Harris County-Houston Sports Authority Board of Directors met Oct. 7

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Janis Burke - CEO | Harris County-Houston Sports Authority

Harris County-Houston Sports Authority Board of Directors met Oct. 7.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to order and introduction of guests in attendance.

2. Public Comments.

3. Action on resolution recognizing the reappointments of Lacy Wolf, County Position 6; to the Board of Directors of the Harris County - Houston Sports Authority to a term ending August 31, 2026; and swearing-in ceremony relating to same.

4. Action on resolution recognizing the appointment of Brandon Dudley, County Position 8. to the Board of Directors of the Harris County - Houston Sports Authority for a term ending August 31, 2026; and swearing-in ceremony relating to same.

5. Action on resolution recognizing and commending the efforts of outgoing members of the Board of Directors of the Harris County - Houston Sports Authority, Zina Garrison, County Position 8, who served from November 13, 2018, until August 29, 2024; and Cindy Clifford, City Position 1, who served from October 5, 2016, until October 2, 2024; and other matters related thereto.

6. Presentation and approval of the Minutes from the Board Meeting held on August 20, 2024.

7. Chairman's Report

a. Discussion and review of the progress on the defeasance of the Authority's Series 2001H Bonds out of amounts in the Debt Repayment account; and other matters related thereto;

b. Received notice that FITCH has affirmed the BBB rating on the NRG Stadium Bonds; and

c. Update on Standard & Poor's recent site visit.

8. Discussion and possible action on resolution regarding renewal of the agreement with Hilltop Securities Asset Management for the annual calculation of certain investment earnings for the purpose of determining what amount, if any, will have to be rebated to the United States Treasury.

9. Discussion and possible action on a resolution authorizing the issuance, sale, and delivery of Harris County - Houston Sports Authority Senior Lien Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2024A and Second Lien Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2024B; authorizing designated officers of the Authority to approve certain terms thereof and other procedures regarding such bonds; approving supplemental indentures of trust all documents and agreements relating to the issuance, sale and delivery of the bonds; authorizing the purchase through an offer to tender, defeasance, or redemption, as applicable, of certain of the Authority's outstanding bonds; and containing other related matters.

10. Discussion, review and possible action on a resolution approving the Houston Astros request for funding of capital repairs to Minute Maid Park, designating the combination of funds to be used from the Asset Renewal Account and the Escrow Account; and other matters related thereto.

11. Discussion, review and possible action on a resolution approving Venue Solutions Group LLC to perform consulting services required for the condition assessments at Minute Maid Park and Toyota Center; authorizing the execution of required agreements therefor; and other matters related thereto.

12. Finance Committee Report

a. Discussion and review of unaudited year-to-date financials; and

b. Discussion and review of unaudited year-to-date investment highlights.

13. Chief Executive Officer's Report

a. Update on staff activities and events.

14. Comments by Directors, if any.

15. Adjournment.

