Brays Oaks Management District Beautification and Urban Design Committee met Sept. 5.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
The Brays Oaks Management District Beautification and Urban Design Committee held a meeting via Zoom video conference on September 05, 2024, at 2:00 PM.
District Board and Committee members present: Cindy Chapman, Ralph Rieger, Sheri Cortez, Jodi Hamilton, Etan Mirwis
Staff members present: Josh Hawes, Cosme Garcia, Andrea Duhon, Natali Hurtado, Annie Trinh Public present: Evan Rodriguez – SMC Logistics, Stephen Polnaszek – Neighborhood to Trails, Erin Lewandowski – Price Wagener, Naomi Ostfeld, Eddie Espinosa, Sylvester Reeder, Kate Brusegaard, Brenda Jackson
Committee Chair Cindy Chapman called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM, and the committee meeting adjourned at 3:06 PM.
1. Call to order
2. Public Comment
a. No public comments were received.
3. Minutes of 8/08/24 B&UD Committee Meeting
a. Committee meeting minutes were submitted for reference and review.
4. Receive a report on landscaping and porter services from Price Wagener and SMC Logistics for the month of September, and proposals for recommendation to BOMD Board for consideration.
a. Landscaping - Price Wagener
i. Ms. Lewandowski reviewed the report for Price Wagener for the month of September. Additionally, she reviewed two proposed task orders for irrigation repairs. Committee Chair Chapman agreed that staff should proceed with estimate no. 3280.
b. Porter Services - SMC Logistics
i. Mr. Rodriguez presented the report for SMC Logistics for the month of September. Full report available in committee packet.
5. Field Service Operator Report
a. Mr. Rodriguez presented the FSO report. The detailed report is available in the committee packet.
b. Committee Chair Chapman requested that an item called tools and solutions for illegal dumping be placed on the agenda.
6. Discussion, Updates and Recommendations
a. Parks & Facilities in BOMD
i. No update.
b. Willow Waterhole Greenway Conservancy
i. No update.
c. Mini Mural Update
i. Director of Services Garcia gave an update on the mini-mural approval process.
ii. Committee Chair Chapman advised staff to ask for an estimate to paint the damaged cabinet at W. Bellfort and Bob White as neutral color. Executive Director Hawes advised staff will also reach out to East End to determine if the cabinet may be painted as part of the graffiti abatement contract. Additionally, staff has submitted more cabinet locations to the city for review / approval.
d. Bissonnet Corridor Safe Streets Project
i. No update.
e. Esplanade Adoption and Maintenance
i. Director of Services Garcia reviewed the esplanade enhancement request with the committee.
ii. Committee Chair Chapman reviewed the history of maintenance of the esplanades in question.
iii. Director Mirwis advised that the esplanades should be enhanced given they’re located in a commercial corridor and proximity to a major intersection.
f. Damaged Curb Removal Project
i. Director of Services Garcia reviewed the task order.
ii. Director Mirwis was in favor of the project.
iii. Chairman Rieger advised that he would prefer SMC to document the broken curbs as they are working in the district providing other services.
7. Adjourn