoices submitted for payment. A copy of the financial report is attached. Following review and discussion, Director Goss moved to approve the financial report and payment of invoices. Director Mosley seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


Ms. Hall reviewed the assessment collector's report for August 2024. The Board reviewed the status of various delinquent accounts. A copy of the assessment collector's report is attached. The Board also reviewed the status of property valuation lawsuits filed by property owners in the District against the Harris Central Appraisal District. Following review and discussion, Director Steinberg moved to approve the assessment collector's report. Director Mosley seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


Mr. Ali reviewed the engineer's report, a copy of which is attached.

Mr. Ali reported on the pedestrian safety study for Frostwood Drive, including coordination with the City of Houston and CenterPoint regarding the project.

Mr. Ali reported on the pedestrian safety study for Gessner Drive, including design of the project, as well as coordination with the City of Houston.

Mr. Ali reported on the I-10/Bunker Hill Road U-Turn Improvements project. He reported that the bids received were significantly higher than the engineer's estimate of cost and noted that state law requires contracts over $150,000 be competitively bid. Discussion ensued regarding an updated timeline for the project. Following review and discussion, Director Williamson moved to authorize Gauge to proceed with advertisement for bids for the project, as discussed.

Mr. Ali presented a proposal from Gauge in the amount of $24,900.00 for professional engineering services to conduct an assessment of existing sidewalks and roadway striping within the District, including an estimate of cost to address the issues identified. Following discussion, Director Moody moved to approve the proposal from Gauge. Director Goss seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


Deputy Velazco reported on August patrols, as well as related activity in the District.


Ms. Luevano reported on activity since the last Board meeting.

Ms. Luevano presented and discussed a draft newsletter for the District. She requested the Board provide any comments to her prior to the next meeting.

The Board discussed options for temporary staffing when the Executive Director is on vacation. Ms. Luevano proposed hiring an intern, with the position being for 16 hours per week for the period of September 23 - October 4, 2024. Director Gillis moved to proceed with hiring an intern, as discussed. Director Steinberg seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Ms. Luevano presented renderings of artwork to be installed on one traffic signal cabinet in the District. The Board discussed suggested modifications to the rendering. Follow review and discussion, Director Gillis moved to approve the rendering, as modified, and subject to approval by Director Johnson. Director Hicks seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Ms. Luevano reviewed the monthly analytics report on the District's website and social media activity.

The Board discussed next steps for the adoption of a new service and improvement and assessment plan ("Plan") for the District and separate Plans for smaller sub-segments of the District, assessment rates and potential projects.


Director Moody requested District support for the City of Houston to extend the life of Reinvestment Zone Number 17, City of Houston (the "Memorial City TIRZ"). The Board concurred that the extension of the Memorial City TIRZ would be beneficial to the District.


There was no discussion on this matter.


The Board concurred to tentatively schedule the next meeting for October 16, 2024, at 9:00 a.m., at 960 Memorial City Way, Houston, TX 77024.


The Board did not convene in executive session.


There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned.

