City of Houston Planning Commission met Oct. 3.
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
Director’s Report
Consideration of the September 19, 2024, Major Thoroughfare and Freeway Plan Minutes and Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
I. Platting Activity (Subdivision and Development plats)
a. Consent Subdivision Plats (Ken Calhoun)
b. Replats (Ken Calhoun)
c. Replats requiring Public Hearings with Notification (Dorianne Powe-Phlegm, John Cedillo, and Antwanysha Berry)
d. Subdivision Plats with Variance Requests (Tammi Williamson, Aracely Rodriguez, and Devin Crittle)
e. Subdivision Plats with Special Exception Requests
f. Reconsiderations of Requirement (John Cedillo)
g. Extensions of Approval (Antwanysha Berry)
h. Name Changes (Antwanysha Berry)
i. Certificates of Compliance (Antwanysha Berry)
j. Administrative
k. Development Plats with Variance Requests
II. Establish a public hearing date of October 31, 2024
a. Camila Estates replat no 1
b. Carothers Manor
c. Duru Estates
d. Harold Street Views
e. Northwood Crossing
f. Plaza Estates at Shelby
g. Reed Terrace partial replat no 3
h. West Drew Views
i. Willowcreek Ranch Sec 4 partial replat no 2
III. Excuse the Absence of Commissioners Susan Alleman and Rodney Heisch
IV. Public Comment
V. Adjournment